Ok, taking the plunge and introducing myself.

As my post says...here I am!!

I am overweight. There I said it :( In fact I am not overweight I am fat. And I am trying hard to do something about it!! I have always had a little weight problem but in my 20's it just ballooned out of control with a little help from Depo. The Depo was awful... shot me up 5 lbs the first shot,.10 lbs the second, and the 3 and final one I gained 30.It has never gone away, even after I stopped it. I was 140 in high school (and still looked heavy...I was a size 16) , and now as I look at my 42nd birthday this year, I have to admit I am not 140 but 202. At 5'3", that is bloody freaking heavy, even if I do have a larger frame.

God that just pains me to admit that, but I need to admit it to myself and stop trying to hide the elephant in the room as it were. Last October I joined the gym and got a personal trainer. I have not been able to shake the weight. My arms and upper body are starting to get toned now, but due to some issues in my lower body <congenital issues> I am not able to do the cardio well. I started water aerobics this weekend and I think this will help. I have gone to see my doctor and she says my thyroid is on the high side of normal but not enough for meds, and there are no other visible or noticeable conditions.

Also, I am a rover in a dental office. I am on my feet all day, and we sometimes don't get to eat lunch due to emergencies. It's a rotten commute, and I have terrible eating habits. I skip breakfast often, and don't eat much at all during the day. At least I drink a ton of water :) Then I get home and I wolf something down and run to the gym on the 2 nights I have it and the nights I don't have it I am scarfing something down and falling asleep on the couch.


Here and now it changes. As of May 25th, 2012 I am keeping track of my calories here and trying to keep them where they should be. My trainer thinks I am in a starvation mode and I need to keep track better. I am considering buying a Fitbit to help. I am planning to eat better/regularly, and do more cardio (water aerobics). I have cut down my soda consumption drastically, though I do have one now and again mostly on weekends....its hard to give up.

However, I need people to help me stay accountable. I know I can't do it alone. My husband helps me but its not enough :) He loves me no matter the size I am but tbh I don't like me this size. Its hard to like yourself when you have a negative self image. I am determined to lose this weight...all 70+ pounds of it. And through this journey...find the me I used to be!!


  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    Hi! Feel free to add me! The more the merrier! Mike
  • nordina
    nordina Posts: 6 Member
    Great for you Shaiana, you are going to do it! I would say by reading your post that your stress level may have something to do with it too! I myself ballooned up to 256 pounds and it was all about my lifestyle. I since learned that stress causes Cortisol which is a hormone that likes to make our bellies fat, sound familiar? Well anyway i am fairly new on this site but have been chipping away at my weight loss for well over a year now and feel great. I still have 26 to loose to get to my ultimate goal weight but my lifestyle is so different today than it was at 256. I look forward to following you on your journey, add me as a friend if you want, i'm usually a great support person and I could always use one too! Good luck!
  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    I'm 202lbs too I was 229 in January it's slowly coming off but I'm eating more than other plans so not deprived

    Add me :) we've the same amount to go

    You can do this make more you time but find exercise you like that's the key here what you can fit in

    I'm a Zumba fan and so make sure I do it

    Think by Christmas we could be at least 30-40lbs down and next year at goal ;)
  • ernielaurie
    ernielaurie Posts: 80
    Good for you!!! Its the first step that starts you in the right direction! I'm in the same boat, I did really good in the beginning but have slowed down. Well I'm using you as inspiration! I'm getting back on track today! I have a half marathon in Sept and I'm going to get going on the training, (this is my 5th half) because I know how much better I do with the training behind me! Let's do this!!!
  • dtobot
    dtobot Posts: 12
    Thanks for sharing your story Shaiana. It is hard to admit your weaknesses, but it can give you a chance to face them and begin to change.

    I agree with Nordina...stress sounds like a major contributor to your weight gain. I have been motivating myself by reminding myself that although it is hard to carve time in my busy schedule to exercise...in the end it will give me the energy to the things I really want to do, instead of falling asleep on the couch at the end of the day.

    I also buy myself flowers when I am having a hard time and need a pick me up..flowers make everyone happier. It is a great motivator instead of treating yourself to a food reward at the end of a hard day.

    Add me as a friend if you would like, I would be happy to support you on your journey to a stronger and healthier Shaiana! Best of luck!