MF Black Bean burgers - Soy,estrogen and cycles

schustc Posts: 428 Member
:( ok this is making me rather sad to post, but here goes. I L O V E the morningstar farms black bean burgers. SO much that I went about a week eating them for dinner every night. Then, My cycle skipped. I didn't think they had soy in them (was mislead by the black-bean burger title) I didn't read the ingredients right away.

I know not everyone is affected by soy - i.e., what it does to estrogen levels, etc - but some people are, and I appear to be one ( I had to give up the boca burgers some years back for the same reason).

Considering we want to try to get pregnant this summer, I probably won't be finishing the new pack I just bought (still had a few left in the old!) If I am fortunate enough to get pregnant again, AND carry to term, I'll be bringing these back indefinitely, but for now I have to walk away from them.

Does anyone on here have any issue with soy? if so, do you have any problem with these burgers?

I have to believe the soy amount in them is relatively low, but I guess it doesn't matter. If it is going to disrupt my cycle, I can't afford to enjoy them - for the short term at least.


  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,261 Member
    Bump for later - curious to see who is affected/outcome.
  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    I'm not allowed to have soy because estrogen receptive breast cancer runs in my family. Good luck getting pregnant!!!
  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    I do have issues with soy, doesn't seem to cause skipping cycles though, but usually just more difficult/crankier/more pms-y ahead of time.
  • SweetSammie
    SweetSammie Posts: 391 Member
    Just bought some of these... I didn't check for soy, because of the "black bean" nature. I LOVE Luna bars, and they are soy, so I try to avoid all other sources, due to having somewhat irregular cycles anyway. I try to just pay attention to how I feel/other signs of hormone issues (breaking out, etc.) and adjust accordingly.
  • heatgal976
    heatgal976 Posts: 53 Member
    IMO, I don't have any issues with natural soy. I have an Asian background and my mom(73 yo going on 40 :smile: ) and I have been eating soy for a long time with no effects. I consume about a cup of organic soy milk about 4-5 times a week and consume tofu on a monthly basis. I personally do not like Boca or MorningStar burgers. I believe the soy in them is unnatural and highly processed. I think having them occasionally is okay, but not on a consistant basis. Not everyone is the same and some people cannot consume soy due to allergies. But I think if you are going to have soy, it should be as natural as possible like tofu, soy milk, or edamame. Some companies have more natural vegetarian burgers that contain soy, but they are not cheap and they are not widely available. Maybe check with your doctor and see what he or she says. Good luck!
  • schustc
    schustc Posts: 428 Member
    :( oy. So sad. I LOVED these and they were one of my staples for awhile. to have a whole pack in the freezer i can't touch makes me sad. i'll probably give em to my sister in law - I think she loves black bean burgers and has NO intention of having more kids :) She has 3! sigh. ok - need to get my mind off it. I'm going to the store today to find good running shoes so I can try to do a little jogging - ease into it anyhow. My body isn't ready for full on jogging/running!

    That will make me happy :)
  • flaquitadelafrontera
    I have a friend who was lactose intolerant had a small soy latte at starbucks most mornings (4-5 times a wk) for about 8 months then mentioned her cycle had gone very light. I had lived in Japan (high soy diet and lots women with fertility issues) and asked if she ate a lot of soy for some reason. She immediately stopped drinking them and her cycle went back to normal within a couple months! She is a doctor, but was still completely shocked that less than a 1/2 of soy milk had affected her in that way. My guess is that it totally depends on your body, but I try to remember that when caring for my body. That did not seem like an excessive amount to me, but she was clearly affected!! I think you are practicing the best solution by knowing your body and listening to it when it talks to you:)