HELP !!!!! 100+ n it hurts

Hello I am 100+ pound over weight am trying to lose weight and I have been walkning but not lossing anything I was up to 3 miles so I tried to run and now my knees are killing me. What should I do my doctor told me I need to lose weight but am like duh !!!! how and I was going to go to a nutisionist but they are way to expensive and with 2 kids I cant do it. please Help this is killing me and am over this but it hurts when I do and I know it is suppose to hurt but am in major pain and when it stops I try to start and my knees hurt any advice I would love thanks.


  • run2jeepn
    run2jeepn Posts: 183 Member
    Stair Master, Swimming, Row Machine, Spin Bike and even a Treadmill at a 15% incline at a fast walk are easier on the Knees then Jogging or running.

    I have a bad knee and the Row Machine has done wonders for my knee.
  • zellagrrl
    zellagrrl Posts: 439
    Maybe your shoes need replacing?

    Check your library for books that will help you with nutrition/meal planning-- and there are a lot of resources for determining your calorie intake goals online.
  • stephanie1133
    stephanie1133 Posts: 211
    You don't have to run or have a nutritionist to lose weight! I also have 2 kids and have never ever been to a nutritionist. Avoid processed foods, eat as many veggies as you can, throw in some fruits, have lean proteins, avoid eating out as much as possible. You can simply start by cutting calories, you don't have to go Vegan or anything.

    Track your food intake here on MFP!

    Walking is perfectly fine!
  • Marcy31
    Marcy31 Posts: 53
    Thanks I just joined a gym that has all that stuff I will start out like that thank you.
  • Marcy31
    Marcy31 Posts: 53
    I am going this weekend to get new shoes and make sure that I have the right ones.
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    Search how to calculate your TDEE on here and do that. Eat 10-20 lower than your TDEE. For exercise I'd start with something lower impact on your knees until you are more physically fit. Like another poster said avoid processed foods, eat as much whole natural foods as possible. You dont have to buy over priced organic foods either, just try to have veggies and lean protein at all 3 main meals and several snacks throughout the day. And drink lots of water. Helps keep your organs functioning properly which aids in fat loss and helps your body flush excess sodium. I get the impression you're feeling overwhelmed if you need more help feel free to message me.
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    If your knees are hurting that bad and they werent hurting that bad before your doctor needs to make sure you don't have an injury!

    Until they heal up lower impact stuff like yoga, swimming and other stuff suggested would be a good idea. I have 100 lbs+ to lose too and I have sucky joints too so I'm careful with what I do until I'm more conditioned
  • Marcy31
    Marcy31 Posts: 53
    Thanks I know I have to change my way of life because I want to see my kids grow and make sure I can do things with them since they are both very active, I am happy you said that because everyone and I mean eveyone keeps telling me to go see a nutrisionist and have also been told I need to do a diet like HCG because its alot of weight and I will never lose it on my own I am determin to change prove them wrong
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    No way! You do not have to do any of those crazy diets. Just eat the right things, don't over or under eat, stay hydrated and get some exercise. Before you know it you'll be healthier and stronger.
  • Marcy31
    Marcy31 Posts: 53
    Thanks guys I feel better am I am determaine to change this and I want to do activities with my kids and I will start little by little thanks again
  • KarenBoster
    KarenBoster Posts: 67 Member
    Keep in mind any continuous movement is exercise. I turn house work into a work out by setting a timer and doing what needs to be done. I try to push my self to go a bit faster or go for a longer duration. This can be a challenge as I too have bad joints and multiple health problems. Make sure you eat back your exercise calories. Eat protein after a workout. Drink lots of liquids every day. Days you are more active, sick, achy, have eaten high sodium foods or it is warmer drink even more fluids. With out liquids you don't flush out toxins, brown fat, excess sodium and your body will not function as it should.
  • KarenBoster
    KarenBoster Posts: 67 Member
    I have over 100 pounds to lose too. Add me and we will do this together. Your story sounds a lot like mine. I started in February and have already lost 22 pounds. It can be done. Let's prove the people that said we couldn't do it wrong. You have made the first steps. That is the important part. Every day you try will get you there. It may be a slow process but you will make it!
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    Congratulations on losing 22 lbs in 3 months!
  • imamess87
    imamess87 Posts: 6
    Stay away from the treadmill. It is very high impact on your knees. I recommend the bike. Crank up the resistance and get your heart rate up! If you really want to see results you must add weights to your routine. More muscle raises your metabolic rate. Start with machines. Do 3 sets with a 15 rep max (That means by the time you hit number 15 you should feel like you can't do anymore. If you feel like you can do more than increase the weight!). I cannot stress enough how important weight training is! Really watch your diet. You can eat a lot and feel full if you choose the right foods. I am always eating and snacking but I only eat 1200 calories a day and I feel full. I choose foods high in nutrients and low in calories. Greek yogurt, hummus and rice crackers, baked eggplant, lots of chicken, big salads with tons of veggies are just some suggestions. As you go along you will learn to eat healthier so you feel full but stay in your calorie range.
  • schustc
    schustc Posts: 428 Member
    Definitely stay away from high impact exercises right now. If u are 100 lbs overweight right now just the act of walking in normal daily activities is a strain on Your joints. Running is likely to cause injury. If u want a similar activity without the impact a good quality elliptical is an option. Other than that as others have said, go with little to no impact like swimming and cycling. I have about 100 to lose and have lost 24 so far (still 100 over) I have been working out for 2 months and only today did I start to do a little jog after walking on the treadmill, but only in one minute spurtS and only did so twice testing how my knees would take it. I have bad knees so am taking it very easy. No way would I or could I have started out jogging. My knees would not have survived. Good luck!
  • Jo2926
    Jo2926 Posts: 489 Member
    Walking is great - keep it up! Doing a little more as you get fitter is a great idea, but most of your weight loss will come from how you fuel your body - your food.

    How is your diet?
  • Marcy31
    Marcy31 Posts: 53
    Ok since I got so many good tips Tanks by the way :-) I have one more question so I was planning on going to the gym in the morning for a little wile I work and get of at 5 so then this is my question should I walk or go to the gym before dinner or after dinner? thanks
  • 250gorilla
    250gorilla Posts: 31 Member
    I have lost 122pounds over the last year and my knee and both feet kill me. My doctor to me to take 4 COSAMIN ASU MAXIMUM STRENGTH a day and gave me exercises for my knee or I would be getting knee replacements in 2 years. Exercises are while lying in bed push knee down and hold ith against bed & on a chair put you weight on knee and kneel back towards you foot. This is kind of like the way kids sit on floor with butt on both feet. My knee seems better after taking the meds 1 month. I am going to a foot doctor but no luck yet. I just keep on moving and take excedrine when I can stand it any more. I walk so slow but I keep moving. I try to walk at least 5 miles a day. 2 miles walking tape Leslie Samson on lunch hour seems to hurt my feet less than walking out doors. But I walk a park with a freind most evenings 4.5 miles. I still have about 129 more pounds to get to my goal. You can do it . Just make a new committment each day to eat as healthy and move as much as you can. Anything worth while doing is not easy but you feel better in the long run and be an exsample for your kids.
  • run2jeepn
    run2jeepn Posts: 183 Member
    Stay away from the treadmill. It is very high impact on your knees. I recommend the bike.

    I tore my Knee up and the Treadmill at a High Incline at a Fast Walk is low impact on your Knees. Now if you Jog or Run. Yes you increase the Impact. but you can burn a ton of Calories by cranking up in the Incline. To me the Bike hurts my knee's more. The Row's and the Treadmill set up this way. Are the easiest on my Knee's. Also the StairMaster will strengthen your knee up. I use this once in a while. But I can't go as long.
  • wolfi622
    wolfi622 Posts: 206
    Stair Master, Swimming, Row Machine, Spin Bike and even a Treadmill at a 15% incline at a fast walk are easier on the Knees then Jogging or running.

    I have a bad knee and the Row Machine has done wonders for my knee.

    AND (for me at least) the Row Machine cranks the HR right up there and I get a very impressive calorie burn.