Thoughts on binges/MFP

I just find it sad that I never knew the definition of a food binge until I started MFP (which was a few years ago, I made a new account). I had never before had a binge in my life until MFP. In fact, I don't think I'd ever seen the word 'binge' before! MFP became this breeding ground for binges and other disordered behavior.

When I first began MFP, I felt safe and comfortable and supported! As the months went by, I became obsessed, and I could see all of my MFP friends doing the same. Maybe I'm imagining it, but it seemed as though topics started out harmless and turned all of a sudden into something evil. I watched "eat your exercise calories to fuel your body" become "if you overeat, go for a run and burn all those calories off asap!" right before my eyes. I watched people have meltdowns over sodium, splenda, chewing gum, and more. I participated in competitions to see who could burn 5,000 calories a week, and each week another 1,000 calories was added until it just wasn't possible anymore. People would ask "permission" on the message boards to eat this or that. I once had a MFP friend shame and scold me about eating a bite of cake on vacation. I cried right there at the table.

Am I rambling? Anyways, back to binges... I wonder if all these bingeing episodes have to do with what MFP has become. (I'm not blaming it on MFP or its members; things just happen.) Bingeing often has little to do with hunger and more to do with emotions and events. When I started feeling unsafe on MFP, that's when binges became a reality in my life. I was shamed into exercising every calorie off or making my food journal private or cutting friends from my list, and this guilt turned into a cycle.

Does anybody else feel the same way? I feel things have changed, but do you? And if so, was it for the better?

PS. I don't intend for anybody to feel attacked or blamed or scrutinized. Just wanted to share my opinion and get some feedback. Please excuse me if it's out of line.


  • workoutgirl23
    workoutgirl23 Posts: 267
    I understand what you saying. I think this site is what you make it. it can be really good for you. but you shouldn't take it to the extreme. if people are scolding you for eating a bite of cake, that is just taking things too far. maybe don't associate with people who are that obsessed with the dieting. Its good to diet and be healthy and count calories, but just be careful, not to let it turn into something bad.
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    I think you're discovering something about the internet, in general, that many of us discovered when we were teenagers, too..........but it's nothing new and you aren't making some radical discovery.

    You not hearing about binging before probably has more to do with your youth rather than anything about MFP.

    And no one shamed you into anything. You made the choice. I know that's a super hard concept to grasp when you are so young, but it's true. You made some good choices in cutting out people who weren't healthy to have as "friends" here.........but if you chose to let someone elses words make you binge, then you did that. Not them. I'm not sure where you are on your weight loss journey but that's a huge part of being successful.........getting your head straight about what you control.

    There really is no point in trying to point out what everyone else is doing wrong. The nature of the internet is that 75% of the people on boards like these will be jerky, judgemental weirdos.It is what it is. I've found some REALLY WONDERFUL friends and inspirations here and I just focus on them and focus on my progress. That's all we can do.......just work on ourselves. :)
  • TheCuriosity
    TheCuriosity Posts: 7 Member
    I think you're discovering something about the internet, in general, that many of us discovered when we were teenagers, too..........but it's nothing new and you aren't making some radical discovery.

    You not hearing about binging before probably has more to do with your youth rather than anything about MFP.

    And no one shamed you into anything. You made the choice. I know that's a super hard concept to grasp when you are so young, but it's true. You made some good choices in cutting out people who weren't healthy to have as "friends" here.........but if you chose to let someone elses words make you binge, then you did that. Not them. I'm not sure where you are on your weight loss journey but that's a huge part of being successful.........getting your head straight about what you control.

    There really is no point in trying to point out what everyone else is doing wrong. The nature of the internet is that 75% of the people on boards like these will be jerky, judgemental weirdos.It is what it is. I've found some REALLY WONDERFUL friends and inspirations here and I just focus on them and focus on my progress. That's all we can do.......just work on ourselves. :)

    Quoted for truth. The biggest hurdle for many people is to accept that they only have themselves to blame or congratulate. Once that is done, once you know you are in control, then you can do something about it.
  • Drastiic
    Drastiic Posts: 322 Member
    I think you're discovering something about the internet, in general, that many of us discovered when we were teenagers, too..........but it's nothing new and you aren't making some radical discovery.

    You not hearing about binging before probably has more to do with your youth rather than anything about MFP.

    And no one shamed you into anything. You made the choice. I know that's a super hard concept to grasp when you are so young, but it's true. You made some good choices in cutting out people who weren't healthy to have as "friends" here.........but if you chose to let someone elses words make you binge, then you did that. Not them. I'm not sure where you are on your weight loss journey but that's a huge part of being successful.........getting your head straight about what you control.

    There really is no point in trying to point out what everyone else is doing wrong. The nature of the internet is that 75% of the people on boards like these will be jerky, judgemental weirdos.It is what it is. I've found some REALLY WONDERFUL friends and inspirations here and I just focus on them and focus on my progress. That's all we can do.......just work on ourselves. :)

    Quoted for truth. The biggest hurdle for many people is to accept that they only have themselves to blame or congratulate. Once that is done, once you know you are in control, then you can do something about it.
    Double-quoted for truth.
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    I have seen a lot more people talking about binges and burning off a sliver of cake, etc. after eating it... I have also seen a lot more of the obsession with eating on here unfortunately. For me it has not effected my eating. I have always ate things that people would think were "bad" and have mainted for over a year. I have made it my new lifestyle and incorporated my foods I enjoy. I haven't participated in any calorie burn challenges but have just been on the boards to give my input and to offer support :)
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    I would suggest maybe replacing those online friends and reading different threads. It's pretty easy to stay away from those topics when you realize what's going on or when a thread is deteriorating. With an online community this big you're going to see all types, but try to limit your exposure to the ones that aren't healthy and helpful.
  • kamoira23
    kamoira23 Posts: 193
    I've definitely had the same thoughts before when I see some of the threads and negativity that people have toward each other on this site. It's as if people don't realize that people who want to lose weight are likely more insecure (clearly this doesn't include EVERYONE, don't yell at me, people) and tearing someone apart in a very nonconstructive way can be so detrimental. Luckily, I've managed to find a pretty supportive bunch of MFP friends who wouldn't scold after doing something wrong.

    For me, this site helped me realize how much I WOULD binge! I definitely went through the obsession phase of it, too. I remember everytime my calories were in the red, I would freak out and go for a jog (alright, a brisk walk) - in the middle of the night sometimes. I like to think that I've gotten to a healthy middle point where I don't obsess, but I definitely know when I'm eating the wrong way. There's such a fine line to that middle point though.
  • kekl
    kekl Posts: 382 Member
    I have had nothing but a healthy and positive experience here on MFP... that being said, I pick my friends very carefully and wouldn't touch many thread topics with a ten foot pole. and if someone is practicing unhealthy and questionable habits or encouraging them to others, I drop them. Sounds like you have just been in the wrong crowd on here.
  • MsNewBooty83
    MsNewBooty83 Posts: 1,003 Member
    binge eating existed long before MFP ever did, lol. but u make a good point about the obssesiveness and what not. i thik what freaks me out more now when i binge is the fact that i WILL log it, i never hide it and everyone can see, including myself what i did. where as before MFP i would just eat like a cow and go to bed right on it. I dont think i binge for emotional reasons....i havent really figured out what my trigger is, but i think it might just be because the food tasted THAT f'n good. i put down an 3000cal binge the other night and logged it all. cake, nachos, dip, pop. yup. its sick. but im honest about it and it doesnt happen nearly as often as it used to before i started on here.
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    You don't need anyone's permission to eat anything or do anything. I still eat some treats, but I make room in my calories for those things and if I know I'll be eating more or celebrating, I'll exercise more, but I don't obsess over it. If every once in awhile I go over, I don't freak out. I don't do anything I wouldn't normally do. I feel like some people do take this to the extreme and I am turned off by them in general.

    Just be realistic and make good choices and if every once in awhile you indulge, don't freak out. If you cut out everything that you love, you will never be successful and if you become too obsessed, you run the risk of developing an eating disorder. Just use your best judgement when speaking to others online. And if you ever need some positive, non-judgmental support, feel free to message/friend me. :)
  • Jacole18
    Jacole18 Posts: 716 Member
    I agree that some people take this site to an unhealthy extreme, but the good thing about the internet, is you can choose to click out of the page, and focus on YOUR healthy goals. When people make comments I don't agree with, I agree to disagree and move on. That's the beauty of everyone's differences. Only you know what truly works for you!
  • JessieArt
    JessieArt Posts: 275 Member
    I would suggest maybe replacing those online friends and reading different threads. It's pretty easy to stay away from those topics when you realize what's going on or when a thread is deteriorating. With an online community this big you're going to see all types, but try to limit your exposure to the ones that aren't healthy and helpful.

    Well put!