Need some advice!

Hello! I seem to have come to a sudden stop in my weightloss and was wondering if anyone could give me a bit of advice?
I am 5'7" and started my journey about 2 weeks ago at 190lbs, losing 7lbs in the first week. I have been stuck at 183 for the last week, not shifting anything!
I eat 1250 cals a day and exercise at least half an hour a day- alternate between cycling and 30DS.
I've heard that I should start eating more? I'm afraid of doing this in case I put on all the weight I worked hard to lose!
I have, however, continued to lose inches (although not on the scales) through muscle tone.

Anyone had a similar situation? Thanks in advance!


  • cazwillis99
    cazwillis99 Posts: 238 Member
    Without being able to see your diary its difficult to comment.

    I was on 1200 a day but after exercise was netting less than 1000 cals a day - I stopped losing weight because I wasn't fuelling my body. I am now on just short of 1600 cals (I am 5' 4" and 157 lbs) a day and I usually eat back most of my exercise cals and I am losing slowly (approx 1lb a week) but regularly and I usually earn about 300 -400 cals extra through exercise

    Increase your daily calorie allowance, are you eating back your exercise cals? Drink plenty and be patient!

    For more advice open your diary so others can see - it could also be what you are eating, i.e. too much sodium, too many processed foods etc.
  • graves2102
    graves2102 Posts: 38
    Thank you for all your advice! I have made my diary public now (didn't even know it was private!). I usually eat up my exercise calories, but sometimes end up 100 under, or even 500 under on some days! I drink around 6 glasses of water a day :) I think I may try upping my calories for the next week and see what happens. Thanks <3
  • fabafter5
    fabafter5 Posts: 200 Member
    Right off I can see that your diet is seriously lacking protein! I would also nix the wite bread and get a good healthy whole grain bread with at least 3g of fiber per slice. Try upping your calories and eating some good protein, veggies, nuts, healthy fats and see where that goes. I try for 100g or protein a day but usually get 100-130g per day.
  • graves2102
    graves2102 Posts: 38
    Thank you very much for your helpful advice! As of tomorrow I am raising my calorie intake and am going to start snacking on nuts, and swapping my white bread for wholemeal. As we do our shopping throughout the week I will stock up on some more vegetables for our dinners. Thank you!
  • cazwillis99
    cazwillis99 Posts: 238 Member
    Keep an eye on your net calories - if you only eat 1000 cals a day and then burn 300 in exercise you are actually providing your body with 700 cals to survive on which is not enough. Also drink plenty and definitely more protein - my diary is open please feel free to have a look - please note that today is very unusual but I am just not hungry yet - it is very rare for me not to eat dinner - in fact I can honestly say I don't think it's ever happened before:-D Don't give up - remember you didn't gain it overnight and you won't lose it overnight. Also make sure you log your food every day - don't know if you didn't log or just didn't eat but some days you don't hit 600 cals but that might be because you didn't log a meal.

    Upping my daily cals from 1200 to 1600 was the scariest thing I did - I was so worried I would put weight on but I was proved very wrong. I actually hesitated before changing it.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend - happy to help just like everyone helped me when I stopped losing and couldn't work out why
  • SoBeFitNow
    SoBeFitNow Posts: 16
    Hello! I seem to have come to a sudden stop in my weightloss and was wondering if anyone could give me a bit of advice?
    I am 5'7" and started my journey about 2 weeks ago at 190lbs, losing 7lbs in the first week. I have been stuck at 183 for the last week, not shifting anything!
    I eat 1250 cals a day and exercise at least half an hour a day- alternate between cycling and 30DS.
    I've heard that I should start eating more? I'm afraid of doing this in case I put on all the weight I worked hard to lose!
    I have, however, continued to lose inches (although not on the scales) through muscle tone.

    Anyone had a similar situation? Thanks in advance!

    I wouldn't worry about your weight loss since you're only 2 weeks into your journey. Very frequently, we want to have instant gratification, but the reality is that real, lasting change takes time, practice and patience. You'll get to where you want to be as long as you remain consistent with fitness and nutrition.

    As far as your calorie intake, it's hard to tell if 1250 is the right number, but it seems a tad low. As long as you're eating the proper macro nutrients and you're eating whole grains, lean meats, healthy fats, fruits and vegetables, extra calories won't lead to fat stores. Also, it's important to ensure that you exercise consistently.

    70% of your results come from nutrition, so if you need to make adjustments, look in the kitchen!
  • Michelleypoo82
    My weight loss has pretty much stalled as well. I checked my BMR after reading "eat more to weigh less" posts and it said I should be eating 1470 calories before exercise. I changed my calories from 1390 to 1470 just yesterday, and I feel that I made the right choice. Previously, I was trying to stay at 1200 calories a day.
  • psychofantasy
    I'm reminded of a post I read, I think somewhere on the power 90 forum. Or maybe it was somewhere here, I dunno. But it said that some people, especially those who haven't exercised for a good while, will hit sort of a plateau around two weeks in if they're building muscle. The reason was because tears in the muscle form and the body rushes fluid to those tears in order to heal them. A few other things happen, but this is all I remember. Anyway, the excess fluid in the muscle ends up making up for the weight that you're losing. If this is the case, it will go away, and you will start seeing the scale drop. If I were you, I'd give it another 2 weeks, remember not to over do it on the exercise, and if you're seeing changes in your body, do you really need to see them on the scale? Remember muscle weighs more than fat, so it could also be just that you are putting on more muscle while you lose the fat.