Lost 3 pounds since run? WTF?

So I went for a run today it was VERY hot and I sweat A LOT I was doing intervals. I'd jog for 5 minutes walk for 2 minutes, sprint for 2 minutes etc. I went about 3 miles give or take. I also don't have AC in my house and live on the top floor, so it's wicked hot so I'm sweating just sitting here. Today for breakfast I had 2 egg whites and for lunch I had a slice of veggie pizza. Veggie pizza was from a Mom and Pop shop but I estimated around 280 calories (but very possible it was more the slices are medium sizes and I think they might put olive oil on the veggies), which puts me a little over 300 for the day when I went for the run.
This morning when I weighed myself I was 118.7 when I weighed myself after my run I was 117.2 and now I'm 116.5 about 2 hours after the run. That seems like a pretty drastic weight loss especially because my typical weight is around 119. I almost never run outside, but my gym membership just expired so I didn't have a choice and I actually LIKED running outside... so I'll probably due it more. I will admit that I am not great about water. In fact I'm awful. I drink mostly Iced Green Tea and Diet Coke but I figure Green Tea kind of counts as water. I did force myself to drink a bottle of water when I cam back from run however. I haven't eaten dinner yet but I am probably going to eat something pretty substantial.
Now my question is, is it normal to experience this kind of weight loss after running outside? Is it because I was sweating? I haven't gone to the bathroom minus peeing once, so it's not that. I'm 23 , 5'4 and in semi-decent shape but not great, just getting back in shape after an injury.


  • tenunderfour
    tenunderfour Posts: 429 Member
    Water weight. Period. End of story.
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    one run will hardly affect your weight, unless you're into some VERY long distances. it's very likely just water, and also means you should drink more. but you already knew that :wink:
  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
    Water weight. Period. End of story.
    Thanks I thought so I've just never had such drastic water weight loss in such a short period of time. I'm sure I'll be back up to my normal 119/120 by tonight it just seemed strange to me to lost that much!
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    It's normal. I have lost up to six pounds after a long run on a hot day. Drink more water and make sure you are getting enough sodium.
  • SoBeFitNow
    SoBeFitNow Posts: 16
    Your weight can fluctuate by about 5 lbs everyday, and the worst time to weigh yourself is after a workout. Your water weight changes all the time, so the best time to weigh yourself is in the morning, after you go to the bathroom, before breakfast and with no clothes on. I wouldn't read too much into that weight measurement because come tomorrow, the water weight will be back.