How to spend leftover calories?

I'm in need of some help... I'm having a problem with eating all of the calories i'm allowed to eat. Today for example, I didn't log any workouts into my journal, just meals and I still have over 300 calories left! Does that allow me to have anything I want as long as I stay under my calorie goal?? I don't want to be consuming too few calories a day but I also don't know if wasting them on anything I want is acceptable!

Any advice is greatly appreciated :)


  • Piercey_24
    Piercey_24 Posts: 40 Member
    i am new to MFP so i may not be the best to give advice, but so far i have made it into a game, i want to eat something in all categories, brkft lunch dinner and snack and my 8 glasses of h2o and try to be right around my cal. goal but not by junk food healthy home cooked food. when i have left over cal. i dont do anything with them i know if i want that night i can have a small bowl of ice cream or maybe one or two hursey kisses but i dont think they are there so that you can eat ANYTHING you want. the thing i have hard time staying in my goal is my carbs sugars proteins irons ext... lol hope i helped...
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    For purely weight loss purposes, yes you can eat whatever you want if you stay under on your calories! I used to indulge in ice cream at every opportunity and I lost the weight just fine :)

    From a health standpoint, obviously that kind of junk isn't good for you. I eat clean now and severely limit my intake of junk. For healthy snacks when I have a lot of calories left over I eat almonds, peanut butter, protein shake with a banana, etc. Those kinds of things are all high enough in calories to help me reach my goal, without me having to eat huge portions when I'm not hungry. Hope this helps!
  • Storey621
    Storey621 Posts: 82 Member
    I typically do not eat all of my leftover calories. However if you do want to do so, then belvita bisquits are a good snack that give you whole grains. only 230 calories for 4 bisquits. I love them!:love:
  • mooglysmom
    mooglysmom Posts: 319 Member
    Tonight I'm using them on 10oz of wine :embarassed: lol!

    Hey, I had like 300 cals leftover and I've done very well ALL day... I rarely drink, and that bottle in the fridge is calling my name.

    This is not, obviously, how I recommend you use your calories :wink: I happen to be full from dinner, and after my day, I could use a drink and turn off my PMS for a little bit, ha!
  • tchalways
    tchalways Posts: 5
    Chocolate Milk!! Yummy!
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    You can eating anything you want as long as you have extra calories....But you can also make better choices and have raw almonds, cheese & fruit. I try and stay away from sugar, except natural sugar in fruits.

    Good luck : )
  • tat2dmrsgrimm
    tat2dmrsgrimm Posts: 226 Member
    I eat something chocolate almost every day. It is my little daily indulgence. 4 mini york peppermint patties is 200 calories. 2 snack size Take 5 bars are 200 calories. Or I eat an ounce of pretzels and a tablespoon of peanutbutter for a dip at just under 200 calories. I hate milk so I struggle to get my dairy in. I make sugar free jello with 2% milk and eat a whole cup of it for 192 calories. voila dessert and milk. the other day my mom and I split a small bottle of verdi peach sparkletini. I don't remember, but I think it was 250 calories.
  • hippietofugirl
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Yes you can use your calories however you wish. If you want a glass of wine with dinner pr a candy bar then have it as long as you stay within your goals. This is a lifestyle change not a diet. And you should be able to have what you like. Now if the weight loss stops or really slows down then you may want to eat "cleaner". Hope this helps.
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    It's your life and lifestyle. Enjoy it. Have whatever you like as long as it fits within your goal.
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    I typically "save" 200-300 calories for a snack or some type of chocolate.

    other options if you want to use your left over calories but aren't really hungry, go for something high caloric like peanut butter or just straight peanuts
  • haileyskate
    If you're not hungry don't eat! :) Or you could fill those up with a healthy snack like fruit or veggies. If you have 300 calories left, you wouldn't spend it on a brownie or something high in sugar... kinda defeats the purpose because though it is low in calories, it is high in sugar and that is what puts the fat on your body.
  • Piercey_24
    Piercey_24 Posts: 40 Member
    Yes you can use your calories however you wish. If you want a glass of wine with dinner pr a candy bar then have it as long as you stay within your goals. This is a lifestyle change not a diet. And you should be able to have what you like. Now if the weight loss stops or really slows down then you may want to eat "cleaner". Hope this helps.

    i love how u put it!!!! "life style change not a diet" LOVE IT!!! thanks for the smile and inspiration!!
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    kinda defeats the purpose because though it is low in calories, it is high in sugar and that is what puts the fat on your body.
    Nope. Excess calories are what put fat on your body, regardless of what food or macro they come from. If OP wants a brownie and can eat the brownie while still coming in under net cals, I say viva la brownie.
  • jennkain97
    jennkain97 Posts: 290 Member
    Tonight I'm using them on 10oz of wine :embarassed: lol!

    Hey, I had like 300 cals leftover and I've done very well ALL day... I rarely drink, and that bottle in the fridge is calling my name.

    This is not, obviously, how I recommend you use your calories :wink: I happen to be full from dinner, and after my day, I could use a drink and turn off my PMS for a little bit, ha!

    Actually, a glass of red wine before dinner has been proven to aid weight loss. I never would have thought so, but was sure glad when I read that! It helps to curb the appetite, similar to a bowl of soup.

    And before anyone pipes up about empty calories... please just stop. Red wine (in moderation) has been known for centuries to have many health benefits. Now we can add weight loss to the list :happy:
  • andreamkelly
    andreamkelly Posts: 169
    Most CLIF brand energy bars are around 240 and have a lot of vitamins. If I have around 300 left over I have one right before I go to bed. My son warned me that I might not be able to sleep, but I haven't noticed a problem. The chocolate almond fudge is my favorite. My husband won't eat them, he says they taste like chalky cardboard and he usually has a smoothie with frozen fresh fruit and lowfat yogurt. Not sure about the calories in that though.
  • Jenniferrose194
    Jenniferrose194 Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks everyone! Although I'm not a wine person or a fan of sweets too much, I will enjoy my iced latte tonight and not feel bad about indulging! :happy: