Weight of the Nation - lost weight before? Lower metabolism!

Ok so if you haven't seen it...google it...the 2nd portion called Choices of the HBO series called Weight of the Nation.

Anyone who has lost a significant amount of weight before no longer has the same metabolism as someone who has always been a healthy weight! This totally makes sense...and for people like me, who have lost 20% of their body weight or more, the whole BMR/TDEE thing really does not apply. The show explained how a person who lost significant (not talking 8 pounds here) weight before requires 20% less calories for YEARS if not the rest of their life than the person who had always been a healthy weight.

This totally explains why when I tried eating over my BMR yet under my TDEE I didn't lose for almost 2 months. Because that was my maintenance level! So frustrating for those of us who love food...but helpful information for those struggling to lose. Thanks to other MFPers who recommended this program!!

The only way to know for sure what your BMR is would be an expensive battery of tests...but just wanted to pass on this info....that a significant weight loss makes those online calculators invalid. :(


  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    interesting. i'm watching the second episode now and havent got to that part. i also have a significant amount of weight to lose (about 30% of my starting weight). i'm hoping that keeping up with weight training to maintain as much of my lean body mass as possible will help keep my metabolism where it should be

    i do like the idea of mindful eating
  • ckeith1126
    ckeith1126 Posts: 1
    I have never heard of this before, but it sure does explain what I am going through....to a point. I have lost 20% of my weight at least 5 times. I was on my first diet when I was eight years old. As an adult I have lost lots of weight and managed to keep my weight off for five years up until a few years ago. Many people who know me state I dont eat enough and then the other 1/2 of the people who know me say it is stress ( I have had very elevated cortisol levels in the past, Triple the norm). But I am 40 now and am expecting my first grandbaby, It sure is not getting easier. Looking for friends and support from this group. Really don't have a lot of support here.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    yeah i watched the episode in question. those women lost their weight by walking only which means they probably lost tons of lean body mass.

    i think if they would have incorporated weight lifting in their routine then their metabolism wouldnt be lower than someone who was at a normal weight.
    but luckily it's easier to fix, all they need to do is start lifting weight and building LBM then they can have higher metabolisms
  • Drastiic
    Drastiic Posts: 322 Member
    I had my RMR tested for $100 at a university lab. It's not that expensive if you value your time figuring out what intake is right for you.