Hip pain at 21

I have had this hip pain for over a year now. Shortly after it started i seen my doctor. he told me it was probably a muscle that hurts due to my increase in physical activity. He showed me some stretch to do. I try to stretch it all the time but the pain has not gone away. Im working out evryday now and the pain is becoming untolerable. Im thinking that its not the muscle.
could it be arthritis? Buritis? bone spurs?
Im only 21 and Im nervous because Im so passionate about working out that i couldnt imagine life with out it. I have a DR apt this SAT but i was wondering if anyone has had this issue, what it ended up being, how it was treated. ect.

also the birth of my son in feb 2008 was somewhat tramatic. his shoulders were stuck and they pulled him out with the vacuum. because of this i had extreme hip pain and felt like my pelvis was going to snap. could this have had an impact on whats going on with my hip?


  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I am no doctor but IMO...

    do you sit for work all day? try a donut type cushion in your chair
    are you allowing rest days from exercise?
    maybe try different exercise - swimming may be less bothersome.
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    I have had severe hip pain after a race in the beginning of September. My PCP is a triathlete and is familiar with sports injuries. My pain is at the top of the hip and he said with was the fibers that attache the muscle to the hip were inflamed. I have to ice it a couple times a day, do excercises that don't irritate it and to take IB profin. It is just now getting better.

    I had a second injury earlier in the year also on the hip which was a muscle and there is nothing that can be done but rest and working it out. I would suggest requesting some physical therapy. They might be able to target the area better and give your exercises to work on it.

    I hope you get better. I know how frustrating it is. I had to cancel my half marathon due to this.
  • Run41
    Run41 Posts: 8 Member
    Strongly suggest going to see a physiotherapist if no luck with a doctor. My family has had great success through them with sports injuries and other ongoing pain.
  • nannascot
    nannascot Posts: 48 Member
    Bad luck, sounds like you have got a real problem there. Have you mentioned to your Doctor about the problem you had when your son was born?
    I had a similar problem when my first child was born, the joint moved out of alignment while I was giving birth and it was never put right at the time, I had my legs put in the stirrups so they could use the vaccuum.
    That was 40 years ago. I eventually went to osteopaths, physios, acupuncture etc and no one found anything that would help. One osteopath told me that it could have been manipulated when I had my second child as the pelvis joint softens when you give birth and that would have given them the chance to straighten it. I was 23 at the time so don't leave it like I did, keep on asking for help.
    Keep us in touch, wish you well. :smile:
  • dragonfly81
    dragonfly81 Posts: 272 Member
    I'm 28. At 26, I had a dislocated hip and two ruptured discs. In my case, the buldging discs were pressing on a nerve that caused the hip pain (caused from a car accident in 2002). When I bent over at work for something, my disc's ruptured and at the very same time, my hip dislocated. It was NOT fun. That's an extreme case though.

    I would do as others suggested and ice it, take ibuprofen (if you're able) and let it rest a bit. Working out is good for you, but if you don't let the problem heal, it will just get worse.
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    I wondered if you had a child because I've heard a lot of women complain about hip pain after giving birth-My daughter has a child and hip pain, I've had 4 children and have hip pain and I'm wondering if there is a correlation. Let us know what the dr. says and good luck.:flowerforyou:
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    Bad luck, sounds like you have got a real problem there. Have you mentioned to your Doctor about the problem you had when your son was born?
    I had a similar problem when my first child was born, the joint moved out of alignment while I was giving birth and it was never put right at the time, I had my legs put in the stirrups so they could use the vaccuum.
    That was 40 years ago. I eventually went to osteopaths, physios, acupuncture etc and no one found anything that would help. One osteopath told me that it could have been manipulated when I had my second child as the pelvis joint softens when you give birth and that would have given them the chance to straighten it. I was 23 at the time so don't leave it like I did, keep on asking for help.
    Keep us in touch, wish you well. :smile:
    Just read your post after I posted mine. Good info and I'm going to tell my daughter to get it checked out.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I also had hip pain (around the joint) from the time I was about 21 until just this year. Amazingly enough, my boyfriend realigned my hips using the methods his chiropractor showed him. I have one leg that is slightly shorter than the other, which caused the hip problem.

    I don't think you mentioned where exactly on the hip you're having problems, but I couldn't walk for any period of time without feeling like my hip was "out of place" and painful. Since the realignment in January, I've had no pain, even when working out hard or running!

    Hopefully you'll be able to find a solution to your problem as easily as I did. Good luck!