Have you been noticing...

jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
that you're getting more looks from the opposite sex lately?
I have and it feels great!
I was walking around the lake last night and I had to keep passing this guy fishing and he kept looking at me when I went by. Or, wait a minute, maybe he was looking at my boobs? hahaha, they were bouncing while I held my stomach in and strutted by! either way, 25 pounds ago, I don't think I would have gotten a second look!
I'm also noticing it in the car (since my face thinned out) Yeah!!
Really boosts moral!


  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    that you're getting more looks from the opposite sex lately?
    I have and it feels great!
    I was walking around the lake last night and I had to keep passing this guy fishing and he kept looking at me when I went by. Or, wait a minute, maybe he was looking at my boobs? hahaha, they were bouncing while I held my stomach in and strutted by! either way, 25 pounds ago, I don't think I would have gotten a second look!
    I'm also noticing it in the car (since my face thinned out) Yeah!!
    Really boosts moral!
  • Rachel89
    Rachel89 Posts: 68
    i have noticed that too and i love it!!! I feel sexy again!
  • jpwarner
    jpwarner Posts: 194 Member
    Yeppers, we watch you ladies to make you feel good. :devil:

    Even as a guy I am starting to get a little of that. I do online personal to find that special some one, and basicly just get shut out due to my weight, now that I dropped 40lbs *with lots more to go* I find I am getting responses now, since I update my pictures every so often. Even had date last Saturday and hopefully more to come.

    Funny how you hit that fine line where others start to notice.
  • Rachel89
    Rachel89 Posts: 68
    oh yea how did your date go?
  • jpwarner
    jpwarner Posts: 194 Member
    It went very well, we started it off with a nice walk and I was able to actually keep up, then dinner and lots of conversation.

    For the longest that was my biggest fear, not being able to even stand for very long, now I can keep up with no problems at all. Guess thet 2 hrs a day in the water aerobics is paying off.

    Hopefully as my weight gets less, my dates will get more, unless of course I can find that special one.

    Thanks for asking.
  • iojoi
    iojoi Posts: 378 Member
    I have only lost 2lbs since i came on here but since last year i have lost 12lbs .. but i am toning up alot now
    yesterday my mother and 3 friends separately all said out of the blue I had lost alot of weight and today my hairdresser friend commented too .. I was completely blown away because none of them especially my mum would say it just to make me feel better unless they thought iwas true, and they were genuinely surprized as i took my coat off.. it was a fab feeling :smile:
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    nah... I am not at the point where I am getting those "hurt my back so bad cuz I too get a good look at you" looks yet. soon hopefully
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Hard to tell.

    My mindset is still "he's thinking I'm a fat *kitten*" mode. :laugh:
  • Smilineyes
    Smilineyes Posts: 346 Member
    I got whistled at yesterday and apparently these 2 customers were staring at my butt like crazy as I was walking in front of them because my co-worker (a guy) got mad at them ad was like "I hate it when guys stare like that. It's so rude. They're just drooling over you" Even if it is rude it still makes me feel good :smile: But yeah I've been noticing a lot more looks :happy:

    :heart: Kelsey
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    Yeah, don't get me wrong, I'm happily married, but it's gives you a little boost when someone else is looking too!
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member

    Someone had mentioned to me that I just seem different, walk differently
    I think since some of us have lost weight, we are more confident with ourselves and handle ourselves differently..just another reason why we may be getting noticed more..besides the fact that we are all smokin'

  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Yeah, I have been getting that a lot!! I'm like.. "yeah baby!!" As I walk with a little more confidence! My husband loves it! lol! He's like "Yep, thats my sexy wife!!"
  • sgtinvincible
    sgtinvincible Posts: 2,559
    That rocks folks, I'm so proud of you all. :happy:
  • DjBliss05
    DjBliss05 Posts: 682
    I've only lost a few lbs so far, but when I was in college I dropped down about 20lbs thanks to playing sports. I was shocked to find that people I had seen around on campus were suddenly interested. It was a great feeling, but I don't think I knew how to handle all the extra attention.

    I'm actually pretty nervous about hitting that point, again. I love getting noticed, but it is kind of hard to go from practically invisible to noticed by lots o' men. It can be scary.