I need Help :(

Hey guys! I have no clue where to start! I have seen so many success stories but it seems like for me my weight is barely coming off :(

I feel like this should be the easiest part, I'm currently at 249 lbs.. I started back in like November but started to get serious in mid April..

Does anyone have any tips for me?

Things I eat and enjoy..please give me feedback if you want and maybe any tips or things I should change.
*Diet Coke - usually 3 a day - Only caffeine I drink and love it :(
* I enjoy eating at Chipotle, Subway if I do eat out. (Typically order the rice bowl and eat half for lunch and half for dinner and at Subway Steak egg white and cheese on wheat)
*Usually have 8 - 10 glasses of water a day.
* I typically exercise 5 days a week 30 minutes of cardio.
*I work at a hospital where I am on my feet all day usually 2 to 3 days a week as well.
*I have a weight watchers scale and weigh myself daily and don't seem to see the numbers change.
*Typically eat breakfast, lunch and dinner
*I do drink and go out typically twice a week but do alot of dancing. I never drink beer, usually a liqour and Diet coke..


  • aoikirin
    aoikirin Posts: 143
    I have just started on here but I think the logging system where you can enter all the foods you eat and keep track of them is very useful. If you follow that you should have great results quite soon I think!
  • NCVF
    NCVF Posts: 83 Member
    Try cutting out some processed carbs. Eat natural grains like brown rice and oatmeal. Eat more fruits and veggies. :)
  • koen612
    koen612 Posts: 83
    Cut the liqour and chipotle , also weigh your self once a week, not everyday, if you weigh your self every day you will never see change.
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    To be completely honest....the drinking might have a lot to do with it. After I stopped drinking my weight loss jumped to almost double....even though I was only doing hard shots too (whiskey) try not drinking for a few weeks and see if it has as big an impact as it did for me :)
  • iwantahealthierme13
    iwantahealthierme13 Posts: 337 Member
    Subway foods are actually very high in calories.

    I haven't been to Subway since starting this because I can find a lot of other fast foods for less calories.

    It's deceiving, you think it's healthy because it's a sandwich.

    Even though Diet sodas have no calories they make you gain and make it harder to lose. I would drink regular pop if you have to but not 3 a day, if you can't kick the 3 a day habit, try tea for caffeine.

    30 minutes of cardio is good for a start but try to up that to 45 minutes and then eventually an hour.
  • Missaprilnichole
    Missaprilnichole Posts: 23 Member
    Thankyou so much you guys!!!! It will be a challenge but so worth it!!!
  • Diet coke is just as terrible for you as regular soda because even though it's zero calories, the sugar substitutes in it cause just as much, if not more trouble, with your insulin levels. It's hard to cut out stuff like that but I promise if you cut soda, you will see change. That ALONE can keep people from losing, especially if you have several a day and that's "all you drink". Try carbonated flavored water instead...I recommend this to everyone as a soda substitute. The mandarin orange one tastes just like Fanta, in my opinion :)
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    It sounds like you're on the right track! Are you actually counting your calories, though? That can play a huge role! Your diary isn't open, so I can't tell.
  • morninglilli
    morninglilli Posts: 194
    I know you love the diet coke, but it is also holding you back :(
    Try to cut it out for two weeks and see if anything changes.
    It may not have many calories, but it is empty as far as nutrition goes, and dehydrates your body.
  • naomi8888
    naomi8888 Posts: 519 Member
    Your diary isn't open. It may help if you open it for us to see. Only thing I can suggest is look at your macros as Subway, etc has lots of carbs.
  • MNchick
    MNchick Posts: 371 Member

    It would help if you would make your diary public, so we can have a better idea of day-to-day life for you.

    Everyone is different and you're going to have to find what works for you. People are going to tell you not to weigh every day, not to drink alcohol and not to eat at Subway...I do all 3 of these...and I have been losing AT A HEALTHY RATE since the end of January (when I started really tracking here).

    Could I have maybe lost faster if I didn't eat at Subway or if I had cut out alcohol? Hell yeah, but I'm changing my lifestyle here...I'm not gonna eat celery and ice cubes to get to my goal weight and then not have any idea how to maintain that realistically!
  • dollaqie
    dollaqie Posts: 74 Member
    The diet coke, I had only that and my water a day, I stopped drinking the diet coke and wham, that will do the trick!!!!!
  • Your diary isn't open. It may help if you open it for us to see. Only thing I can suggest is look at your macros as Subway, etc has lots of carbs.

    Yes, Subway has a horrific amount of carbs per serving even though it's delicious and amazing :sad:
    If you cut down on carbs, you should see an increase in weight loss as your body should then start burning the fat.
    Your body burns EITHER fat or carbs for energy and we generally eat way more carbs than necessary, therefore our bodies don't really need to burn the fat! It's troublesome.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    Honestly, it's really easy. :)
    Just drink lots of water, stay within your calorie goal, get a bit of exercise, and make sure to eat your exercise calories!
  • sunnie326
    sunnie326 Posts: 721 Member
    Take measurements of yourself so that you can also see if you are building muscle. Sometimes you don't show weightloss because the fat is changing to muscle. Good luck on your journey!
  • wlaurel
    wlaurel Posts: 43
    Cut out the diet coke! Even though it is 0 calories, something about it interfers with weight loss. Substitute it with coffee, there are hardly any calories in it and some argue that it helps people lose weight. I didn't start seeing a difference on the scale until 3 months after I began dieting/ working out. Good luck!
  • Missaprilnichole
    Missaprilnichole Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks all , so may great tips!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love it!

    I am so much more motivated!!

    Ok plan is:

    *Flavored waters in replace of Diet Coke, and maybe some teas as well..

    * Up my daily cardio to 45 min 5 days a week

    * Set a goal of only 2 liquor drinks a week ( Hard for me to not go out with my friends and not have 1)

    * Limit my trips to Subway, Chipotle, etc.

    * More veggies, mess carbs.

    * Continue my drinking pattern of water plus some!!

    Thanks all!!!
  • LauraMcCullough
    LauraMcCullough Posts: 16 Member
    I had the SAME problem as you. I had a hardcore diet coke addiction which I could EASILY go back to! I would have at LEAST 5 a day. I feel that the chemicals in the soda were confusing my body and once I ditched it, it was so much easier. try getting rid of the diet...it will be hard and it will call to you haha but try to ignore it! I also lost a LOT of bloat (which I had been trying to figure out for a year) when I stopped eating wheat. ALL gluten gone and it worked like crazy and I felt a LOT better. These two things combined with exercise and tracking calories for a while should help. When you get on a nice path try to start clean eating litle by little. That also has profound effects.
  • Tips:

    - You really can't continue to drink 3 diet cokes a day... I know you love it & everyone has their guilty pleasure, but I would advise you to decrease the amount you're consuming, so start off by only having 1 diet coke a day, then only 1 diet coke every 2 days, etc until you get down to diet coke on rare occasion + I think it'd be a good idea if you substituted it for something like iced green tea! If you don't like green tea, any other tea will do as long as it's brewed and not the instant kind with way too many added calories!

    - Places like Chipotle & Subway make you think you're not eating much or you're not eating as many calories as you're actually eating. I've realized this myself after I started using myfitnesspal...I was eating so so so much more than I thought I was. I think you should make eating at these specific places a "treat" or really change your menu, so get a salad with dressing on the side, only some vegetables & lean meat as opposed to the rice bowl which is a whole lot of calories, especially if it's white rice!

    - Alcohol = dieters enemy

    So many calories in alcohol, so try to limit your intake aswell. For example, have a lite beer instead of a mixed drink!

    I, personally, have found this site to be extremely beneficial. Once you start tracking what you eat, how many cals you're consuming, and how many you're burning you WILL see the number on the scale decrease. I know some of the suggestions I gave almost seem like you need to deprive yourself of everything you ENJOY, but you need to make sacrifices! Hope this helped! DON'T GIVE UP, YOU CAN DO IT!
  • gmoneycole
    gmoneycole Posts: 813 Member
    Try monitoring your sodium and cholesterol intake on this website. I do this and it helps me make healthier choices. Also I think it is good for you to have some of what you like (diet coke : ) ), but you really need to make sure you are not consuming too much as it may be what is holding you back (as others have pointed out). Good luck! I wish you the best.