20 years old and sick of being over 250lbs!!!



  • kbf2107
    kbf2107 Posts: 42 Member
    Another great tip that I'm just starting to realize: weight loss also happens in the grocery store, meaning don't even buy things that you're not supposed to eat. When I'm home, I only buy healthy options for myself, so when I go to grab something out of the fridge, I'm not tempted by anything and I know I'm making smart decisions. When I go to visit family, on the other hand, the fridge and cabinets are always filled with a whole bunch of sugary crap -- I've noticed that I don't eat as well as I should when I visit family. So lesson: if you shouldn't eat it, don't buy it. You'll save yourself the trouble later on, trust me.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    I found a good way to cut back on the drinking - not perfect but it helps. When you are out clubbing or whatever, have your drink - but make the next drink a tall glass of water, club soda or something like that - then have another drink. It slows down your drinking as well as keeps you hydrated. It does help

    ^^^^ Second this! I always order a beer or drink or whatever with a large glass of water. I try to make sure when the drink is gone, so is the water, by simply alternating between the two. It becomes a natural thing very quickly. Sip of wine, nibble of food, guzzle of water, sip of wine.

    A lot of bar food is intentionally salty to make you thirsty. When you're THIRSTY, drink deeply of the water. When you want to enjoy your beer or wine, have a modest sip and savor the flavor and mouth-feel of it. Hold it in your mouth for a few seconds and let the flavor sink in.

    One beer lasts me as long and is just as enjoyable as three used to be.
  • redflower4
    redflower4 Posts: 2 Member
    I found that the Liquid Water Enhancer (Mio) really satisfies a craving for food. I find when I am craving something I will drink the flavored water instead. Zero calories and water does fill you up if you are truly not really hungry. Because of the sweet taste it tastes as if you are consuming a calorie laden drink. My only other suggestion is raw veggies as most of the crunchy ones are low in calories. I hope this helps.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    It's tough when you're trying to be social but you don't have to ruin your social life by trying to eat well. Also, getting in 30-60 minutes of exercise will really help with this because you'll be burning off some of those extra calories.

    First thing is to remember than when you get a plate of food at a restaurant, they usually give you enough for two people. Ask a friend or two if they'd like to split it with you, or ask for a take-away box so you can split it in two right from the start. This will help keep your portions reasonable. Stick with choices like grilled meats and choose veggie sides but ask for them without sauce. Skip the potatoes altogether if you think mashed won't be as satisfying as chips. And don't be fooled by salads - there's usually hidden things in there like WAY too much dressing, croutons, cheese, etc. Get light dressing and get it on the side, just don't pour it all over because they usually give you twice as much on the side as you would've gotten mixed in. And if you're getting something like a taco salad, ask for it without the shell and no cheese - keep the quac though, it's good for you.

    As for drinking, I like the suggestion already given about having every other glass be water or club soda. You can also lighten up your drinking by skipping the cocktails as many have sour mix or fruit juices that put the calories through the roof! Instead order something like a rum and diet cola. If you like beer, stick with the light/low cal ones. If you like wine, ask for spritzes - you get a full glass but less calories.

    ETA - nothing wrong with liking your sweets but, as with the meals, keep them at normal portions. It's ok to have a square or two of chocolate but not the whole pound. Trust me, I know this is the tough part, I'm a sweet eater too, especially chocolate! There are some pretty good substitutes out there too - low cal snack bars, protein bars, etc.
  • afwg1979
    afwg1979 Posts: 170 Member
    You are YOUNG therefore have a leg up on us older people. No excuses!

    I am nearly 58 and have lost 54 pounds since June 23, 2011 -- over 20 percent of my body fat. If I can do it, you can, too!

    Crucial: Be honest about logging your food.

    Exercise: Start slow, even if it's a 10-minute walk, do it every day, adding 5 minutes every week. Your joints will appreciate the gradual increase in physical activity. Important: Do not over exert yourself as this may result in premature aches, causing you to stay away from further exercise. (I see this all the time at the gym: young overweight woman who start jogging way too soon who develop shin splints.)

    About socializing: Monitor yourself very closely. The environment might prove to be toxic: lowered inhibitions may result in poor choices (more drinking / snacking). Hopefully, your social circle will be supportive.

    Remember: You alone control the choices.

    Best wishes :flowerforyou:
  • rosewatershay
    rosewatershay Posts: 39 Member
    Like the exercise tip Madga!
  • These are a bunch of great tips!
  • ekglas
    ekglas Posts: 9
    Hey! When I first started on my weight loss adventure I was 18 weighing 228 lbs(5'7"). I am now 24 years old and 174lbs. My advice is this:

    1. If a friend confesses they feel insecure invite them to join you!
    A friend invited me to go to weight watchers with her, and I was amazed with how many people came out of the woodwork wanting to join me. I was still in High School and had my mom, 3 friends, one of their sisters, and one of their moms going by the time I graduated High School. It was the support that really helped me. I lost 40 pounds by the time I started college.

    2. Don't be afraid to tell people you are dieting.
    I wanted to act like I was comfortable in my own body and not vain so I was afraid at first, but losing weight is about more than that. Its about being healthy, and good people respect and support that. When I let people know what I was doing, they stopped pressuring me to try their cookies and started accommodating my requests to go to restaurants with healthy options.

    3. Snack on veggies (and some fruit)
    Yes protein fills you up but protein is also higher in calories and many high protein foods are high fat foods. If you eat when your bored even if you aren't hungry (like I do) thats a problem. Eat veggies! find a spice that you like to make them more interesting! I love to snack on fruit too, but fruit is high in sugar, so beware of overeating it.

    4. Cut calories wherever you can by reading labels
    READ labels carefully. That means notice the details like what a serving is, not just the calories. labels can trick you sometimes

    5. If it tempts you don't bring it around.
    I love peanut butter. I love it SO much I will eat an entire jar in 2 days easily. (and not a little jar). In fact I once ate all my boyfriends peanut butter while he was at work and just as I was preparing to stash the evidence and buy him a new container (I was even going to scoop out the correct amount to make it look like I hadn't touched it) he came home. He no longer buys peanut butter because he knows I can't deal with it.

    6. If you must give into a craving, buy a small amount
    I don't buy anything bad for me in a quantity with more calories than I am willing to eat in 1 sitting. Because I WILL eat it in one sitting...

    As for drinking and going out

    7. Plan ahead.
    look up nutrition information for drinks and food before you go out. Decide what you can have, be honest with yourself about how many servings you are given(if you order a single and it looks like a double glass, the bar tender was probably being generous, its still double the calories), and stick to it!

    8. Ask for a to go box or a second plate in the beginning and put what you shouldn't eat on it before you even start the meal
    if you are like me and will clean a plate this is really helpful, keeps me from thinking I've barely made a dent in the food when really I've eaten most of what I should eat in a day. Also saves money by making it into 2 meals!

    Hope these are helpful!
    Anyone is welcome to be my friend, I'd like some support while I try to work off the last 30lbs!

  • ekglas
    ekglas Posts: 9
    OH! Also when you go out clubbing, make a point to dance a little more and with a little more energy! Then you are at least burning off some of those drinks.

    Exercise is great, especially a little resistance (weight) training. Resistance training increases your metabolism in the long run!

    Finally (then I'll be done rambling): Remember that to be successful you have to view this as a lifestyle change. Thus, its ok to give in to a piece of chocolate or your favorite mixed drink (occasionally). If you go cold turkey on everything you will probably hate this, and it will not last. Make sacrifices, but ones you can live with.

    Ok think that's all this time,
    Over and out!
  • czmanj
    czmanj Posts: 1
    Read the book Dr. Dukan it is more of a way of eating than a diet, and might interest you because you still get to eat a lot of great foods, dairy, lean meat, oat bran (most diets take away all carbs this one allows oat bran) The book is in all libraries and book stores...it also only requires that you take a 35 minute walk everyday...who can't do that! Make time for yourself and remember you are the only one that can make any change happen...you are stronger than you think! Best wishes and tons of success!
  • SenshiV
    SenshiV Posts: 131 Member
    Hello Kirsty.

    One thing that keeps you motivated is starting. 1st, realizing what you eat (keeping track) helps alot in 2 aspects, first, it makes you conscience of what your are putting into your body and 2, helps you make better decisions in what to eat and when every day. It also helps you realizes indulging yourself is not bad at all when you learn to eat more properly each day.

    The second thing would have to be and guarantees your success much more, do exercise. There are plenty of information in how to start exercising slow and then do more, but what I recommend, is to find exercises that you like, also, exercising while watching TV or listening to music makes time fly! which is great.

    I hope you decide for the firsts step soon: start. Good luck!
  • kirstw91
    kirstw91 Posts: 4
    Deffinatly will try the water/ club soda trick! Thanks so much for the tips. You are all so inspirational!! I'm feeling very positive about changing myself for the better.

    Deffinatly have started to make the most of opportunities at work to exercise as much as possible, i work as a carer so i support people with learning disabilities to go swimming/ out for walks. This is really helping me to be more active. I'm also going to start more exercising with my sister who is also battling to lose weight. Together we will have more motivation and try and turn exercising into a fun activity!!!

    And for snacking the calorie counting on here helps me so much, checking before i eat to judge whether or not it's worth eating!! Generally seeing all your reply's makes me feel like i'm not alone. If anyone cares to add me i'd really love to try and help you like you are doing with me. What lovely people =] xoxo
    TRISTAR Posts: 105 Member
    Hiya Kirst, I'm in Wigan and I weigh the same as you. I've added you as a friend, hope you don't mind. I joined here a few years ago, but thought the site wasn't very good back then, so didn't bother. I recently looked back at it, and it has developed so much, so I'm going to stick around. I could never understand until this week why I can't shift my weight. It's only until I started logging what I was eating, I became aware. I used to just scoff out of the fridge without even realising it. I'm not a big drinker, but when I do, I like the bad stuff like creamy cocktails.

    Good luck

    Claire xx