Need a mentor!

I REALLY need that person that can help me with setting goals, and supporting me to achieve those goals. Also to help me when i fall short, and things like that. I mean, dont get me wrong, I have great friends on here that give encouraging words, but I need that one person to look to and to help me. I would totally go get a personal trainer to do that with me, but thats money I dont have. Just hoping there is some kind person out there willing to help! No worries if not. Thanks!


  • Ashley870910
  • lisa_135
    lisa_135 Posts: 5
    Hey Dear!

    I would love to help, losing weight is always easier when you have somebody to keep an eye on how you're doing every day :) I just got back from vacation and just started tracking again yesterday. I don't think I'm anywhere near as helpful as a personal trainer but I have lost a decent amount of weight (my highest was 180 and I'm currently 156) and kept it off. I've also lost weight and not kept it off (my lowest was 135) and I'm looking to lose it the right way this time around.

    I'll add you! Hope all is well xx