30 minutes a day for 30 days

I really like the idea of starting a challenge with friends, and there are a ton of fantastic ones already in progress so I'd like to start one for people who haven't had a chance to join a challenge yet or want to start one of your own. So if anyone wants to join me, feel free to suggest some challenge ideas and goals you might have and we'll get something going to keep eachother in check!
My main goal is trying to be more active - I am a pretty lazy and non-active person and I really would like to change this. A good goal for me would be to start walking everyday. I was thinking maybe making a 30 day commitment to walk for 30 minutes everyday, and after the 30 days up it to 45 min for 45 days, after that increase it to 60 minutes for 60 days - something like that because I spend far too many days not doing very much so making myself do something like that would be a good start I think. Any thoughts? Any suggestions?


  • Tarah904
    Tarah904 Posts: 20
    I like the walking goal! That sounds like a good idea!
  • kevkelly15
    kevkelly15 Posts: 12
    easy game..... 30 minutes for 30 days of doing 15 mintes of abs (all varietys) and 15 minutes of pushups ( all varietys)....EVERY DAY for 30 days!!!! Pick your favorite Tv show or sit-com or whatever that comes on in the morning or afternoon or evening, and turn it on that station 30 minutes prior to it's start, and BUST A MOVE on pushups and situps!!! Whatcha think?
  • MamaWannaRun
    MamaWannaRun Posts: 273 Member
    That is how I actually got started. I promised myself to move for one hour, 6 days a week. I didn't even set the goal as to how I would move.. I just needed to do something, ANYTHING. It motivated me so much I signed up to run a half marathon 3 months later! I say go for it!
  • JenniLisette
    JenniLisette Posts: 132
    :flowerforyou: i havent been exercise much lately, in fact at all in May.. !YIKES! ..so wen i woke up yesterday morning i set my mind on hitting the elliptical for min of 30 minutes everyday til the end of june..mainly becuase my husband and i are going to the beach for a week to celebrate both our bdays but also to get me back on track, best of luck to u!
  • shel1103
    shel1103 Posts: 185 Member
    I have also gotten extremely lazy, and would love the idea of a challenge to motivate me. I'm in!! i want to do the 30 minutes minutes a day walk and I will also try to squeeze in 15 minutes of abs and push ups. My goal is to be down 22 lbs by the end of July. I have my high school reunion coming up and I want to look better than I did back then. i won't be at my goal weight, but it will be much better than where I am now.
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    I am starting out even smaller, but amaze myself at how much I end doing!!

    My goal is to if nothing else, each day march in place for 15mins. Sometimes I do it while watching the am news or while vacuuming or even while doing the dishes. I amaze myself at how I end up doing more AND the house sometimes end cleaning in the process!!! I like to crank the tunes and high-knee it while I vacuum- I'm sure I'm a sight!!

    Until I can physically do more, this is my goal!! Movement, regardless of it being inside outside or whatever!! :D

  • lubby22
    lubby22 Posts: 31
    Thank you all for your encouragement and thoughts. Please join me in what works for you for the next 30 days!

    Well, I WAS going to say starting tomorrow this is my plan, but if I say I'll start tomorrow I probably wont... So starting TODAY! This is my goal for the next 30 days - everyday I will log whether I have accomplished it or not - and weekly I will take some measurements/weight - and after the 30 days I will review my progress and adjust it to increase my activity level etc.

    Day 1: May 29th 2012 Day 30: June 27th 2012

    Continue tracking calories staying within 1300 and increase water intake
    Walk 30 minutes EVERYDAY! (outside or treadmill)
    And, every other day: 30 wall squats, 30 crunches, and 3 sets of 10 clamshell, firehydrant and superman

    Day 1: Weight 170, Waist 38, Hips 43, Chest 43
  • lubby22
    lubby22 Posts: 31
    Every little bit helps! I love putting music on - it really gets you moving and motivated!
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    It's a good start. Then move up to 60 minutes a day, forever!
  • lubby22
    lubby22 Posts: 31
    It's a good start. Then move up to 60 minutes a day, forever!

    Yes!!! That is the ultimate goal :)
  • krleeqmayna
    krleeqmayna Posts: 10
    I like the idea. Good way to start. I'm in...if you tell me how to join :)