I could use some more motivation!

Everyone could right???? I dont care how much you have lost, motivation is key to keeping yourself on track! My name is Ashley, im 25, in Tucson AZ. I am 5'8 ish (some people say 5'9, either way, im tall! lol) And when I started to really take my health seriously was March 31st weighing in at 176... I blamed my youngest child for my weight, until I realized he is 1 1/2 and there is no excuse anymore! I was always an athlete and had just let myself go. I think i figured I got my cardio by chasing my two boys around, yea apparently it wasnt enough cardio! So i started tracking my food, becoming aware of my eating habits, working out with a trainer twice a week, and trying to squeeze in cardio at the gym and some core work outs at home... Today I am 153lbs. I would like to lose another 13lbs but im finding myself stuck. My oldest went to see his dad for the summer in another state which really put me in a funk, and ive allowed that to take me out of my "zone"... With that said, Im starting fresh today, to get my *kitten* back in gear, and lose some more weight! I have a San Diego beach wedding in September, and my wedding dress needs to look as awesome on me as it does the model wearing it in the catalog! lol. Any new friends are welcome to add me, say hi, and share any tips, advice, personal experiences!!! And if you have any questions for me please ask!!! Thank you for taking the time to read my ridiculous post! haha


  • ultim8one
    ultim8one Posts: 80 Member
    WOW Ashley .... you look great for 96 years old ... lol

    Sorry you're having a rough start to the summer. Things always have a way of working out in life .. so don't stress about the things in life you can't control .... and celebrate in the ones you can.
  • AshleyNicole0710
    Control is my issue :) im a control freak, especially when it comes to my boys!!! lol and Thank you, I use a great moisturizer! they say 96 is the new 21 :)
  • AshleyNicole0710
    WOW Ashley .... you look great for 96 years old ... lol

    Sorry you're having a rough start to the summer. Things always have a way of working out in life .. so don't stress about the things in life you can't control .... and celebrate in the ones you can.

    you're a wise man :)
  • ultim8one
    ultim8one Posts: 80 Member
    Control is my issue :) im a control freak, especially when it comes to my boys!!! lol and Thank you, I use a great moisturizer! they say 96 is the new 21 :)

    So what does that make 40 ????? haha

    I used to be a total control freak as well ... now I'm just a part-time control freak !!