Best machine in the gym to get rid of belly fat?



  • foster59803
    foster59803 Posts: 439 Member
  • ked154
    ked154 Posts: 2
    I agree with everyone that has been saying treadmill- but I find short bursts of sprinting help the most = sprint for about a minute, cool down for a minute and repeat for 20+ minutes total. Explosive moves will burn the most fat so if you're feeling extra ambitious, throw a minute of jumping jacks or burpees throughout the above mentioned routine. When off the treadmill, focus on your posture and keeping your core hard and engaged and random planks when you're watching TV never hurt either. I've been working on all that I mentioned for about 2 weeks (when I realized too late that I needed to be wearing a 2 piece quite soon ahaha) and I have noticed a difference. Good luck!!
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I would love to lose my belly fat too. The rest of my body is actually fairly toned! Just my butt and belly. My thighs need some work but I am not so concerned with them. I wish my butt and belly would just shrink already! I feel like no matter what I do I don't see change there at all.

    Does lifting ANY weights help with your belly? All these people keep saying weight lifting and losing overall, but I feel like lifting with your arms and legs would ONLY help your arms and legs (mostly that is). There has got to be something we can do to focus on these areas!

    When lifting weights, you should always keep your core muscles engaged to maintain proper form. This in itself will work your abs. However, I highly recommend implementing core exercises with a swiss ball at the end of your cardio routine. Follow this link to get some ideas:
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    "You do not want to do a bunch of ab exercises, because your stomach may start to look larger."

    I must respectfully disagree with this. Although it is true that the layers of fat might hide the abs, there are numerous benefits to having a stronger core.


    Plus, since muscle is denser than fat, it's NOT going to add any significant girth there to have some reasonable muscle built up. And that muscle will burn calories along with all the other muscle, so it increases the rate at which you can lose the fat.

    Then, when the fat starts melting away from the tummy, you get just a little bit of muscle definition along with a tighter, trimmer midsection. And a body that can do more things because when the core is strong, the body is strong.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    I agree with everyone that has been saying treadmill- but I find short bursts of sprinting help the most = sprint for about a minute, cool down for a minute and repeat for 20+ minutes total. Explosive moves will burn the most fat so if you're feeling extra ambitious, throw a minute of jumping jacks or burpees throughout the above mentioned routine. When off the treadmill, focus on your posture and keeping your core hard and engaged and random planks when you're watching TV never hurt either. I've been working on all that I mentioned for about 2 weeks (when I realized too late that I needed to be wearing a 2 piece quite soon ahaha) and I have noticed a difference. Good luck!!

    Cardio is beautiful. It really is. It burns calories NOW. Results are instant.

    It's like exercise crack (and I don't mean that in a negative way, it's beautifully addictive). It increases your stamina.

    But you'll need to keep doing more and more of it to continue losing weight (you're making your body more efficient, which is good, but it means you'll need to keep doing MORE to get the same result), and it's only helping marginally with muscle tone unless you have some resistance training in there.

    A combination of cardio AND building a little muscle or at least toning muscle through good core work and some moderate lifting is really the ideal. The muscle building/toning keeps your body burning more calories at rest to maintain the muscle, and the cardio keeps the calories burning off now and keeps you coming back for more.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    You cant target fat. You can only target muscle. if you target stomach muscle, you may appear bigger for a short time but as you lose the fat on top of it you will enjoy the results. Your overall effort is what is going to reduce the fat.

    That is more or less what I am wanting to do. Most of my weight is based on my stomach and as I am trying to lose weight everywhere I am trying to concentrate the most on trying to tone and sort out the mess I call my stomach!

    It sucks but you cannot target where you lose fat. Youbody loses where it wants and it genetics. You can tone MUSCLE in certain areas though. I'm working on my arms quite a bit hoping that it takes away from some of the flab. Abs and bellies are a different story. Just get good cardio AND strength training and your body will change in time.

    Patience is key.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    So many misconceptions in here. First, cardio is for creating a calorie deficit but is NOT as good as cutting fat. Cutting fat is better done by strength training (see note # 1). Second, you can NOT build any kind of muscle on a calorie deficit. You need energy to create mass and if you burn more energy then you intake how do you create muscle? Third, if you want to cut fat, you need to have a regime heavy in ST and a diet that has a small calorie deficit (1200 calories won't cut it, figuratively or literally). You need to estimate your TDEE and cut 20%. Huge deficits will cause your body to conserve body fat, as fat stores are easier to get energy from then converting the amino acids from your muscle to create energy (see note # 2).

    And I am sure there will be those saying, what does this guy know... So ok, you want proof. Here is a response from a 36 year old lady @ 5'5", 154 lbs...lifts 4 times a week and doesn't do any cardio and she eats 2100 calories on lifting days and 1800 calories on non lifting days (See quote #1)

    "I just wanted to thank you for your help. You helped me a few months back and I just wanted to give you an update on my progress. 12 weeks ago I started at 154 and 28% bf. I got my bf remeasured last Friday and it was 24%. But I only lost 1 pound. It is crazy to me but I have learned to ignore the scale. You were right that keeping consistent and not giving up my body would finally adjust.

    Thanks again for your help!

  • opus649
    opus649 Posts: 633 Member
    Third, if you want to cut fat, you need to have a regime heavy in ST and a diet that has a small calorie deficit (1200 calories won't cut it, figuratively or literally). You need to estimate your TDEE and cut 20%. Huge deficits will cause your body to conserve body fat, as fat stores are easier to get energy from then converting the amino acids from your muscle to create energy (see note # 2).

    Conclusion: The addition of an intensive, high volume resistance training program resulted in preservation of LBW and RMR during weight loss with a VLCD.

    In other words, even on 800 calories, these people maintained their lean tissue and lost fat.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Third, if you want to cut fat, you need to have a regime heavy in ST and a diet that has a small calorie deficit (1200 calories won't cut it, figuratively or literally). You need to estimate your TDEE and cut 20%. Huge deficits will cause your body to conserve body fat, as fat stores are easier to get energy from then converting the amino acids from your muscle to create energy (see note # 2).

    Conclusion: The addition of an intensive, high volume resistance training program resulted in preservation of LBW and RMR during weight loss with a VLCD.

    In other words, even on 800 calories, these people maintained their lean tissue and lost fat.

    Any links to the full studies? This abstract wont allow you to see the starting weights of the people involved. Many of the studies are conducted on obese or overweight studies, not people who are average in weight. Even my link suggest the same thing but on a 1200 diet.
  • opus649
    opus649 Posts: 633 Member
    Any links to the full studies? This abstract wont allow you to see the starting weights of the people involved. Many of the studies are conducted on obese or overweight studies, not people who are average in weight. Even my link suggest the same thing but on a 1200 diet.

    OP is 5'7" >200 lbs, so I figured she qualified (no offense) as obese. I'm 5'9" 166 and I'm losing fat while maintaining muscle eating 1700 calories/day while doing cardio and weight lifting. While one person does not make a rule, I think there is room for discussion with regards to the size of the calorie deficit... but that's just my $0.02 :drinker:
  • nomicat77
    nomicat77 Posts: 132 Member
    You cant target fat. You can only target muscle. if you target stomach muscle, you may appear bigger for a short time but as you lose the fat on top of it you will enjoy the results. Your overall effort is what is going to reduce the fat.

    That is more or less what I am wanting to do. Most of my weight is based on my stomach and as I am trying to lose weight everywhere I am trying to concentrate the most on trying to tone and sort out the mess I call my stomach!

    if its all stomach ft, you could have an endocrine disorder. i'd get checked out. also make sure you are getting 8 hours of sleep a night.
  • NanaWubbie
    NanaWubbie Posts: 248 Member
    A brick.....If you don't have the money for pilates or are anywhere close to a yoga studio try this, go find a brick and throw it. Then go pick it up again and throw it back to where you first threw it. Pickup-throw, pickup-throw, pickup-throw till tired (alternatte hands). If you can only throw it 5 feet that's fine, in 1 week you'll be able to throw it 10 feet. Do this every day till tired and see what happens. Now go and find a brick.