Exercise at home only


I am interesting in weight losee and better health, but I don't want to join a gym. I would like to get loss weight, tone up and improve my flexibility and agility. What's the best strategy for this? What happens when you do just free hand exercises like push-ups and sit-ups? I would do some running and rope skipping too.



  • kkmarie11
    kkmarie11 Posts: 114
    try getting a work out dvd like a Jillian Michaels (30 day shred or ripped in 30) she has a bunch that you can easily do at home all you really need is some 5lb weights or small ones like that you........you can try other things like insanity which is another dvd you can do it home if you go hard through the full videos you will end up seeing results
  • momwhosbusy
    momwhosbusy Posts: 154 Member
    That is how I lost almost 40 lbs, so yes you can lose without a gym. I did a lot of walking, running, and exercise videos, as well as watching what I eat. My ticker only show the 8 I have lost since finding MFP. Good luck!
  • bicoastalgirl
    bicoastalgirl Posts: 85 Member
    I don't belong to a gym. I set out to lose weight after my second child was born. I started out with walking and logging food when I went back to work after maternity leave. Then last May I started running, and in January 2012, I added some exercise DVDs to the mix (I am partial to Jillian Michaels).
  • P90x rocks!!! I have a pair of 5s 10s and 15 pound dumbells and a pull up bar. I have 3 weeks left then Ill go to a running and p90x hybrid. Good luck!
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    I have a gym membership, only because it is a perk from work (they paid for it). I find myself working out at home 99% of the time anyway, because you can't beat the convenience. I use workout DVDs or go running. I am an oddball who can't stand Jillian Michaels, but a lot of people like her workout DVDs, so might be worth a try.

    Some cheap ways to try out or get workout DVDs:

    1. Borrow them from Netflix.
    2. Borrow them from the library.
    3. Check Amazon.com for the used copies of DVDs. They are a lot cheaper!
    4. Check eBay too.
  • I don't think the gym is for everyone. I belonged to one for 4 months, and I didn't see any results. I was lifting weights, abs, cardio, and still nothing. I'm currently doing Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred, and I'm finally seeing results. Unless you know what to do specifically and/or can afford a personal trainer, I wouldn't suggest a gym membership.

    I found this YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/BeFitin90/featured
    Free workout videos, and it's a 90 day program, so it can easily last you 3+ months.
  • try getting a work out dvd like a Jillian Michaels (30 day shred or ripped in 30) she has a bunch that you can easily do at home all you really need is some 5lb weights or small ones like that you........you can try other things like insanity which is another dvd you can do it home if you go hard through the full videos you will end up seeing results

    the 30 day shred is on Youtube so you don't even have to buy the DVD. So are many other fitness programmes. I highly recommend Jillian Michaels though, you can definitely feel a difference in a few days by just by doing a 30 minute workout once a day (it is tough though)
  • I am an oddball who can't stand Jillian Michaels, but a lot of people like her workout DVDs, so might be worth a try.

    Don't worry, I mute her. I can't stand her patronizing comments and hyena laugh.
  • Buettner22
    Buettner22 Posts: 129 Member
    Hi! Ive been doing all my workouts at home and im determined to prove to people you can lose weight and tone up without a gym membership! Currently im running 3 miles and here in a few weeks ill be training for a 10k so ill be upping my mileage and i also do the Jillian Michaels 30 Day shred and do some of my own kettlebell workouts and the normal 100 push ups and crunches per day. So far ive lost almost 20 pounds so i think im doing something right! i hope this helps and if you need some workout suggestions i recommend search youtube on areas your wanting to workout or kettlebell workouts. Good luck!
  • TriumphNow
    TriumphNow Posts: 526 Member
    I use various DVDs including, Jillian Michaels, Biggest Loser and Denise Austin. I also ride the stationary bike and walk. I've never had a gym membership. You can also do many exercises without a DVD or equipment, like planks, jumping jacks, lunges, crunches, etc. I hope you find what works for you :)
  • dethjester
    dethjester Posts: 28 Member
    I am doing some body weight workouts that I found at a website called Nerd Fitness. It helped me break a plateau that I hit from just the diet.

    If you check it out, the Angry Birds workout is a great way to get started.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I run (started with couch to 5k and then used other distance training programs available online) and pair it with strength training (I like Nerd Fitness Beginner Circuits- if you google that it will come up), push ups, pull ups, and some yoga and Pilates that I still have on VHS's from highschool. Anything will do in a pinch- you can pretty much Frankenstein up your own work out- what matters is you stick to it.
  • Werglum
    Werglum Posts: 378 Member
    Hi there, I've had great success doing bootcamp style workouts which you can easily do at home. I have also done The 30 Day Shred, but lately have found doing a bootcamp workout is better as I can put a movie on for my 3 year old to keep her occupied while I work out.
    I have also bought 'You Are Your Own Gym' by Mark Lauren (I bought the Kindle addition but it is a regular book too) and although I haven't done his routines yet they look great and I am planning on starting them soon - you don't need any extra equipment and he shows you how to find things around the house to use (for example there are exercises where you pull yourself up with a doorknob and push ups against a table -etc).
  • amylynn96
    amylynn96 Posts: 114 Member
    I personally prefer to work out at home and im pretty sucessful so far. I do have a treadmill and a stationary bike for the cardio but other than that like everyone else def try an excersise video/routine to follow along with. Learn about muscle memory your body will eventually figure out the same ol pushups and crunches and it wont be as effective as it used to be. The only thing i go to the gym for is the magnificant ellipital machine, i cannot RUN on the treadmill i walk or speed walk at high inclines so when i want a big burn the effects of running without the impact i go just for that machine. Its very doable just take the advice and dont get bored or you'll end up quitting, good luck!
  • EvilPink
    EvilPink Posts: 94 Member
    I use to be very self conscious so I joined a gym but it was a very small, women only gym that was 24 hours so I could go at crazy off hours and be there alone. I quickly figured out that I was paying money to do the same thing I could do at home because, since they were so small, they didn't have a lot of equipment. I have a variety of work-out DVDs, I've got some Wii work outs and bought the exercise ball and some light weights to use along with it. It all works very well. Plus, you can always walk your neighborhood or find a used bike on Craigslist or someplace and hit the streets that way too. But, I think variety really is the key; find a few things that you like to do rather than just one. Not only does it keep you from getting bored but the variety works different muscles and gives you different calories burns which helps keep plateaus from being so bad and gives you muscle building.flexibility/agility in all body areas instead of just one.

    Recently, I decided screw self-conscious; after all, nothing great is ever gained without putting yourself out there and the willingness to look like an idiot, lol. I joined the Y because it's cheaper than most gyms and I love the aquatics they offer but, their hours and times are limited and hard to work around my work schedule so I still hit the home fitness quite a bit too.
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    I lost all my weight doing at home exercises. It can be done 41lbs gone! find a program you like. I am currently doing Body revolution by jillian michaels. Its a 90 day program 35mins a day.
  • mjf0461
    mjf0461 Posts: 470 Member
    Neflex has many workout programs as well as finding them on Utube. Free downloads of several on Utube. Walking, bike riding, climbing stairs, it's just a matter of doing it..Good luck..
  • lilv711
    lilv711 Posts: 24 Member
    I follow work outs from the site below on days I don't go to boot camp:
  • p_vaness
    p_vaness Posts: 2
    Completely agree: gym is the definition of unsustainable exercise.

    I only lost durably weights through 2 channels:
    - swimming twice a week
    - sign up to some sport club activity ( in my case Viet Vo Dao, vietnamese martial arts; but there are plenty : tennis, thai boxing, martial arts, anything involving some social links). It prompts you to go back, since there is a human link, and an evolution in the practice.

    To maintain -> cycle. Since I cycle to work, I dont put on weight - good enough!

  • JMPerlin
    JMPerlin Posts: 287 Member
    Besides DVD's there are a couple of free on line services.



    I use warrior x fit and it is great I know others that use body rock and they say great things about it.