5'1- 5'3 girls, what are your goal weights/ measurements?



  • corinne1977
    corinne1977 Posts: 142 Member
    I think you are at your ideal healthy weight or close to it. I'm 5'1" and 132lbs. so I have a few pounds to shed. I would like to be at 115 or around that number anyway.
  • chesneyfan01
    chesneyfan01 Posts: 51 Member
    I'm 5'2"...CW 132. Id like to get down to bout 115-120.
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    hi I am a smidgen over 5'!" and currently weigh 136, my first goal is 130 and stay there for a bit then maybe 125, I did get down to 122 but i found it too hard to stay there. I know that my weights are heavy for most of you but I dont really do slim lol!!!! I have rather big muscly legs and *kitten*!
  • BriskisGrl
    BriskisGrl Posts: 461
    Right now I'm shooting for 135.. I45 was my goal last summer.. Baby steps other wise I'll have a hard time keeping it off with my PCOS.. I have curves and love them so We'll redetermine that weight when I get there and see how toned I am.
  • dcjackson50
    dcjackson50 Posts: 196
    I am 42 and 5"2

    I have always been told I have an hour glass figure, and really liked how I looked at 120-123.
    I haven't been that weight since early thirties though so right now I have mini goals for weekly weight loss set so I will hit 130 by the end of August.

    I was excited to think about being 130 when I started here on MFP,.......but I have a sneaky suspicion that I will want to be smaller. Even though I have big hips and bra size is a D cup,.......I know more about body fat and BMI and honestly think 130 may be still too big for my height.
  • bexx03
    bexx03 Posts: 32
    i'm 5' 2.5" and I'm currently 119lbs.
    waist measurement is roughly 25.5inch's
    I'm aiming for 108lbs but i'd still be happy at 110-112lbs
  • Leslie85
    Leslie85 Posts: 265 Member
    currently fluctuating between 114 and 116
    goal weight 108 and toned
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    I'm 41, 5ft 1 1/4", 125 lbs. I wouldn't mind losing a few more lbs but mostly aiming to be very toned and my measurements matter to me more than the number on the scale. Most of my adult life, I varied between 105-115 and felt good there but as I've gotten older and had 3 kids, my body shape changed and my metabolism suddenly slowed down.
  • aqua_zumba_fan
    aqua_zumba_fan Posts: 383 Member
    I'm around 5'2 and about to turn 33. I weigh 132lbs (lost 23lbs) and I'm not too worried if I don't lose any more though my bum and thighs are still pretty big. Happy with top half and just toning up a bit!
  • britachu
    britachu Posts: 157
    I am 5'2.5" -- My goal weight is 120. I have a medium bone structure and would like to be toned/muscular, and I don't think I could get much smaller than 120 and still look "healthy", which is really what I want.
  • KatKatatrophic
    KatKatatrophic Posts: 448 Member
    I'm 5'1.5 and I'm going for 97. I am 107.5 right now :)
  • Absidey
    Absidey Posts: 116 Member
    Your body fat % and lean body mass will affect your weight goals. I'm aiming for about 125 lbs right now, and will adjust as I get to goal and see how it looks. I want to be somewhere in the range of 21-25% body fat, which would put me at 123-127 lbs with my current lean body mass. However, I want to put on a bit more muscle than I have now, and so may end up closer to 130 lbs. It will look a lot different than it did when I was 130 lbs with 30% ish body fat before.

    I'm 5'2".
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    It varies with age and body frame. You can put 2 5'2 girls side by side and one will be 115 and 1 at 130 and they both look great. Everyone carries weight different. At my heaviest of 130, I looked pregnant bc of where I hold everything. I'm now at 113-114, my UGW; but I pay more attention to my BF%. I'm 5'2 and 32 yo.
  • amj3303
    amj3303 Posts: 111 Member

    I think you are at a wonderful weight for your height..

    I am 5'2.5 and I am looking to be 118lbs overrall. A little smaller would be ok maybe 115 max but mainly to not see a chubby tummy and touching legs.. Once I don't have that, I should be happy and I hope 118 will make that happen..... 21 lbs lost and 13 more to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
  • classc1
    classc1 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm 5'3" and currently weigh 110lbs with my measurements at 34-26-32. My ultimate goal weight is 101lbs but if I don't make it there and just tone up a bit I will still be happy.
  • Ke1ra78
    Ke1ra78 Posts: 146 Member
    You sound a good weight for your height. Im 5'2" and aiming for 125-130lb. Im 148 at the mo adjust gonna get to my goal and see how i feel then. :-)
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    I am 5'3" and goal range is 120-124lbs.

    I am content with my size 4 and small/x-small shirts/dresses.

    One day I'll get there.
  • BarbaraK08
    BarbaraK08 Posts: 13
    I'm 5' 0", currently 130 pounds and trying to get to 115 pounds.
  • jesslynn48
    jesslynn48 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 5'2 and I'm aiming for 110 - 115 pounds. That may be low for some who are the same height but my breasts are rather small, all the weight is in my damn butt and thighs!
  • I'm 5'3 and my goal is 140. I have large breast and hips with a small waist so anything less would make me look sickly.

    I'm 5'3 too. I was at my fitest at 150ish lbs. I stop weighing then and just kept living. And I used to run then too. I have huge breasts- i wore 34DD back then- and wide hips, so I don't think under 140lbs would look appealing on me.
    After about 4 yrs including 2 major episodes of depression (and currently investigating fibromyalgia diagnosis), I've gone over the 200 mark. So right now, my first goal is to get under 200 lbs. Then, to get to 160. Then, I'll prob try to maintain for the fall/winter, when SAD kicks in again.