Has anyone seen Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead?

If so, what did you think of it? I just watched it and found it supremely inspiring. I have been making an effort to eat a more plant-based diet but this is just the extra motivation I need to invest in a juicer. Has anyone seen this documentary? Better yet, has anyone tried a Reboot? How'd it go?


  • Rokwell
    Rokwell Posts: 143
    No but forks over knives was amazing.
  • Saiklor
    Saiklor Posts: 183
    I saw it with my boyfriend who was very jazzed to try it out until we actually added up the costs of all the fresh fruit/veg you'd need to do a reboot. You'd better have some deeeep pockets, or be best friends with a farmer!
  • sugarandspice27
    sugarandspice27 Posts: 521 Member
    Yesss... it IS pretty pricey. And that's what sucks about America- it's cheaper to eat poorly. But we pay for it on the back end with paying for medicine and health care- so is it really pricey?
  • mayamanus295
    I have seen it and tried it and found it extremely difficult. The first day is the hardest because you will be hungry for the whole day. Then with me I love to go out with friends and I could not because they wanted to go out to eat. I think if you have the dedication you can do it but I tried and it was very difficult.