Calories a day???

How do you work out how many calories you should have a day? I am 193 lb 5 ft 4 and having around 1200 calories, I was told by some one today that I'm not having enough calories, is this right? Please help :s


  • ready2tryagain42
    I know it doesn't make much sense. But sometimes you have to eat more to lose weight. When I started with MFP I realized I wasn't eating enough....maybe up your calories to 1300 or even 1400 will give you that jump start you need. Good luck!
  • djatkins34
    djatkins34 Posts: 1
  • katharineshalia
    katharineshalia Posts: 243 Member
    I'm 5'4'' and I eat 1200 or a bit more depending on how much I burn or how hungry I am. The person who told you you are not eating enough calories was probably talking about BMR and TDEE which you can look up and calculate but it can be confusing. People who have been on here for a while can better inform you or you can do a search and read an older thread. Good luck.
  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    How do you work out how many calories you should have a day? I am 193 lb 5 ft 4 and having around 1200 calories, I was told by some one today that I'm not having enough calories, is this right? Please help :s

    Change your goal from 2 lbs a week to 1 lb and you'll have more to work with.
  • Lyanasonni
    Lyanasonni Posts: 11
    Hi Roxy. To be honest, you may need to experiment with it a while, if not able to see a dietician.

    [Personal experience:]
    To lose weight, (for most folks, including myself) there needs to be a slight calorie deficit.
    Otherwise, can try to burn off the excess, but that can lead to muscle-gain and therefore some slight weight-gain for a while; this can be bad for the weigh-in boost you normally get from lost weight, so it may be better to wait on this until some weight has already been lost).
    Never go below what's healthy. (If you ever go below 1000, it's probably unhealthy, ask a doc first).

    [Actual advice:]
    In this case, I would recommend that you take the approximate amount you've been eating (set up some "fake food diaries" to get a good idea of where that was, then delete brutally honest with yourself when setting them up).
    Take the calorie amount, then reduce it by a small amount you feel comfortable with. This small, seemingly-negligible amount does add up over time, but it's slow.
    If you want to speed it up, you can try cutting out a few of those "bad favorites", which add up over time. This is much more difficult, but the results are faster.
  • petite_boleyn
    petite_boleyn Posts: 144
    Struggling with an ED, I can say this is very difficult for me. I'm trying hard to up my intake to anything above 800, but I'm having trouble even hitting that mark to begin with.

    I KNOW that it's unhealthy, it just seems like so much food.

    To be honest, I'm a little jealous of the people who can eat 1200 and feel fine.
  • msudaisy28
    msudaisy28 Posts: 267 Member
    MFP helps you calculate this - when setting up your goals it takes into account your height, current weight, age, and activity level and determines approximately what you would need to eat to stay at the same weight assuming no additional exercise/activities. Then you tell it what your goal is (1 lb lost/week, 2 lb lost/week, etc) and it calculates the deficit needed and gives you a calorie goal.

    If you exercise you will create more of a calorie deficit than you need to meet your goal, that's why MFP "gives" you extra calories to eat on days that you exercise. For example, MFP calculates that I need 1400 cals/day to have a 1lb/week loss. I did a workout this morning and burned 188 cals (per my HRM). So for today I'm going to aim to eat 1588 cals so that I'm not creating too much of a deficit.
  • jcamby
    jcamby Posts: 200 Member
    I'm 5'4" and weigh 195 (wow we're similar!) and I'm supposed to eat around 1400 cals...and I've been steadily losing (started out at 211)
  • Lyanasonni
    Lyanasonni Posts: 11
    Struggling with an ED, I can say this is very difficult for me. I'm trying hard to up my intake to anything above 800, but I'm having trouble even hitting that mark to begin with.

    I KNOW that it's unhealthy, it just seems like so much food.

    To be honest, I'm a little jealous of the people who can eat 1200 and feel fine.

    I totally get what you mean.
    I try to only give the healthiest advice on here, but it's always best to see a doc/dietician & see what they say is fine for you.
    My best friend in HS had an ED, I let her lean on me for emotional support, but she was doing the best she could: seeing a psychiatrist & getting the advice she deserved. The only thing I disagreed with at the time, is that they never pointed out that there could be some self-image issues (body dysmorphic - always thinking she's so heavy and yet being so, so thin; thinking she had so many skin issues, yet she looked just fine). And past life issues (which she refused to discuss with the psyc).
    Keep being strong, there's always support, somewhere, somehow, if you need it :wink:
  • cmoon00
    cmoon00 Posts: 18
    I also was given a 1200 goal by MFP and I am 5'9 and weigh 153lbs. I haven't been doing this long, so I thought the goal was to stay right at or belong that mark. Then I took the last week of my diary to a personal trainer and they told me I was not giving myself enough calories, which in return puts your body into starvation mode. This makes sense now why I have been extremely tired and a huge crab *kitten*

    The personal trainer told me 1300 is awesome, 1400 is good, but not to exceed 1500 in a day. I'm thinkin, "Damn, that is a lot!"

    But then you factor in exercise and it makes more sense. If you are burning calories then you need more calories to maintain the proper balance of nutrition.

    I know I am not going to lose weight as quickly by eating more calories and exercising, but I tell myself, "This is the health-way to do it."
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    How do you work out how many calories you should have a day? I am 193 lb 5 ft 4 and having around 1200 calories, I was told by some one today that I'm not having enough calories, is this right? Please help :s

    Try this -