Exercise cals



  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Yea mfp does exactly that. Hewever, it does not take your body fat, goals at gaining muscle or losing fat into account. I can be wrong, but when i went to settings to adjust my macros there was nothing about bf% either. That is why Iconsider mfp to be unaccurate. On top of that, mfp doesen't even allow you to adjust the setting of macros in grams. It does it by ratios which can mislead alot of people. For example, my calculations were 168g carbs, 108 g of protein, and i believe 50 g of fats. Now, the closest I can set up my profile is by ratios of 40/30/30 therefore 152g carbs, 51 g fat and 114 g protein. Since either way using the formula from the website or trusting the mfp calculator, everything is still an estimate. So I just go by mfp calculations. The concept of weight loss on mfp is still the same though :calories in - calories out.

    And nah I dont mean that the body goes into starvation mode at exactly 1199calpries. Nowehre in my post did I state this either. What I mean by starvation mode below 1200 calories is that anything low according your macro calculations can realy disturb the body. It doesent have to be exactly under 1200 cals. Your body needs the fuel so therefore itll try to get the fuel from protein if diet is low in fat and carbs. A keto diet would be a whole new situation though. And again thats where body composition comes into play. All in all, what I mean by a 1200 starvation mode is just clearly an example that low calorie diet can bring your body to starvation and once the caloric intake starts to get higher higher than usual on an approx 1200 calories diet, (example you follow a 900calorie diet (1200 cal from food and 300cal burned through exercise) and eat 1600 calories one day), your body will likely store it as fat if taken in excess assuming you are not doig any type of activity. And since the body is so adapted to 900 calories itll want to hold on to the macros and store them as fat(most likely) or it may choose to store them inthe blood for fuel if there is activity going on throughout the day. Nowhere does it say "eat 1200 cals and die." No... In fact some people have sedentary jobs and its perfectly fine with them. Just eating below your BMr would cause a problem.

    MFP uses the Harris Benefict Formula which I agree does not take into account BF% - whereas the Katch-McArdle Formula does - but you need to remember these are ALL estimates. And I never disagreed with this - but you were supposed to be responding to the OP in the context of her question.

    I do not see how the ability to change macros is relevent to the dicussion at hand - if you read all my repsonses I have said time and time again I agree with the macro suggestions in the link

    You said that, and I quote "Eat below 1200 calories and your body will go into the starvation mode" - so, yes you did. And nowhere did I say that you said "eat less than 1200 and you will die". Please ensure you quote yourself and me correctly before you post a response.

    If you had spent as much time explaning to the OP what you were getting at in your initial post rather than defending yourself to me, then this whole conversation, which has probably derailed this thread, would be completely unecessary.

    OP: apologies for the tete-a-tet here. I will not be responding further in the hope your thread can get back on track.
  • aoikirin
    aoikirin Posts: 143
    I haven't been eating back my exercise calories because I have a high calorie consumption number on here : 2000 (I am 6'4 253)

    I don't feel light-headed or anything, but I do feel a lot more hungry on cardio days for sure.

    I don't want to eat the extra calories because I don't want my 40 pound or so weight loss goal to take 10 years. I already tried being more moderate (2500 a day) and I GAINED 2 pounds in a month. That is why I signed up here and am going gun-ho.
  • Bbyydol
    Bbyydol Posts: 12
    Im done with this also. Sheesh, I was explaining everything in general. I didn’t quote you either... I was restating what I said before. My first post was a general post. Again, I could provide op with some stickies and studies but most are very long and informative and would require a background knowledge on nutrition. Like everyone else, op would rather post a thread that has already been posted 50 times each day instead of reading 3 paragraphs on AA’s website that would answer his/her questions.
  • Assassins_Angel
    lol a little confused still but its ok thankyou for all the information given im going to play it by ear and see how it goes atm im going by my net weight and trying to keep that up to 1200

    thanks again for the info
  • hazelovesfood
    hazelovesfood Posts: 454 Member
    This has got me confused. If for my everday needs, i need to be eating 2000 to just be me then how can I not be losing lots of weight if i only eat 1200 and thats without exercise. I dont get all, we all move our bodies every day doing everyday things and they all burn cals. So if my body doesnt get the 2000 a day and im doing all this everyday stuff how come the weight doesnt fly off, Its very confusing.

    So is it like this my body needs 2000 cals per day to live, but i burn 1500 say, which leaves my body with 500 left in one day. But what does that mean and if that is right what happens when you burn those 500 left on exercise ontop of the everyday stuff. Please someone explain it, its drving me nuts trying to work this out lol.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    This has got me confused. If for my everday needs, i need to be eating 2000 to just be me then how can I not be losing lots of weight if i only eat 1200 and thats without exercise. I dont get all, we all move our bodies every day doing everyday things and they all burn cals. So if my body doesnt get the 2000 a day and im doing all this everyday stuff how come the weight doesnt fly off, Its very confusing.

    So is it like this my body needs 2000 cals per day to live, but i burn 1500 say, which leaves my body with 500 left in one day. But what does that mean and if that is right what happens when you burn those 500 left on exercise ontop of the everyday stuff. Please someone explain it, its drving me nuts trying to work this out lol.

    If you burn 2000 and eat 1200 you will lose weight. This issue is, when you have a large deficit, you run the risk of slowing your metabolism (more than it would just by losing weight) and then the 2000 maintenance will no longer be maintenance, it will be lower. The other issue is being able to get enough protein to maintain (or minimize the loss os) your muscle mass, enough fats and enough fibre for your body to 'work' effectively and enough micronutrients (vitamins etc) to maintain healthy body functions on a low calorie diet. Also, there is the energy levels and sustainability of that diet to consider.