I have a long way to go



  • Janiot
    Janiot Posts: 187 Member
    Hello - welcome -just take it a day at a time - set mini goals rather than dwell on the total to lose.
    Add me as a friend:smile:
  • I'd love to help you as well, I know starting sucks (I am too!) The first few pounds are the hardest, simply because I didn't think it was possible for me to be in shape. We're here for you, in your best, and worst moments!
  • Sprootles
    Sprootles Posts: 16
    Don't be discouraged! I just started today, too. I am trying to lose 40 but I really need to lose 60...and I will.

    You can do this! I can do this! We can do this!
  • MaryLE100
    MaryLE100 Posts: 3
    I've been at this site for several weeks now and figured it's time to meet some people. I, too have a long way to go. It's hard to look at what's left to go, and as I get older (I'm 59), it sure is a slower process.
  • tlc12078
    tlc12078 Posts: 334 Member
    you can add me, I have a while to go to, but my hard work is paying off.
  • It takes time. A lot of time. But take it one thing at a time. One pound at a time, one day at a time, one meal at a time. And never give up!!!
  • Noel1114
    Noel1114 Posts: 23 Member

    Look upon it as a journey thats going tot ake some time. Set realistic goals and you'll be amazed how good you feel when the weight starts coming off even if it is slow. The main thing is you're getting lighter. Remember Rome wasn't built in a day.
  • DebsNewLife
    DebsNewLife Posts: 12
    You're soooooo not alone! = )
    I have, well not ashamed to admit it anymore - 89lbs to lose. That seems overwhelming when I think of what that means, especially when it seems as though it snuck up on me overnight (most of it anyway...). But moment by moment, choice by choice - it's all starting to happen. Also, it helps to think about how many workers (allegedly) don't bother with hand washing once done in the washroom when I'm tempted to stop by the chip aisle. Whatever keeps me walking...
    Am sending a friend request to you in case you're in the market for some more supporters - I know I can always use more!
    = )