I have been following this MFP thing pretty consistantly for 3 weeks. I dont get exercise in everyday, but at least 3 times a week if not more. I have just begun the SL 5x5 and the Couch25k programs. I dont think I have gone over my calorie limit one single day. The first two weeks I dropped a total of 5 pounds. YEAH!... but seems like nothing is happening now...IN FACT...the scales are showing that 4.5 of the dropped pounds are BACK!!!! I am just into the second week of SL 5x5 and the weights are extremely light...for those that are famiiar with the program. I seriously doubt I am developing THAT much muscle gain to explain no weight loss and lost weight returned. It is so discouraging. Any suggestions? Im not expecting any dramatic changes over night...but it would be nice to see SOMETHING to keep me motivated....


  • glittersoul
    glittersoul Posts: 666 Member
    I'm not sure if your diary is complete or not, but if it is then you are not eating enough food to lose weight properly.
  • Cravenamanda
    Cravenamanda Posts: 54 Member
    Hello, be encouraged weight will come off with time:) Maybe the weight is water weight I noticed a lot of fast food and processed things in your diary that might be making you retain water. Drink more fluids and try to avoid salt for a few days and weight yourse;f again. You will be pleasantly surprised. Keep at it!
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    I had to change things up when I stalled out...lost almost next to nothing and even gained for two weeks in a row, so I lowered my calories and upped my exercise. I suggest you up your exercise if possible and leave your food where you are...try that for a couple of weeks. I lowered my calories but I don't suggest anyone else do it. I've got this week on the lower cals then I'm going to slowly go back up. Adding 100 calories a week till I get back to 1200.....
  • bradley081
    bradley081 Posts: 16 Member
    A lot of times I dont eat all my calories because most evenings...with work and trying to get to the gym, and then coming home and trying to cook something, it is 830 and 9pm a lot of nights before I am able to eat. Because of the late hour, I opt not to eat. Should I go ahead and eat...just to get the cals in?
  • gaschwartz
    gaschwartz Posts: 6 Member
    The first 5 was more than likely water weight and this can be affected by your salt intake and level of activity. It is important to get your calories in and if it is later in the evening opt for lean proteins and no carbs, proteins are important right after a workout and then carb up in the morning. The problem I have is I do great all week and then fall off the wagon on the weekends, I need more discipline. If you are consistent the weight will come off, but total calories are important.
  • Debbiedebbiey
    Debbiedebbiey Posts: 824 Member
    Im the same way, started April 28 & gained/ Lost the same 2lbs. I even have a bodybugg that tells me how many cals I'm burning/ day. 1st I thought I wasn't eating enuf, so I bumped it up. Still nothing. Yesterday day I broke down, Said heck with it, ate 3pieces donatos pizza & angel food cake. Im all better today, worked out& ate great, so I'll give it another month. I do feel good from eating healthy & exercising, it's my new hobby I suppose. But a month into it u'd think 4lbs? Or so. Oh well, I feel your pain. Don't give up!
  • mjf0461
    mjf0461 Posts: 470 Member
    You've not been on it long enough to be building muscle, so we can rule that out. You are eating alot of processed foods that carry lots of sodium, so water gain is what I am thinking. Also try to increase you water intake, also you have to feed your body during this process, dont short change it. Protein is vitally important at least 1/2 your body weight you should be taking in Protein..And remember 21 days you have formed a habit. So try to change somethings up in your diet as well as in your working out. Challenge the body and mind so that it doesn't get used to what your doing. Stay a step ahead so to speak...

    You can do this, we have all been there. Good Luck...
  • taxidermist15
    taxidermist15 Posts: 677 Member
    I had to change things up when I stalled out...lost almost next to nothing and even gained for two weeks in a row, so I lowered my calories and upped my exercise. I suggest you up your exercise if possible and leave your food where you are...try that for a couple of weeks. I lowered my calories but I don't suggest anyone else do it. I've got this week on the lower cals then I'm going to slowly go back up. Adding 100 calories a week till I get back to 1200.....

    your eating less than 1200 cal?
    hope your doctor prescribed this :S
    Thanks for telling other people not to do it though :)
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    A couple of things. As others have said, reduce or elminate the processed foods. They are high in sodium and generally not nutritionally sound. They could be holding you back. Definitly get your calories in for the day. You are a big guy and your working out. You've got to fuel that. Try some healthy, nutrient dense foods like greek yogurt, almond butter or organic peanut butter to get a healthy version the balance of those calories for the day.

    You likely lost some water weight and then regained some. The processes foods and sodium are the likely culprit. 3 weeks is not very long. You didn't gain weight in 3 weeks. You won't lose much in that time. You have a good plan stay with it. How many days are you doing C25K and how many days SL5x5? On SL 5x5, just give it a week or 2 and the weight will be more of a challenge.