Phentermine Diet Pills

Hello everyone, my name is Ayanna and I'm new to myfitnesspal. I am on here to track my weight loss progress. I will begin taking my Phentermine diet pills tomorrow morning and along with a healthy diet and exercise, I expect to see great results. I will keep you all posted.


  • avamariah
    avamariah Posts: 26 Member
    Took phentermine pills for years; now my Cardiologist is telling me that part of my heart condition is from the years of taking this "safe" drug. Now I use dieter's green tea extra strength because it is all natural. I get great results and my colon is healthy. Good luck with your weight loss journey. I am taking my journey one day at a time.
  • xStargazerx
    I took those for a couple of weeks and got a slight addiction to them. Well I had no probably stopping but when I was taking them I felt like I wanted to take more. I wouldn't recommend these. If you want to take diet pills try talking to your doctor about Ali. It blocks a percentage of fat intake so it helps you focus on the amount of fat you are taking in.
  • TuscanySun
    TuscanySun Posts: 3,608 Member
    I took these too. Great results, but addiction issues too. Once I stopped taking them, I gained it all back plus some and also had depression issues.

    then i found out they caused the heart murmer and damage to my hear that now causes palpitations etc.

    Each of us has to choose our own path to health, so I'm not standing in judgement by any means...but please be very careful.
  • rmchan
    rmchan Posts: 152 Member
    Hello everyone, my name is Ayanna and I'm new to myfitnesspal. I am on here to track my weight loss progress. I will begin taking my Phentermine diet pills tomorrow morning and along with a healthy diet and exercise, I expect to see great results. I will keep you all posted.

    I used to be an aerobic instructor, trainer, bikeathon goo ru, the list goes on.. I got older, had a child, and lost "myself" put myself way out of my top I wanted to be I also took Phentermine 10mg which is really mild...I lost weight and fast...I was ill, sleep deprived, and it killed my metabolism..I'm still trying to get some kind of metabolism back...It's a quick fix and the weight will come off fast...cause you about throw up to think about food...but the weight will come back and more of it...and the next time you try to lose weight..your metabolism will be dead and you will have to work twice as hard to get a little result.. Don't do it girl. Try South Beach diet and move your body!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I hope you change your mind about the pills.
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    You're my age with the same amount to lose. Why on EARTH are you taking diet pills? Just exercise and eat right, unless your doctor agreed that there is some medical reason to need pills. Why mess up your health in the long run?
  • estherguas
    estherguas Posts: 113 Member
    I took those pills for one week, at first I thought they were great .. they totally killed my appetite I mean I had to force myself to eat but after a few days I started to feel for lack of a better word "stoned" I stopped taking them exactly 7 days after starting and I went through horrible withdrawl symptoms for like 3 days...if you take them be sure listen carefully to your body and do not take them for very long..Honestly as some of the other gals already stated taking pills is really just a quick fix and if you dont train yourself to change the way you eat you'll most likely go right back to your old unhealthy ways once you stop the pills.

    Good Luck in whatever you decide:tongue:
  • avamariah
    avamariah Posts: 26 Member
    I didn't know these pills kill your metabolism. That explains why I have had the hardest time trying to get off these excess pounds. I had taken Phentermine for years when I was younger and always managed to keep a beautiful body. Now, I don't take them and the weight has been extremely difficult to get off. By the way, I still think I have a beautiful body, I just have some extra Per my doctors suggestion I use Alli. I don't really notice a significant change but I will tell you when I eat a meal with a high fat content. I know! It will definitely come out the other end. I am just focusing on changing my eating habits and portion control. I am not an exercise guru but I do go out and walk 30 minutes daily and a fairly brisk speed. I also starting riding a bike (yard sale) a couple of time around my neighborhood. I would like to start a Zuumba class at the YMCA.

    Please try some other healthy options besides taking Phentermine.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Diet pills = badness guys.

    not only in the case of phentermine and other drugs like it that mess around with your hormones and metabolism, but also because they teach you NOTHING about how to live the rest of your life in a healthy way, if anything they teach people that you can go on living an unhealthy lifestyle and still "look" healthy. To me diet pills are the worst kind of short cut, not only do they teach bad habits, but they also can physically harm you.

    I really hope you don't end up taking the pills, a few extra pounds in the short term is not worth putting your health, and your long term well being at risk.
  • LittleEva44
    Hello everyone, my name is Ayanna and I'm new to myfitnesspal. I am on here to track my weight loss progress. I will begin taking my Phentermine diet pills tomorrow morning and along with a healthy diet and exercise, I expect to see great results. I will keep you all posted.

    Hi. Scorpio. I also took the Phentermine (7 days) along w/the Ionamine (7 days). Every week I'd get weighed in and pick up my prescription at the pharmacy next door to the "Diet Doctor"; which meant I'd pay another $38.00 (x 12 week program). At the beginning we'd be charged a flat fee of $44 to START the program. Do the math. It's expensive. The combination of the two had me lose the weight. I have my card at home that specifially told me what to eat, snack on, no oils, drink water, eat chicken/fish, etc. I had lost allot of weight, but then again, that was when I was about 25 years old :happy: I'm 44 years old and have had a baby 3 years ago. I had wondered WHY my metabolism was shot to hell :devil: Now I know why (the pills). When you're off them you will GAIN all the weight back.

    I have lost 20 pounds (on my own) since January 2009. I know with any type of diet pill they WILL help you, but the consequences are your "choice". Exercising and eating right (changing your eating habits) are the results towards losing weight (the healthy way). Here are some tips for you:

    I weigh myself every 15th of the month read more below, and I have NEVER been healthier in my life! Here are MY tips for you:

    Drink 64 oz of water daily. I suggest you eat 1,250 calories at the beginning, take your vitamins/supplements, talk to your doctor before exercising/dieting, use extra virgin olive oil, eat wheat products: bread, spaghetti, cereal, etc., eat fruits and veggies, snack on "any" type of nut (walnuts, almonds, and sunflower seeds are best), drink skim/soy milk, eat yogurt, eat fish/chicken/turkey/lean meats, have salads WITHOUT dressing (use extra virgin olive oil), stay away from POPS/SODAS (drink diet sodas/pops once a day if not, once a week), don't eat "fried foods" (French fries, potato chips, etc), eat Baked Lays, air popped popcorn, go to and buy a pizza stone ($29.99) you can create your own delicious homemade pizzas with Boboli wheat pizza crust (already made); veggies to your heart's content, one can of refried beans (protein), one can of whole kernel corn (drained), and lite mozzarella cheese...yum! You can eat the Oreda crinkle cut fries that you bake in the oven, stay away from the salt shaker, stay AWAY from processed foods, foods made with hydrogenated oils (cookies, cakes, pies, etc). For dessert you can eat a skinny cow chocolate w/peanut butter ice cream sandwich....yummy!

    Stop eating 2-3 hours BEFORE you go to sleep. I learned from Oprah's Boot Camp you have to STOP eating 2-3 hours BEFORE you go to sleep because your metabolism shuts down (as everything does when you're in a REM (Rapid Eye Movement).

    Go to They have yummy recipes and are another source of website for motivation. Did you know that if you pay for your subscription to Prevention they give you a free pedometer? One should walk/step 10,000 steps daily. Check them out! They have a free website w/the magazine there in front of you in case you can't subscribe just yet.

    Don't drink COFFEE. Drink Chai black/green tea instead. Chew gum all day. It keeps your mouth "busy". I've also heard/learned that before you eat a meal eat your soup first since it helps fill you up before the main course.

    Weigh yourself "monthly". I swear (Eva crossing her finger and doing a "cross" by her :heart: ) you WILL lose 3-4 pounds every month. If you do the "math" that's THE average of 1 pound a week. This helps you from NOT getting discouraged IF, if, you weigh yourself daily/weekly as allot of women in this site tend to do (weigh themselves daily/weekly and then get discouraged and give up on dieting/exercising). Why do I weigh myself monthly? Because we women have PMS, mood swings, we retain water two weeks BEFORE we mensturate. Thus the reason why I allow my clothes to do the talking for me. Today was THE magic day and I weighed in at 169.4 pounds (Eva doing a jig) :tongue:

    Thirty minutes before you work out eat one of the following: one apple, OR one small box of raisins with a handful of walnuts, OR soup, OR yogurt. Why? "They are packed with high-quality carbohydrates, which provide a quick source of fuel for your muscles, but they have just enough protein and fat to help you maintain a steady, elevated energy level" (source: Prevention Magazine April 2007).

    AFTER your work out, drink a protein shake (Slimfast, Special K, EAS Myoplex, etc). Why? "After a workout, your muscles need protein to repair microscopic muscle tears, plus another shot of carbs to help restock energy stores. Cyclists who drank it after a tough racing session had improved endurance and recovered fast than those who drank an ordinary sports drink (which supplies carbs and electrolytes, but no protein)" (Source: Prevention Magazine April 2007).

    Stay away from alcoholic drinks (includes wine).

    Set small goals for right now. Start with the FIRST 10 pounds. Later, the weight will be HARDER to lose. Remember, it's soooo easy to gain the weight, but hard to lose it. "No pain, no gain!" No worries if the weight is harder to lose since it means that it is time to "up" your exercise regimen (1 hour 3-4 days a week). When you've lost the weight, then you can go "up" to 1,500 calories (maybe for the last stubborn 10 pounds). If you closely watch "THE BIGGEST LOSER" they have to lose more than 50 pounds; their calorie intake is 1,000-1,100. Wow! Bless their :heart: for doing that!!! If you've watched the Diet Detective, he gets rid of all the "fat" foods in your fridge and pantry (cakes, cookies, pies, etc). He fills those places with veggies, fruits, wheat products, dairy products, low fat cheeses, olive oil, etc. I LOVED that show, but you can still check out his website:

    If you want more "tips" let me know as you know how to reach me. Blessings and good luck!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I had great results when I had taken them in the but always gained back what I lost and then 10 pounds more....3 times I tried...

    ....focus on eating right and not just not eating...that's the mistake I made. Good luck!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Oops:blushing: double
  • avamariah
    avamariah Posts: 26 Member
    thanks Little Eva for your imput. Well needed. I am curious though, why not coffee. I am a faithful coffee drinker. I can not deprive myself of it. The only time I don't drink it is when I am drinking green tea. Then, I miss it so much I go through withdrawal. Its my only vice and I love it! By the way I put some of your suggested websites into my favorites so I can access them quickly.

    Thanks again for the input.
  • LittleEva44
    thanks Little Eva for your imput. Well needed. I am curious though, why not coffee. I am a faithful coffee drinker. I can not deprive myself of it. The only time I don't drink it is when I am drinking green tea. Then, I miss it so much I go through withdrawal. Its my only vice and I love it! By the way I put some of your suggested websites into my favorites so I can access them quickly.

    Thanks again for the input.

    Oh, you're welcome! I don't drink coffee since Prevention mentioned that the caffeine in it is what I was drinking double since I drank a Diet Coke once a day for dinner (as my reward). I couldn't sleep at nights. The black Chai/green tea has no caffeine in it. Girl, I would drink my coffee BLACK! People add sugar, even the coffee mate to "flavor it". Not in my book, not even "non fat" sweetener/coffee mate works for me. The fat intake in a cup of coffee just shoots right thru the roof! I'm living proof. Try it, please try to STOP drinking coffee for a month. One month. That's all! go to and type in coffee. It will give you for information as to the pros and cons of drinking coffee (I gave away all my Prevention magazines to my girlfriends) :wink:
  • avamariah
    avamariah Posts: 26 Member
    Trying to PLEAD my case here. So coffee has a high fat content? Dear God, what am I going to do? I think I am going to go into withdrawal if I stop drinking it. I would rather give up my, then again...not Anyway, I will let you know when I am ready for the challenge. One step at a time. I already gave up my Wawa cappauchino, ugh!
  • avamariah
    avamariah Posts: 26 Member
    sorry, see my new post.
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    There is no fat in coffee. The problem is many people add sugar and creamer to their coffee which adds calories and fat - if you are drinking it black, or with skim milk there is not that concern. I believe it is fine in moderation. I generally have one or two cups in the morning. Caffeine can have some effects of dehydration, so do offset any coffee with additional water.
  • LittleEva44
    Trying to PLEAD my case here. So coffee has a high fat content? Dear God, what am I going to do? I think I am going to go into withdrawal if I stop drinking it. I would rather give up my, then again...not Anyway, I will let you know when I am ready for the challenge. One step at a time. I already gave up my Wawa cappauchino, ugh!

    NP. I was there, too! Girl, I started drinking coffee when I was 17 years old! Then I learned from my dad to drink it black. I'm 44 years old and I quit COLD TURKEY this year! (Eva doing the math, hang on, I need my calculator :wink:

    I was a coffee drinker for 27 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, baby steps, baby steps :wink: Blessings!

  • LittleEva44
    There is no fat in coffee. The problem is many people add sugar and creamer to their coffee which adds calories and fat - if you are drinking it black, or with skim milk there is not that concern. I believe it is fine in moderation. I generally have one or two cups in the morning. Caffeine can have some effects of dehydration, so do offset any coffee with additional water.

    Okay, now it's a VENDETA (sp)...let me look this up in Prevention......I'M LIVING PROOF!! (lost 20 pounds), but then again to each his own as "People tend to do what they want to do!"


  • LittleEva44

    Article #1

    Are Both Coffee and Tea Good for My Health?
    The best cups to brew for a healthy heart

    By Andrew Weil , Dr. Weil is clinical professor of medicine at the University of Arizona and director of its Program in Integrative Medicine (Prevention Magazine, April 2007).

    "I've heard that both coffee and tea are really good for your health. Does it matter which one you drink?"

    Evidence for the health benefits of tea greatly outweighs that for coffee. Tea, especially green and white tea, is the source of some of the most powerful antioxidants known.

    Japanese researchers have learned that women who drink at least 5 cups of green tea each day cut their risk of dying from heart disease by about a third. Their study followed 40,000 healthy adults for 11 years and was reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association last September.

    Black-tea drinkers also appear to enjoy similar protection. Researchers from University College London subjected a group of volunteers to stressful situations over 6 weeks. Those who regularly drank black tea over that time period reported feeling calmer than those asked to drink a placebo beverage with the same amount of caffeine. Tea drinkers also had lower levels of cortisol, the stress hormone that is thought to play an important role in heart disease. Be aware that adding milk to tea interferes with its antioxidant activity.

    As for coffee, a 20-year study of more than 100,000 people reported in the journal Circulation found only modest benefits to the heart. My advice: If you are a coffee drinker, try substituting good-quality tea for some of the coffee you now consume.

    Andrew Weil, MD, is a pioneer in the field of holistic health and founder and director of the Program in Integrative Medicine at the College of Medicine, University of Arizona. He received his medical training at Harvard University. Blessings!

    Eva :flowerforyou: