Dr Oz belly fat blasters

danyelle67 Posts: 115 Member
A friend of mine that does not work during the day watched Dr Oz and said he is recommending this supplement for belly fat called 7 Keto. Did anyone ever hear of it and/or use it???? She claims it is a hormone we lose as we age. So needless to say she ran out and bought a bottle and said the health food store employee was all for it....I am skeptical when it comes to taking anything however she never is....Oh well just thought I would ask my very smart myfitnesspals...thanks!!!


  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    Dr Oz is a snake oil salesman.
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    If it were that easy, we'd all have flat abs.
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    I can't stand Dr. Oz.. I would never follow most of his advice he gives out. Used to watch the show pretty often.
  • Gr8ChangesAhead
    Gr8ChangesAhead Posts: 836 Member
    Dr. Oz tells you about something new everyday we would owe the vitamin companies our life savings if we listened to him.....
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    He will recommend what ever product he get payed for. He has no credibility
  • Whats funny is I watched him today flipping channels and I think I counted 14 products he says are "everyday needs". Some were even blatant advertising like certain brands. Why do I need a certain brand of food as an everyday need? Ha ha..
  • Alexstrasza
    Alexstrasza Posts: 619 Member
    This thread gave me hope for humanity. Seeing so many Dr. Oz haters warms my heart!
  • WhitneyAnnabelle
    WhitneyAnnabelle Posts: 724 Member
    Sadly, he is an example of a highly skilled and reputable doctor who now has celebrity status and gets kickback from companies he endorses. Because being a cardiovascular surgeon and professor just wasn't enough.
  • LittleLightShine
    LittleLightShine Posts: 123 Member
    I watched that show. Dr. Oz should be ashamed. He had these women come on the show who had sent in pictures of themselves in a sports bra and shorts to get on the show (a la biggest loser). They were all in tears and so embarrassed of being fat. He mortified them by asking them how they felt when they looked at their picture. It was horrible and I finally turned it off. He was pitching a bunch of crap like 7 keto. Ridiculous.

    There is no silver bullet to losing belly fat. You have to eat right and exercise. End of story.
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    He recommends a new miraculous product every day. I wouldn't waste my money if I was you.
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    safeslim..it dont work ..i am fortunate to have money to buy crap like that to try out..fortunately for all of you i can tell you what works and what doesnt so you dont waste your moola like i did. it tastes good though but i didnt lose not one stinkin' inch of belly fat from it ..
  • danyelle67
    danyelle67 Posts: 115 Member
    That is what I argued with her about that he promotes something different everyday!!!! She just thinks he has all the answers and what really ticks me off is she never watches what she eats and maybe works out 3x a week, such as walking and is smaller than me!!!!! That ticks me off bc I watch what I eat and try to do some type of exercise 5x a week and can't lose a pound!!!! errrr thanks for hearing me out my friends...teeheecfr
  • The only thing I think is good about his show is when he shows you how to MAKE healthy FOODS. You don't need supplements to lose weight, you just need the right diet and some exercise. I have tried some of the recipes one of my favorites was how to make a 'pizza' type thing. Instead of dough it's a large mushroom top. It was soooooo goooood.
  • jayayach
    jayayach Posts: 178 Member
    He will recommend what ever product he get payed for. He has no credibility

    I watched the show once.... I remember thinking "Wow, does he think that putting on a suit for one segment and scrubs for another makes him more credible?" That show is just an hour long commercial for whatever product he's getting paid to promote. Imagine if you bought and used all of the products he recommended in a year? You'd be eating a ton of vitamins a day.
  • drkrvnchld
    drkrvnchld Posts: 6
    awe man! i can't just pop a pill? dang!
  • Shaunky68
    Shaunky68 Posts: 28
    Last Fall I started taking a bottle of "Stop ingesting 5400 calories per day", and I've renewed my supply orders monthly since. Lost almost 50 pounds with this. LOL. ;) For real though, I'd stay clear of sales pitches like that. I also agree that Dr. Oz is a snake oil salesman. BTW the bottles of "Stop ingesting 5400 calories per day" are free. ;)
  • Food for thought (pun intended): Dr. Oz's good friend Oprah has always said there is no quick fix that can be bought for weight loss because if there was, she would have had it years ago! Like Oprah or not, that's wise advice for all!
  • cfred40
    cfred40 Posts: 151 Member
    Dr Oz =

  • Last Fall I started taking a bottle of "Stop ingesting 5400 calories per day", and I've renewed my supply orders monthly since. Lost almost 50 pounds with this. LOL. ;) For real though, I'd stay clear of sales pitches like that. I also agree that Dr. Oz is a snake oil salesman. BTW the bottles of "Stop ingesting 5400 calories per day" are free. ;)

  • setaylor86080
    setaylor86080 Posts: 210 Member
    The only thing I think is good about his show is when he shows you how to MAKE healthy FOODS. You don't need supplements to lose weight, you just need the right diet and some exercise. I have tried some of the recipes one of my favorites was how to make a 'pizza' type thing. Instead of dough it's a large mushroom top. It was soooooo goooood.

    OMG I did too and it was amamzing. I love the things he makes on the show!!