My Stupid Deed for the day :)

MireyaDNL Posts: 23 Member
& hopefully the last one like it for a looong time!

Okay here goes ..
So as my MFP froends already know I was expecting to receive my ChX in the mail this past Sat. But since I wasn't gonna be home I asked my brother to make sure he got it for me. Yeah, he didn't lol so today I was going to pick it up at the post office (by the time you guys read this I would have gotten it already ^_^)
That being said I worked today & somewhere in this twisted crazy mimd of mine I figured id be able to get my girls a lollipop frm 711, go to my house for my ID that I would need to pick up the package (I dnt live too far frm work 5+/- mins) (oh I needed the lollipop cuz I wouldn't be able to leave the house if my girls saw me unless I distracted them with something hence the candy), then go to the post office (about another 5 mins away) wait in line for my package, then make it back to work with enough time to eat all in 30 mins!!
Needless to say that didn't work out!
So I'm eating the whole way in the car, manage to run in & out of the house. But by the time I make it to the post office with only 10 mins left till brake is over, except I missed the entrance & parked elsewhere & ran my *kitten* to the post office. Only I find a huge line! Yet I still stand there hoping they'd say something like "anyone here just to pick up?" No such luck .. so I ran right back out & into my car. I put it in reverse to pull out of the driveway but I'm so nervous cuz I'm extremely late, that I wasn't watching my rear view mirror .. & I CRASHED INTO A POLE!! OMG I didn't even know what hit me!! & was scared ****less lol but I couldn't stop to check out my car cuz I was LATE!! So I drive all shakely back to work but not without cursing at myself hpw stupid this plan was & at every slow driver infront of me lol & I arrive to work 6 mins late! I obviously lie to my boss & tell him I went home for some food & then my car wouldn't start lol
Whew! So I'm starting to calm dwn cuz I was literally shaking, when my next lil 10 mim break comes up I go check my car & it DID get scratched!! It has a bit of yellow paint on it & an ever so slight indent to it!
Now I know I've been referring to it as "my car"... but it's not lol its my boyfriend's!! Eeek! So wish me luck & pray he doesn't see it & kill me hahaha

& This has been Mireya's Stupid deed of the day. ^_^


  • LuckyAng
    LuckyAng Posts: 1,173 Member
    Play dumb ;) Him: "How did that get there!?" You: "You tell me!!"
  • MireyaDNL
    MireyaDNL Posts: 23 Member
    Haha I love that!! Gonna use it for sure!