Fat Girl in the Family

Hi I am Maya and I really need support. I am the fastest in my family being 5'3 and 143 pounds and getting bigger. My sister is 5 foot and weighs 110 pounds and my mum is 5'0 and weighs 119 pounds. They have been having great success, unlike me. I cannot get the support from them like I want to because they find it so easy! I need help!! I have been trying way to long and need that motivation and support!! I want to lose 20 pounds in 3 months (sooner the better) and I dont think I can do it without help!


  • TurtleTurtle1975
    Hi Maya!

    How different things are for different people. I am also 5'3 and consider 145 my GOAL weight! (I am 212 right now). You can totally lose the weight! I find tracking my calories here on MFP very helpful, even on the days when I have one too many cookies and go over my allowed number of calories.
    The best advice I can give you is to do cardio. (which I hate) I do a 20 - 45 minute workout video at home every day. I did that in April and lost 4lbs!
    So keep at it. Different people lose weight at different rates, so stop comparing yourself to your Mom and sister, and anyone else. Push yourself, don't give up, and it will happen! Good luck with your weight loss journey!
  • jessicawetter
    Hi Maya!

    I totally know how you feel! Everyone in my family is short and thin too and I am also short, 5'3", i weigh 216. Best thing to do is track EVERYTHING that goes in your mouth for a week and evaluate what you are eating/drinking. Do you have coffee from a coffee shop every day or eat fast food a lot? what about servings? are you measuring what you eat and watching portions? a lot of people think they are only having 1 serving of something but it ends up being more like 3-4! If you drink pop or soda, stop and change it out for water. If plain water is too bland for you, try adding fresh lemon slices to it. trade your white bread for whole grains, eat lean meats like chicken and fish (baked not fried). get lots of veggies and fruit and make sure you are getting 8 hours of sleep every night!

    Exercise is the other aspect of weight loss. are you doing any exercise at all? even short walks, 10 minutes 3 times a day can work wonders! increase as you can tolerate it.

    we are all here to help and support you! feel free to check in when needed! dont compare yourself to others because you are not them, YOU ARE YOU! your body may not be the same as theirs!

    good luck!
  • linstapler
    linstapler Posts: 30 Member
    Hi Maya, don't give up. You will get there if you keep focus and work hard at it. Set yourself small mini goals and keep track of everything that you eat and don't forget to include exercise.

    I always keep wondering why I am putting on weight and thought I don't eat much until I start to track everything that I eat. Then I realize that I always snack in between and have not been active as before.

    Make healthy eating and exercise part of your lifestyle instead of something you are forced to do. For exercise make sure it is an activity that you enjoy doing and able to sustain in the long run.

    Good luck with your weight loss journey :)
  • lizziebeth0890
    lizziebeth0890 Posts: 5 Member
    I know how you feel. All of my family is really thin and they all eat whatever they want and never gain a pound. I was out with my cousin and she wanted to go to kfc and I said I would rather go somewhere where I could find something healthier to eat since I am dieting and she says "wait to you can't eat fried chicken?! What kind of diet are you on where you can't eat fried chicken" lol