New to the forum. I need help on not losing weight.

Hi, my name is Rachael. I've been using My Fitness Pal for three weeks now. I'm doing the 30 day shred. I did level one for a week and decided I like to do level 2. I've done level 2 for 7 days plus pop pilates ab workout afterwards. I can do level 1 way better than I could week 1. Today I did level 1 rested for 10 or 15 minutes and did level 2. I'm adding exercising in the evening. I'm eating better more fruits, vegetable, a lot of water. I'm trying to avoid white bread. I'm eating corn tortillas, yogurt, eggs, I have a begal and cream cheese occasionally, a walffle with sugar free syrup with a little bit of blue bonnet butter. I havent been able to change dinner, adding salad and small portions. I'm trying to eat 1200 or little over. I've not lost any weight and inches. I like help on this issue. Food tips anything would be nice. I messed on a couple of days I work out five days a week. I rest on weekend, usually when I eat a little more then I should.
I'm also just starting at subway. I'm hoping the continuous movement occasional healthy sub for lunch( don't get anyhing discount or free except all fountain drinks, coffee, cappuccinos. I'll try to just bring big bottle of water with me and avoid all the sugary stuff.


  • KatelinIsArmyStrong
    KatelinIsArmyStrong Posts: 27 Member
    1200 a day is too little. You don't even want to end up where some people have been from doing that. Do 1400, you'll still lose weight, i promise. Drink more water, and be patient.
  • wlaurel
    wlaurel Posts: 43
    You probably wont notice a difference on the scale for atleast a month. I was working out and eating healthy for 3 months before I noticed a signifcant difference, and then the pounds started coming off more quickly with the same level of effort. I would add jogging to the 30 day shred. It says you can lose a whole bunch of weight, but you burn little over 200 calories. A lot of professionals say that you wont burn fat unless you keep your heart rate up for ATLEAST fourty minutes. I lost some weight using the 30 day shred... don't get me wrong... but it helped a lot once I added in other routines. If you are on birthcontrol, you might want to consider changing to a contraceptive that has no hormons. Once I got off the pill I lost 6 pounds right away.
  • wlaurel
    wlaurel Posts: 43
    Wait, why do you say 1200 calories is too little? I'm not saying you're wrong, just curious. Through my research I have learned that 1200 is the amount you need to remain healthy.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    Wait, why do you say 1200 calories is too little? I'm not saying you're wrong, just curious. Through my research I have learned that 1200 is the amount you need to remain healthy.

    not if you are active........
  • Brandysaur
    Brandysaur Posts: 5
    Yeah, 1200 is too little. You might try to get to a NET of 1200, anything under that and your body will try to conserve everything it has and the weight will not come off. If you exercise and burn 700 calories, you should be eating those calories back in order to get back up to 1200 calories. You shouldn't take in only 1200 and then burn 700 of those- Your body won't have energy left to furl your brain and heart, so it'll burn muscle instead, since it is more readily available. I try to stick to a net of 1450 calories, and eat more is I exercise more. I have lost 6 pounds in a little over 2 weeks doing this.
  • Symonep
    Symonep Posts: 181 Member
    Wait, why do you say 1200 calories is too little? I'm not saying you're wrong, just curious. Through my research I have learned that 1200 is the amount you need to remain healthy.

    1200 is less than most people's 1200 is completely insane really. Look at your BMR and your TDEE and find something in the middle, usually between 20-15% less than your TDEE is ideal. TDEE = total daily energy expenditure. If you do it this way you don't eat back your exercise calories as the amount you are eating takes this into account.
  • gypsybree
    gypsybree Posts: 218
    I can eat up to 1900 and still lose.

    I do the numbers that the calculator gives me according to my height and weight. It says I lose two pounds a week but I more than double that.
  • rlh28027
    rlh28027 Posts: 2
    Okay I guess I just be patient start eating more. My fitnesd pal got me at 1200. Yea I admit I ate under that till I understood I needed to eat more than 1200. Thanks. No I haven't been on birth control in a year. Thank for everyone responding. I been adding about 10 minutes more exercise to it. I think I'll start walking my hill as well.
  • catharineshue
    I completely feel you. I need to lose some weight fast and I actually found something that helped here it is...