Hot Yoga for Weight Loss!

Hey everyone! I just started a 30-day challenge where I do 100 minutes of hot yoga (a.k.a 26 yoga poses in a 100-degree room with 40% humidity) each day for 30 days! I am hoping to drop 30 pounds and have been dieting with great success. Today is Day 5 for the challenge. I am 183 pounds with a 5'5" frame. I started out as 186 and have lost 3 pounds in these 5 days (I know it is not just water weight being lost because I am chugging gallons of water before and after).

I know there has been some dispute with how many calories are burnt during hot yoga and if it is a cardio workout, but I was hoping that people could post some success stories if they have used this method to lose weight! I would love some inspiration to continue my 30-day challenge!

Thanks :D


  • Hey! I'm going to be doing something like this too very soon... I am just a little low on cash right now :/

    You can do it! Good luck!!! Think of how AMAZING you'll feel after!
  • FR89
    FR89 Posts: 186 Member
    i've always wanted to try hot yoga but never got around to it.. i might look it up in my local area and actually go try.. Good luck for your 30 day challange! let us know how you get on.. xx
  • Phrak
    Phrak Posts: 353 Member
    Hey everyone! I just started a 30-day challenge where I do 100 minutes of hot yoga (a.k.a 26 yoga poses in a 100-degree room with 40% humidity) each day for 30 days! I am hoping to drop 30 pounds and have been dieting with great success. Today is Day 5 for the challenge. I am 183 pounds with a 5'5" frame. I started out as 186 and have lost 3 pounds in these 5 days (I know it is not just water weight being lost because I am chugging gallons of water before and after).

    I know there has been some dispute with how many calories are burnt during hot yoga and if it is a cardio workout, but I was hoping that people could post some success stories if they have used this method to lose weight! I would love some inspiration to continue my 30-day challenge!

    Thanks :D

    Im a 260lb male, and burned maybe 250 calories for a 75 minute class. Use it more for meditation and stretching not a calorie burn.
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    Most people I know say the bikram yoga is for increasing flexability, not for burning more calories. Doing 100 minutes of any exercise will be beneficial to weight loss.
  • CaraColleen
    CaraColleen Posts: 110 Member
    Oh I forgot to add that I am also doing 2 days of cardio a week! Hopefully the combination will work in my favor. Thanks for all the support :)
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,519 Member
    I know there has been some dispute with how many calories are burnt during hot yoga and if it is a cardio workout,

    who called it a cardio workout?
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I do a heated vinyasa class & love it. But I think I'd die doing it everyday for 30 days. But I bet you would make some great progress during a stretch like that. Good luck
  • CaraColleen
    CaraColleen Posts: 110 Member
    All the websites and teachers agree it is a cardio work out. Trust me, your heart is beating out of control during it. If you haven't done it, I would understand not thinking it was cardio.
  • CaraColleen
    CaraColleen Posts: 110 Member
    And thanks Rybo!
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    All the websites and teachers agree it is a cardio work out. Trust me, your heart is beating out of control during it. If you haven't done it, I would understand not thinking it was cardio.

    My heart beats out of control while I am doing squats....doesn't make it a cardio work out
  • araxiedyck
    araxiedyck Posts: 127 Member
    I have been doing hot yoga on and off for a year. It definitley is a cardio workout, and if you ever do the flow classes that is extreme cardio depending on the instructor. I would love to know how many calories I actually burn off. Websites say average 450 for 60 minutes of regular hot yoga. I have definitely become more toned. I would love to go every day, but due to full time work and family my time is limited. If I can get 2 days a week that's good for me. I may try a challenge when I am on summer holidays to go every morning or something, but good for you being able to go for 30 days. You will notice a difference
  • Kanch77
    Kanch77 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in my second month of doing hot yoga - I've tried, Bikram, but love a studio near my house that offer a variety of hot yoga classes - the change I've seen In my body is amazing - steady weightloss, about a pound a week, I'm looking toned and I'm a bit addicted. I am only busying month to month and although this is more expensive, I tend to stick to the schedule because I know my pass will end etc. If anyone is considering doing this, give it a try!
  • CaraColleen
    CaraColleen Posts: 110 Member
    Awesome, Kanch! That's great that you are seeing changes in your body. I am on Day 17 right now, and I definitely feel stronger and more toned. Haven't really had much success with the scale though. I still really enjoy it, and it's my new hobby! My skin is baby soft, and I feel more centered at work. I'm overall very happy to have done the challenge.

    I will however be trying the 30 Day Shred videos to up my weight loss because I didn't see the results I wanted with hot yoga.
  • cecebeautywellness
    cecebeautywellness Posts: 1 Member
    I just started a 30 day hot yoga challenge too and I'm on day 3 and down 2 pounds. I'm noticing a huge difference in my mid section as the entire 90 minutes engage the core totally! Thanks for sharing, it awesome to hear someone on a similar journey. With you the best! And thanks for the added motivation!! :-)
  • car60t
    car60t Posts: 2 Member
    You are right I just completed my 2nd day of Bikram Yoga and my heart feels like it's gonna beat out of my chest. the first day I felt a throbbing headache that I get when I am playing racquetball. Luv yoga!!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    All the websites and teachers agree it is a cardio work out. Trust me, your heart is beating out of control during it. If you haven't done it, I would understand not thinking it was cardio.
    The high heart rate doesn't translate to it being aerobic exercise. Yoga is isometric exercise and isometric exercise is anaerobic. This isn't disputed by any journals of medicine, science or physiology.
    A good example of a racing heart rate not always relating to cardio is watching a scary movie or the "fight or flight" feeling one gets when anxious.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    If you're in a calorie deficit you'll lose weight.
  • calliekitten9
    calliekitten9 Posts: 148 Member
    Hey everyone! I just started a 30-day challenge where I do 100 minutes of hot yoga (a.k.a 26 yoga poses in a 100-degree room with 40% humidity) each day for 30 days! I am hoping to drop 30 pounds and have been dieting with great success. Today is Day 5 for the challenge. I am 183 pounds with a 5'5" frame. I started out as 186 and have lost 3 pounds in these 5 days (I know it is not just water weight being lost because I am chugging gallons of water before and after).

    I know there has been some dispute with how many calories are burnt during hot yoga and if it is a cardio workout, but I was hoping that people could post some success stories if they have used this method to lose weight! I would love some inspiration to continue my 30-day challenge!

    Thanks :D

    My brother did this...not for weight loss...but because he wanted to challenge himself. He still goes to Bikrim yoga 3-5 times a week.
  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    All the websites and teachers agree it is a cardio work out. Trust me, your heart is beating out of control during it. If you haven't done it, I would understand not thinking it was cardio.

    My heart beats out of control while I am doing squats....doesn't make it a cardio work out

    I was gonna say.. When I lift my HR goes way up, I sweat like crazy and my face turns all red, but it doesn't make it a cardio workout.

    Yoga, hot or not is not a cardio workout. Running is cardio.

    @OP, as long as you are at a calorie deficit you will lose weight, Yoga or not. Just do whatever you feel good with, don't do X activity thinking that it will make you lose weight.
  • RunningRichelle
    RunningRichelle Posts: 346 Member
    That's awesome, you're going to be really happy with your results! The biggest hurdle I encountered when I did Bikram for 30 days straight was the time requirement! But it was worth it.

    As far as calories burned, I usually burned about 150-200 extra cals during the 90 minutes, but I had so much energy afterwards that the hour or two after my sessions I would be just moving around, making dinner, cleaning house, doing some shopping, going for a walk, and I would burn another 200-400 extra calories in that time.

    IMO, whatever gets my heart rate up in the 60-70% of max range is a cardio workout. If you feel your heart rate rising (and who WOULDN'T during Standing Head to Knee!?) then it's cardio. Maybe what counts as cardio for a beginner yogi wouldn't count as cardio for someone who can do the full extension of the poses easily.
