Kicking the soda habit



  • soaps54
    soaps54 Posts: 567 Member
    Looking back on it, I weened myself off of sodas by taking a few steps. First, I switched from the regular stuff to diet then I started incorporating other drinks into the mix like apple juice, iced tea, the little Crystal Light packs that you can use to flavor water and eventually I quit all those things cold turkey.

    I try to stick with just water now because it seems to make my body feel better and my teeth probably appreciate it too thanks to all that sugary goodness not messing them up.

    Good luck to you!
    I drink more diet coke on the weekend and after this past long weekend I've decided I'm going to try to kick the soda habit too because now I don't like the feeling I get when I drink more than one a day and some days don't even drink one. Glad I saw this post a reminder to me to Kick the soda habit too. Good Luck!
  • neikoboo927
    neikoboo927 Posts: 19 Member
    I have seen a few people post that they quit cold turkey and I am one of them. It is very hard! I have to say, for me, harder than quiting smoking in 2007. The headaches, and the sick feeling were horrible for about 4 days or so. After that it was nothing. I lost an amazing 10lbs in those 4 days and I think it was because of all the soda I was drinking. Several a day including a large soda from whatever fast food joint I went to for lunch. Not only did that 10lbs come off very quick, but the bloated feeling did as well, and just generally feeling better.

    I know it's very hard, but if I can do it, anyone can!
  • phylicia44
    phylicia44 Posts: 12
    Start drinking more water and then gulp down a giant soda while dehydrated. I felt so sick... terrible headache and worst stomach cramps of my life, dizzy, just terrible. Now every time I even drink a little pop, I instantly feel sick. The hardest part for me now is getting soda at restaurants purely out of habit. I don't like lemon or lime in my water, so if I want flavor, I use the little individual Crystal Light packets, just like half a packet per large glass of water. More than that is too strong and tastes nasty. For me, I only like water if it is very cold. I keep a water bottle in the fridge all the time and have quit buying juice and soft drinks. Now we only have skim milk and water in the fridge!
  • czuniga03
    czuniga03 Posts: 99
    I have seen a few people post that they quit cold turkey and I am one of them. It is very hard! I have to say, for me, harder than quiting smoking in 2007. The headaches, and the sick feeling were horrible for about 4 days or so. After that it was nothing. I lost an amazing 10lbs in those 4 days and I think it was because of all the soda I was drinking. Several a day including a large soda from whatever fast food joint I went to for lunch. Not only did that 10lbs come off very quick, but the bloated feeling did as well, and just generally feeling better.

    I know it's very hard, but if I can do it, anyone can!

    Exactly its the headache & overall yucky feeling thats kill me! That when I give in I have been alternating water w/lemon & soda but still seen to drink 3-4 a day unless I have tea made then I still drink 1-2.

    Thanks for the tips everyone!
  • Sweetchaos66
    Sweetchaos66 Posts: 59 Member
    La Croix!!! I switched and now Diet Coke seems so sweet to me. I love the bubbles and would drink a whole box of La Croix a day so I alternate between finishing my water bottle and a can of La Croix. The only other thing I drink is coffee (okay lots of coffee!) in the mornings and in the summer I really like an ice coffee as a late afternoon treat. I drink my coffee black so its not so bad.
  • simatif
    simatif Posts: 32
    Okay so soda is definitely my down fall..I can give up anything but that for some reason. I've try diet & low calorie substitutes..just not the same. Any ideas?

    Cold turkey my dear. This comes from a past pop JUNKIE. I would have 3-4 glasses a day, always a pop with dinner. I bought Presidents choice lemon soda, just so I could enjoy the fizz, and when i checked out the calories, there was not much difference. Withing 1 month of no pop, i had lost 4 LBS. Then the more i exercised, and ate well, the more i told myself, those empty calories were just not worth the effort anymore. If i can do it, so can YOU ;) I am 39 days clean!! ( from my pop addiction, in case that wasnt evident ;P)
  • super_monty
    super_monty Posts: 419 Member
    Ex-pop addict here too, first of all I moved to a 'hi juice' (Aldi or Tesco) that you dilute with water its made with real more real fruit juice than most. Stay away from anything with aspertine or other chemical sweeteners I am sure the taste is habit forming.

    After a while I started not missing the pop or sweet drinks pretty much water all the way now unless I have a sneaky vodka.
  • jadedbutterfly71
    jadedbutterfly71 Posts: 83 Member
    For me, it was tracking my calories. I was using up ALL my calorie allowance on my beloved Pepsi and Mt Dew. I work out 6 days a week and although my body was changing, the scale wasn't. I switched to "sweet" tea, as I DO live in the south, and it IS a staple, but I sweeten my tea with agave syrup. I was like you, and didn't think I could EVER give up my soda, but I can still have ONE anytime I want to, I just have to figure it into my caloric intake for that day. It's funny, though...they just don't taste as good as I always thought they did. I also put frozen fruit in my water :)
  • Berto0391
    Berto0391 Posts: 273 Member

    I used to drink pop all the time...for ever meal and before bed...however one day I stopped cold turkey...Idk why but it was not hard for me at all.