Have I hit a weight loss plateau?

I lost about 10 lbs in the last year and feel great. I have been maintaining by eating about 1300-1500 calories, working out 4-5x per week. I am 148-150 lbs at 5'7" and about 22% body fat.

It has been weeks since I lost any weight but I have also not seen any change in my body fat percent (frustrating!). Is this a plateau or am I just at my "stabalized weight" and I should just maintain?

The thing is, I always want to lose 5 more lbs! I feel like I look good but I wouldn't mind looking better. Is there a way to do this without starving myself?


  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    How much are you eating/what is your weekly weight loss goal set at? You may of stalled because you have too large of a deficit for only wanting to lose a few more pounds.
  • hwells828
    hwells828 Posts: 14
    Eating about 1300 - 1500 calories a day and burning 200-500 calories a day via exercise.
  • hwells828
    hwells828 Posts: 14
    bump :)