Maybe silly to ask,any one want to be friends on MFP?

Ok. I'm just putting this out there. this may sound stupid, but i'm just looking for some friends to have on this site. i'm on this site every day. and it would be nice to have some people as friends going through the same thing as me, and some people to talk to, and get advice from. i'm always interested about how other people's diet's are going, and the food they eat, etc... I am 23 years old. i have two young kids. I've already lost almost 10 pounds with this site. and have about 15-20 more pounds i want to lose. I'm trying to get my body back to before i had my kids. any one want to possibly be friends, and we could all chat and help each other out with our diets? any other young mothers out there, trying to lose their stubborn baby weight?


  • doingit4myprincesses
    doingit4myprincesses Posts: 64 Member
    Sure I'd like to be friends. Feel free to send the request if you are interested!
  • noelkm67
    noelkm67 Posts: 118
    Count me in! Just send a request.
  • jennybelte
    jennybelte Posts: 3
    yeah your welcome to add me hun. would be good to support each other x x
  • RipperSB
    RipperSB Posts: 315 Member
    Not stupid. I log in every day as well... not a young mother but an old father. Request sent.