Helllllpppppp !!!!

Hello to anyone that will listen, I'm completely new to this and I'm really struggling as I've done calorie counting before... My first week I lost half a pound but this week I've put on :( I need advice on ways to cut down on fat content etc as it seems I'm keeping under my calories etc but sometimes creeping over on fat.
Any help or advice people can give would be gratefully recieved thank you xxx


  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    Don't panic!

    Are you staying within the calorie limit MFP has set for you? Usually if I am not losing well two weeks in, that is a sign that I need to tweak it, which I think is where you are at.

    Without more detailed info, I can't give specifics, but can I recommend some reading for you to help you make your own decisions? I noticed from your profile that some "woman issues" are present - I recommend a really good book called "the core balance diet", I suspect hormones may be at play in your world, and this book, (or others like it) would really help you get some information about how to balance hormones optimally for weightloss. I dunno if that helps, but hang in there!
  • Harmoman
    Harmoman Posts: 42 Member
    Since *I'm* fairly new to calorie counting... I can't give you rock solid advice... but... Since the beginning of May, I've lost 13 lbs.

    Let's get this part out of the way.... I'm doing a shake program. I enjoy it because it easy to get what I need... it's a breakfast and lunch... low calories and higher in all the other good stuff... (I'm on purposely not mentioning the product name, because I'm not trying to promote it... it just works for me..do your own research if you wanna do shakes:-)

    I do get hungry before lunch, and before dinner... but I eat healthy snacks.... salad, or carrots... or sometimes nuts... but I refuse to pig out.

    MFP has really helped me look at how much I'm eating... I'm now AWARE of what I eat, how much... and how much I have left...

    The other thing I'll say about the shakes... I know if I totally gorge myself at dinner, that I'll have wasted the money spent on shakes... so that helps keep me accountable.

    I hope this help somehow!
  • psideon
    psideon Posts: 24
    Stock your fridge with baby carrots, apples, a jug of ice tea (unsweetened, to replace soda/sweet drinks) and cabinets with tuna, sardines, any lean protein you prefer. The pre-packed instant oatmeal (134 calories per pack, I think) and a cup of coffee to jump start your day works best (for me, at least). English muffins are a good option for carb cravings. When you get hungry or have the munchies, don't even think... just grab an apple and kill it. Smaller bites the better.

    Cook a bunch of stuff, home made as much as possible... turkey burgers, tuna salad (lite mayo, LOTS of celery, some pepper for a kick), chicken stock, etc. to avoid eating out. Another thing that "scared" me straight... I took my iPhone and scanned all my favorite snacks and found out how many calories they were... HOLY COW!

    And best of all... start walking. Slow and steady is better than nothing, and more effective that you imagine.

    I can only speak from my experience, but if you would like to continue this conversation, feel free to add me.

    Good luck!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    hi there.

    honestly i dont worry too much about the fat content of the food i eat since that really has no correlation with weight gain. what i do pay attention to is making sure i eat as clean as possible and that means limiting processed foods.

    don't think that going to a low fat version of a processed food is better because all that means is that they've compensated by increasing another macronutrient which more than likely will be sugar.

    my grocery list is pretty much the same all the time : almond milk, plain yogurt, fresh berries, apples, oranges, bananas, sweet potatoes, avocados lots of veggies (spinach, cucumbers, kale, mushrooms, cabbage, carrots, bell peppers, tomatoes, etc) and protein sources like eggs, chicken thighs, ground turkey, salmon, tuna, shrimp, protein powder.
  • TheMadRedhead1979
    Thank you for that info will definatly be looking that book up :) my hormones do play a big part in my weight at times so any help I can get there would be a bonus
  • TheMadRedhead1979
    Thank you, I have thought about shakes but I need to find one that is dairy free as im intolerent to milk, but who knows there may be one out there that I havent found yet xx
  • TheMadRedhead1979
    Wow such fab advice already from you guys thank you so much :)
    Its nice to know that their are such kind people out there willing to share ideas etc
    Feel free to add me and thanks again all xx
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    It would be easier to give advice if your diary was open, but if you are eating pre-packaged or fast food, try to cut down. Those are usually laden with salt and fat. Prepare as many as possible of your meals yourself so you can control the content. Don't go too low fat because your body needs fat, but try to stick to healthy vegetable fats. You'll likely see the calorie count drop significantly when you prepare your own foods.
  • escalada22
    escalada22 Posts: 191 Member
    I too just started on the MFP and I am enjoying it. I seem to always go over in the Protein area no matter what. I try not to worry with that as much as the calories.

    One important thing is log every single bite you put in your mouth. Like last night I took 4 of daughter's fries, yep I logged it. Every thing adds up.

    I am doing a breakfast, lunch and shake for dinner plan. Gonna see how it works and go from there.

    Good luck and there is so much great information and great people on here!
  • Jeanniesb
    Jeanniesb Posts: 14 Member
    I just wanted to mention in order to loos one LB we have to let go off 3500 cal. So if you want to loose 1LB per week (which is safe) that comes out to -500 per day right? So you have the power at the end of your arm to split that up 3x's per day so you will know what your intake should be right? It's only a choice right? How bad do you want to loose?

    What I do is have a bigger breakfast, medum lunch, and little dinner in cal. Also I try to eat about the same times throught my day. I have been told to stop eating aleast 3 hours before bed so it doesn't turn to fat. That helps me a lot.

    Good luck, you can do this! :0)
  • healthystartgirl
    I'm brand new here too! I've done calorie counting before also and lost about 20 pound but I put it back due to lack of even caring about myself. I'm here to start over and I would love to be friends with you so we can help each other on this journey!
  • jetabear10
    jetabear10 Posts: 375 Member
    I was told low sugar, high protein and don't worry too much about fat content of foods (within reason)

    Eat your veggies!

    Also, take your measurements instead of trusting the scale ~ it lies but measurements don't. You might find that you lose inches instead of pounds sometimes...

    Feel free to add me as a friend for more support...
  • beattie1
    beattie1 Posts: 1,012 Member
    bcattoes has written what I was going to. Without a look at your diary it's difficult to suggest tweaks that could help cut fats. Opinions vary on how to cut calories relatively painlessly. I try to eat fairly low fat as I have a high cholesterol & that's my doctor's advice.
  • sinsangel72
    sinsangel72 Posts: 11 Member
    When I drink milk it wreaks havoc on my stomach. Over the weekend I started replacing my breakfast (which I rarely eat) with a protein shake, I use unsweetened almond milk. To my surprise I have not had any issues so far with my stomach.
  • msjoinail
    msjoinail Posts: 9
    Hi I just wanted to give you some words of encouragement. I have just completed my first week and I had to do a lot of tweaking! my advice is that you should adjust your calorie limit to your BMR. That was one of my problems! Also remember that the calories that MFP gives you for exercise shouldnt be consumed unless you are hungry. I was putting myself in starvation mode and didnt even know it! Also with the hormones has your thyroid been checked? It a make a strong difference inn how much weight you loose if its under active. I also have some issues with dairy products, but one of the things I traded milk for was Silk Almond milk. You may be able to use this as a milk substitute in the shakes! So with that...Stay strong! It gets easier! And good luck!
  • briabner
    briabner Posts: 427 Member
    Hello, well you have made the first step. Dont loose heart. If you have started working out you may be gaining muscle weight and or you may have some excess water weight. I am sending you a friend request. :D
  • LrdTwitchyMcChin
    Thank you for that info will definatly be looking that book up :) my hormones do play a big part in my weight at times so any help I can get there would be a bonus

    Jillian Michaels Master your Metabolism is another great book about balancing hormones. I'm on my 2nd time reading it. I highly recommend it to everyone!
  • Jeanniesb
    Jeanniesb Posts: 14 Member
    How are you doing today? It's going to be a great day! :0)
  • TheMadRedhead1979
    Finding things alot easier this week guys thanks for all your great advice, I have put some of it into action already xxx and I have decided to not focus soo much on the scales, so only going to weigh once a month....
    I have started to notice a differance with my clothes so something must be happening :)

    Thanx again xxx