LOSING pregnancy weight after giving birth!

Calling all mothers who have or is trying to lose pregnancy weight after giving birth....

For those that have lost the weight / belly... what has helped you?

I've heard there are "tummy tighteners" that are like bands.. not sure if this works but can anyone tell me what has worked for them?


  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    Calling all mothers who have or is trying to lose pregnancy weight after giving birth....

    For those that have lost the weight / belly... what has helped you?

    I've heard there are "tummy tighteners" that are like bands.. not sure if this works but can anyone tell me what has worked for them?

    I am not a women but you lose fat the same way before and after pregnancy. Try to eat 20% below your TDEE and start heavy strength training. ST is proven to help you lose fat faster.
  • AmyM713
    AmyM713 Posts: 594 Member
    Eating right and exercise has worked for me, I have a 15 month old, and I am back down below my pre pregnancy weight. I would suggest any cardio or weight lifting program you are comfortable with. This with a healthy diet will take the weight back off, good luck!
  • lspurr100
    lspurr100 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I am (15 months after my son was born) back to my prepregnacy weight.

    I found that it was really important to remember to eat and not get caught up sorting baby out.

    I have eaten lots of fruit, vegetables, protein, dairy and beans. I have a weakness for bread so always eat this more often than i should but always seeded. Oh and I have two biscuits a day - every day :-)

    my advice - lifes too short to worry about it too much, enjoy your little one while they are young and just be sure to eat plenty of fruit and veg like you encourage them too. Oh and avoid too many coffee mornings with the girls!

    Good luck
  • A_Hornsby
    A_Hornsby Posts: 288
    I have a one year old son and I now weigh less than I did before I got pregnant. Personally, I used diet and exercise. However, I was nursing until he was 11 1/2 months which was a HUGE factor in my weight loss!!! I have a friend who has used the band you are referring to. She used the It Works Body Wraps and apparently had great results with them. However, they are very expensive in my opinion. I am a firm believer in diet and exercise so I have not personally tried them.

    Good luck with your weight loss:) Feel free to add me! I've been there and can definitely offer some support :)
  • kristinL16
    kristinL16 Posts: 401 Member
    My 4th child is 7 months old. I have always gotten down to my pre-pregnancy weight (or within a few pounds) very quickly without really doing much. This is the first time I have really focused on exercise and diet after having a baby. I weigh a few lbs less than what I did when I got pregnant with my 4th baby, but had gained some before that that I am working on now. Losing the weight hasn't been the hardest part for me, keeping it off is. I have always breastfed and started gaining when the baby was close to a year old. I assume that my calorie needs changed at that time but I didn't adjust my calorie levels to account for that. I actually feel like I am losing more slowly this time than I did before but at least I am getting in control of my diet and exercising more. I do know that it seemed like I would lose for a while, then stall, then all of a sudden lose again. Hoping that I get to one of those "lose again quickly" phases here shortly. :)
  • stephanie1133
    stephanie1133 Posts: 211
    I just had my 2nd baby in December (he's 5.5 months old), I just hit my pre-pregnancy weight TODAY (actually .8 pounds under to be exact). My tummy naturally went down the more weight I lost. I definitely do core workouts to strengthen my core as well, mainly because my stomach muscles were incredibly week I had a hard time even tightening my stomach. Obviously the ab exercises did not spot reduce my tummy, but it has made it easier to suck in (LOL).
  • cheeky1095
    cheeky1095 Posts: 83 Member
    I had my second child June, 2011 & tried all sorts of fad diets before turning to MFP in March, 2012. My daughter is now 11 months old & since March I have lost 17lb by using MFP to track my calories, eating sensibly, drinking lots of water & doing the 30 Day Shred every morning while the lil' princess is having a nap & then we go for a walk for 1 hour in the afternoon. I will give the 30 Day Shred lots of credit towards my weight loss as in 27 days I have shed 10lbs, lost 2 inches off my waist & 2 inches off my bum, these were measurements from 12 days ago too (day 15) as I still have 3 days left before my final measurements.
    Also I have alot more energy, stamina, my body strength has improved massively & my body is starting to look alot more toned.
    I can't wait to have the weekend off & start it all over again