New to MyFitnessPal!

HI! I have three kids, 4.5, 2.5 and 7 months. I haven't had time to lose weight in between, so now that I am finished having babies I want to get to my goal weight of 125lbs. This is my first time at any kind of diet. Right now I'm counting calories and exercising with a Jillian Micheal's workout dvd. Anyone had luck with this? I hope so! Love to have some friends on here! Thanks!


  • grapeandcork
    Welcome! I am new to MyFitnessPal as well. I just got done with the HCG diet, and now I am looking to lose a little more and maintain. I have done weight watchers in the past, so I actually have no idea how to count calories. This program is helping me with that. I have done those DVDs as well, and they kick my butt! But yes, they are effective. Good luck!
  • Outdoorsman50
    Outdoorsman50 Posts: 127 Member
    Welcome!!! Feel free to add me for inspiration. I currently do the 30 day shred with several of my friends on MFP and it works. There are a lot of experienced people here that will help without hesitation. Good Luck!!!
  • deehuntbeck
    Hi i am new here as well and the support i have found here is lovely. Welcome and enjoy.
  • rcarrico85
    rcarrico85 Posts: 2
    Thanks guys!!! I do the 30 day shred right now. I'm still on week 1, start week 2 tomorrow! Counting calories has been harder for me actually...So far I've done good, went over 1 day, so I just did an extra 15 minutes of cardio.

    I have a friend doing the HcG diet. She actually went and got shots from a clinic. Since October she's lost 80lbs, she looks great!
  • Preikschas
    Preikschas Posts: 37
    Hey! Welcome! This site is awesome!
  • leslien30
    leslien30 Posts: 6
    Hello, I've been on here for roughly a month. What is the 30 day shed? I've lost 9lbs this month and seem to be stuck, so any advice to advance beyond would be great. I would like to lose a total of 40lbs. I can't tell if I'm eating too little and exercising too little; or eating right but need to exercise more?
  • jaqqii
    jaqqii Posts: 11
    I've been on a while but only started really using it to full potential. It's an amazing site & also have the app on my phone. It makes you so aware of your calorie intake & makes you think before you have that extra biscuit that will take you over your daily allowance. Good luck & feel free to add me & if anyone else wants to add me. I find it quite encouraging to see how other are getting on all over the world x