New! (well, ish)

gaiareeves Posts: 292 Member
I made this account a few months ago, but I've never really gotten around to using it until now.

I go by G, I'm 19, and I've struggled with weight pretty much my whole life. From childhood obesity to EDNOS to binging my way back into obesity, I've yoyo-ed all over the place in terms of unhealthy eating patterns.

But now I'm determined to do things the right way (: I've already lost 35lbs since last December, and I'm now trying to shift the last 10 - 15lbs. I'm currently a healthy 130 for my 5'3.5" height, but I'd like to get down to somewhere in the 112 - 119 range.

I'm looking to make friends to motivate me along the way, as well as have somebody to share the final stretch of this journey with. It feels like it's been something on-going since I was 12 years old, and it'll be nice to finally say I'm at the weight I want to be, can maintain it, and did it in a completely healthy way (:


  • MandyJaneRose
    MandyJaneRose Posts: 29 Member
    Hello G! I'm Mandy.

    I have had lots of issues with food, bingeing, EDNOS, etc since I was around 12 years old. I am not quite in your height/weight range and I admit I haven't had any experience with obesity, but I am also trying to slough off the last 10-15lbs in a healthy, positive way, and then maintain it! I have been on here for quite a while but I don't have many friends here (which in a way makes me a better friend - lots of time to encourage new ones, ha!).