Need motivation!

Hey, im new here and im not quite sure how or if being part of this forum will work for me yet, but thought I would give it a go and see what happens!! In a nutshell, I have been at university for almost 2 years now and have gained about 20lbs mainly due to less exercise, comfort eating and drinking ALOT more alcohol than I ever had before, then eating greasy foods the next day with a hangover (it was like a vicious circle). NOT good. Anyway now in my second year I have stopped going out and partying as much and I'm really trying to change my ways....the only thing is my confidence is now at an all time low at this weight, all my clothes are too tight, I'm unfit, and feel like the ugly duckling out of all my friends who are slim and are confident and get lots of attention from boys-I get none!! Which stupidly leads me to comfort eat! So I think I need to somehow break the cycle and lose just a little bit of weight, enough to spur me on to lose the full 20lbs and get back to the old happy me:) any advice? Is anyone currently or has anyone been in a similar situation?? Would love to hear from you all!


  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    Not in your situation, but I feel for you. So many folks go through the same thing in college, male and female. Maybe check the groups and see if there is a college one there.

    Also, don't stress over dem boys. Do this for you, to feel better about you.

    You can do it. Just wake up tomorrow and start. And then do it the next day and the next. Soon enough it will all add up!

  • PSmillie
    PSmillie Posts: 26 Member
    I had the same problem when I started college. What helped was joining some of the classes at the gym. I hate exercise, but the classes made it feel more like a social engagement than a task. I'd never tried yoga or aerobics before that, and I had a great time...although there were some boring days on the elliptical while studying notecards.
  • purple_k
    purple_k Posts: 16
    Thankyou both for your replies they are much appreciated:) I will aim for just a day at a time, small steps to begin with! And on the gym classes front...I have actually been considering taking up yoga for a while now, just need to bite the bullet I guess?!
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    Thankyou both for your replies they are much appreciated:) I will aim for just a day at a time, small steps to begin with! And on the gym classes front...I have actually been considering taking up yoga for a while now, just need to bite the bullet I guess?!

    I love yoga, but not the music. Listening to some weird music does not relax me. So I usually put in my own soundtrack after I've been through a DVD a few times and just follow along. Maroon 5, Billy Joel, Beethoven I enjoy a little better than something tinkly and slow.
  • bewilderingstar
    Ooooooh the freshman 20. Blergh! (Liz Lemon)

    I feel for you! I ended up going out clubbing a lot and believe it or not, the dancing worked me out!!! Just go out with your girlfriends on the weekends and dance your tushie off! It's a great work out! Make sure not to drink too much though. Also, I found the salad bar to be a godsend. Make sure to keep the dressing on the side and to stick with oil based. Otherwise, don't worry too much about it. The more you fixate on your weight the worse it'll make you feel. Like you said, you turn to comfort food at that point.

    Enjoy college chica!
  • purple_k
    purple_k Posts: 16