Looking for friends who take Prednisone (steriods) daily

Hello everyone! I am looking for friends that take Prednisone daily.....it presents a whole different range of problems when trying to eat right and lose weight!


  • craniallili89
    craniallili89 Posts: 12 Member
    ME! it's a hard medication to deal with, it can make you gain weight then not eat. it's a big ol circle.
  • mabell7779
    I have taken Prednisone for over 3 years. I am down to 4mg a day. It cause me to become a diabette, but I found a way to deal with it and now I don't take any diabette medications.
  • pjboucher5
    pjboucher5 Posts: 6 Member
    Pred certainly sucks.....but I need it to breathe....the only side affect I don't have is diabetes. I have glaucoma, had cataracts removed at the age of 43, hypertension, osteopenia, delayed wound healing...on..and on...and on! It certainly makes weight loss a struggle and I can't really do any exercise right now because of this major flare I'm in the middle of. But I have to get tracking my food!
  • AllieCatz
    AllieCatz Posts: 26
    I've been taking prednisone for 2 years for Lupus too and have gained 60 pounds!! I'll probably always have to take it because I'm unable to stop without awful symptoms but I really need to get control of this weight gain!

    It feels good to know I'm not alone and that others deal with the constant empty stomach feeling too. Hopefully together we can help each other.

  • AllieCatz
    AllieCatz Posts: 26
    I just started a prednisone support group here and I hope everyone taking the drug will join so we can help each other.
  • QueenCatlady09
    QueenCatlady09 Posts: 26 Member
    Thats the reason I'm here! I took 40mg of prednisone a day for like 6 months and gained 30 pounds! Now i'm trying so hard to lose all this! that medicine is the devil! haha
  • mdrngypsy
    mdrngypsy Posts: 17
    I've been taking it for 8 years now, on average 20mg. April 1st, dropped to 19mg, May 1st. dropped to 18mg, and will continue until I can find the mg I need to have to prevent inflammation. It's the only drug that has worked for me and of course has caused weight gain.. about 60 lbs at my heaviest. I have lost 10 lbs since then, I think because of the weaning. Now, I'm trying to use diet/exercise so I lose the excess belly fat, high triglycerides and dependance on insulin.

    There is absolutely nothing more depressing than watching what you eat and that scale not moving. Stupid drug.
  • shandareed1974
    Hi there. Not sure when you posted this originally, but if you are still looking for friends trying to lose weight while also taking prednisone, I'm in! Currently doing a taper for a "flare" I'm having. 40mg per day now. Was at 60mg. Then I will taper down and probably stay at 10mg until who knows when.