


  • bugtrain
    bugtrain Posts: 251 Member
    I have been gardening for a few years now. Just got mine planted this last weekend. Normally do it earlier but between the rain and the tiller breaking down I am a bit late this year.

    I like the snow pea right out of the garden and my wife make a delicious chocolate chip zucchini bread. Cant wait to have some this year.


    I would love to have that recipe if she's willing to share :).We have zucchini running out our
  • bugtrain
    bugtrain Posts: 251 Member
    Me!!! I absolutely love my garden! As a matter of fact,that's what we had for supper.......fresh yellow squash,new potatoes and purple hull peas canned from last year! This year,we planted tomatoes(100 plants),yellow squash,carrots,broccoli,cabbage,watermelons,cantaloupes,and lots of peas.We're having to irrigate from our pond right's really hot and dry here(Texas)......I would love some gardening friends!
    I've never posted pics.,so I hope this works.......this is last year's've got me inspired to go take updated pics. now!
  • bugtrain
    bugtrain Posts: 251 Member
    darn...what did I do wrong?
  • miniberger
    miniberger Posts: 70 Member
    selfishly BUMP
  • bugtrain
    bugtrain Posts: 251 Member
  • ls_66
    ls_66 Posts: 395 Member
    waiting for the pictures lol
  • bugtrain
    bugtrain Posts: 251 Member
    I'm waiting for some
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    I LOVE gardening!!!!!! I have always been into it, but i didn't get into organic until a few years ago.

    My goal this year is to feed myself COMPLETELY from my garden for 21 total days this summer, no need for them to be consecutive.

    This year, since i started this journey to better health, i have really felt a strong connection to my garden. Stronger than ever. I am trying a "Square foot" garden this year, and if successful, i plan to post videos to youtube.

    I am growing several varieties of tomatoes, several sweet and hot peppers, cucumbers, zucchini, cantaloupe, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, several kale varieties, several herbs, strawberries, several blueberry varieties, several varieties of raspberry, carrots, radishes, beets, many lettuces, hops, and probably a bunch of other stuff i am forgetting off hand.
  • cressievargo
    cressievargo Posts: 392 Member
    Love all the gardens!! :) Woohoo!

    We have a few different kinds of tomatoes, lettuce, spinach, peppers (red, green, several hotter varieties including one ghost pepper plant), zuchinni, cukes.

    Hubby is hoping to have enough extra to sell at the farmer's market - a learning / teaching experience for our 7 yr old.
  • KIRLIN22
    KIRLIN22 Posts: 19
    I am starting up a Veggie garden :) So far i have two tomato plants, a bell pepper plant, a cayenne pepper plant, a hungarian pepper plant there in pots now cause im worried bout my dog digging them out of the ground. I might make a area of the yard with a fence around the potted plants.

    I would like to get more tomato plants and pepper plants as well as cucumber and lettuce plants maybe some basil or oregano, strawberry and others. Its always nice to have fresh vegetables from the garden :)
  • norabeth
    norabeth Posts: 176 Member
    Just started a herb garden this year. Growing rosemary, parsley, sweet basil, and cilantro. Also growing a blueberry shrub. Going to grow some veggies next year. My hubby is going to build my a garden area. For now just using pots.

    My flowers look awesome fyi :happy:
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    I wish I could garden more! I live in an apartment sooooooo we have two cherry tomato plants and some other veggies (ummm my boyfriend got them and I forget what they are LOL) ... obviously they haven't grown much yet. Super excited for when they do grow!
    My cherry tomato died last year :(
  • SunshineT83
    SunshineT83 Posts: 158 Member
    Bump...Looking to start a container garden
  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    i love gardening mines starting to come up
  • DeniseBromley
    DeniseBromley Posts: 123 Member
    I grew up on a farm...even tho living there I didn't do a whole lot, that was more my parents thing; but when I bought my own house, I felt the need to start gardening. It started with just some flower beds, then its exploded from there! Flowers, veggies, a plot at the community garden, etc!

    I'm nowhere near being GOOD at gardening, but I enjoy it, and keep plugging away at it anyhow -- and my yard looks better than the neighbors, so I must be doing something right!
  • MCinSoCal
    MCinSoCal Posts: 87
    I have a small garden area that I work on from time to time when my back permits :) I have roses a tomato plant, a jalapeno plants, a few other flowering plants, 2 kinds of aloe vera, a cherry tree, some other kind of fruit tree and some plants i can't even remember what they are, lol. I enjoy it, it makes me feel happy to see how lovely it all looks once I've got it all cleaned up and arranged just so. Collected rocks from here and there to do borders around and make it look pretty and gonna go get some wood chips this weekend as I am in the process of removing weeds and the old weed barrier and putting in a new one. Also made a little sitting area with potted plants all around, a bistro set and firepit for summer nights which I am looking forward to using very soon, maybe this weekend :)
  • bugtrain
    bugtrain Posts: 251 Member
  • bugtrain
    bugtrain Posts: 251 Member


    This is last years that I know how to post pics....I'll get some of this year's.The first one is of our peas and the second one is my husband planting with our Farmall Super A tractor.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    I have about a 15-foot by 25-foot plot that I garden. Squash, peas, pumpkin, cucumbers, beans, carrots - simple stuff. I love eating out of my own garden. It doesn't yield a LOT (especially with the @#$@#$ groundhog!), but it's a nice supplement to our food.

    We also joined a farmshare this year, and for $500 we're hoping to be inundated with a supply of locally-grown fresh vegetables all summer long.