Exercising and Losing Weight

I started TurboFire last Monday, which is a Beachbody 90 day workout program, mainly cardio. I've been doing that and counting my calories with my fitness pal every day. The program is 6 days of working out with one rest day. I use a heart rate monitor to track how many calories I burn with each workout and track that on here. I usually eat most of my exercise calories but I never eat all of them, but if I'm hungry I will eat some. I started last Monday and weighed myself again on friday because I like Friday's to be my weigh in days, but I hadn't lost any weight yet. Now I know that you can't expect fast results, but I have just counted calories without working out before and I have lost at least a little bit of weight within that same time frame. I haven't measured myself again though because I plan to do that at the end of each workout month. So my question is.. does working out while dieting affect how you lose weight? I always weigh myself once a week because I want to make sure that I'm doing what I should be doing to lose weight but I also don't want to discourage myself by weighing in but not losing anything else. I just wanted to see if since I am working out pretty hard 6 days a week if it takes longer to actually start dropping pounds, even if you're not strength training. Thanks!!


  • mimmyluvspippy
    mimmyluvspippy Posts: 7 Member
    I started TurboFire last Monday too! I've done it before, but never made it 90 days (got too busy with school/family/etc.) I'm also doing Chalean Extreme. I do Turbo in the morning and CEX at night. I've been tracking my calories and food on here too and lost 4.8 lbs. last week. I bought a Polar heart rate monitor/watch set that counts calories from Best Buy and I wear it during my workouts...love this thing and highly recommend it! I also put together a fitness inspiration board on Pinterest and one of the pins said, "It takes 4 weeks for you to notice changes to your body, 8 weeks for family and friends to notice, and 12 weeks for the rest of the world to notice." Hope this helps? I try to think of it everyday because I get discouraged easily and need something to keep my motivation up. I've heard so many different things about weight loss such as you will lose inches before pounds and that initial weightloss is water weight and that weight gain can be muscle gain. Don't know what to believe. My husband's cousin had gastric bypass surgery, lost 200 lbs, and now weighs almost 100 lbs, but she still looks like she weighs almost 200 lbs. I'm just taking it a day at a time and hoping for the best at weekly weigh-ins.
  • MeganRhea_x
    MeganRhea_x Posts: 57 Member
    Well congratulations on getting back into it and losing almost 5 pounds your first week! I think that's the results I was hoping for.. But I guess everyone's different. Hopefully we can both stick with it for the full 90 days! Add me if you ever need some encouragement :)
  • Venturin
    Venturin Posts: 244 Member
    I work out a lot, for example I often go hiking for 4 - 5 hours at a time and do things like lifting heavy rocks (natures dumb bells), or I spend a day outdoors mowing and trimming 5 lawns and often I wind up weighing a little more the next day!

    I never go over my daily calorie allowance and sometimes I exercise so much I have a lot of uneaten "exercise calories" left over.

    I try to "fire my metabolism" with green tea and "fat burning" foods like blueberries.

    I sometimes think that I should exercise less and focus on a minimal daily calorie deficit. But being active is just too much fun so I guess I'll keep doing what I'm doing for now.
  • mimmyluvspippy
    mimmyluvspippy Posts: 7 Member
    I am definitely motivated to do the entire 90 days this time! I'm taking the summer semester off this year and really getting back to focusing on me for a change. I've weighed the same as I did when I was 9 months pregnant for the last 6 years and it's time to get it off, plus some!
  • ColtyHan
    ColtyHan Posts: 59 Member
    When you start a new exercise, you muscles retain a lot of water. After a while, they will let it go, and the weight will start coming off again.
  • Do not worry about the scale, if you are losing inches than you are making progress. Focus on how you feel and notice things like your clothes fitting better and seeing more definition. Results will come it just takes some time! As a woman our weight can fluctuate every day because of the hormones, estrogen, water weight, etc. Make sure that you calculate how many calories you should be eating each day by using the formula in one of the Turbo Fire books. I think it is in the nutrition guide to figure out this formula. It is important that you are eating enough calories throughout the day to support the intense cardio you will be doing. If you eat too little that can hurt your results and may stall weight loss. Keep it up and stick with it and you will be happy with the results! I love TurboFire and all of the Beachbody programs! They work wonders for people and have gotten me some great results :) Are you working with a Beachbody coach?
  • betsy329
    betsy329 Posts: 61 Member
    I have found this article to be really helpful. It makes sense, and so far has applied true to me.

  • ajbltn
    ajbltn Posts: 57
    Alot of what you notice will depend on your current situation. Do you have alot of weight to lose? Or are you working out to define/tone/maintain? Tho I'm sure if you keep at it you'll start to notice changes! :) good luck
  • toysbigkid
    toysbigkid Posts: 545 Member
    I can't stop exercising in the gym now and the more that takes me outdoors to do the better. I eat clean and drink lots of water and here and there I gain some weight, usually a pound but that's muscle building. I'm happy to see it too just to prove to me it's working. My sizes keep dropping and I feel amazing. I try not to weigh too often though.