Falling Off /the Wagon..

and having a hard time getting back on. I keep going back for seconds, and snacking a lot again.

I've lost 26 pounds but I dont want to throw it all away. help!!!


  • Mia_Bella_Vita
    Mia_Bella_Vita Posts: 5 Member
    Just keep going.

    If you can, drink water before and after each meal. See if it's really hunger. It could be in your mind.

    If you are an emotional eater try googling emotional eating. Sometimes just reading about what you are doing is enough to stop.

    Are you allowing enough flexibility in your eating plan? I just watched the Weight of the Nation documentary on HBO. If you don't have it you can watch it for free at Kaiser. In it they said that successful dieters allow flexibility. Think WW 'points.' Try cycling or zig zagging your calories maybe for more flexibility when you are having these moments.

    Weight loss and diet stuff is mostly in our heads. I am a firm believer in that.

    When I start eating off my plan I think, 'why am I doing this, what is weight protecting me from here?'

    XO :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • Jessica_Henry74
    Thanks guys! I feel better about it today and going to do my best to make better choices.
  • wwk10
    wwk10 Posts: 244 Member
    I lost a whopping 11 lbs last month.
    Then two weeks ago I was out of town for business. Super stressed out in a small town.
    For two weeks I ate fast food and did not exercise and eventually quit logging.
    I weighed yesterday and I have gained 4 lbs.

    Today I am back on the wagon.

    Look at pics or stats for motivation. See how far you have come (20+ lbs. Good job)

    Good luck.
  • lamasdura87
    lamasdura87 Posts: 21
    Jessica if u lost 20 + lbs u can definitely jump back on the wagon and lose more. just say "I can and will do it"! Whenever u have an urge for snacking just grab a bottle of water and that will do the trick.
  • tyetria
    tyetria Posts: 10 Member
    Hey that's helpful. Past two days haven't logged food. Don't know how many calories but it will help to keep up.
  • Jessica_Henry74
    Thank you everyone! Today was good exercise wise, and tomorrow I plan on making it a better day food wise! :)
  • mrs_deg1983
    mrs_deg1983 Posts: 157
    and having a hard time getting back on. I keep going back for seconds, and snacking a lot again.

    I've lost 26 pounds but I dont want to throw it all away. help!!!

    more fiber you wont want to snack that often. and if you are a snack person dont keep bad snacks in the house at all. i snack on string cheese, rice cakes and veggies.
  • Qatsi
    Qatsi Posts: 2,191 Member
    Log everything, even on "bad" days. That keeps you honest with yourself, and can help motivate you when you fall off the wagon.

    I hit a mini-plateau earlier this year. I was able to go back to my diary and see that not only was I blowing off exercise for several days at a time, but I was also going over my calories by a substantial amount. That was all the reminder I needed to get back on track.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    how to get out of a plateau

    1. Log your food no matte what it is, just so you're aware, even if you consume 5,000 calories a day.
    2. slowly lower your intake back to normal.

    Great advice ^^^^ Each day is a new day. Start fresh tomorrow with a new resolve.
  • aleciaj7
    aleciaj7 Posts: 39
    A lot of the time for me personally in the past if I've cheated for one meal, I get that mindset of well, I already ruined today, might as well go ahead and have everything else I want and get back on tomorrow. It's these endless tomorrows for me that got me where I am. You and I are pretty close to the same size and I can imagine how daunting losing all you need to lose must feel because I myself am feeling it. I cheated this past weekend, but still tried to log everything and oh my goodness was it a terrible wake up call! If anything it gave me that much more motivation to stick through it and get back on track! I find wanting to snack at work is my biggest problem so while it sucks & I hate every minute of it, I only allow myself the snacks I had previously planned for that day and then it's water, water, water. You CAN DO THIS!!!!! Even if you cheat one meal, get right back on after. Start drinking your water and flushing those toxins right away and get it right, we are worth so much more than the temporary good of that feeling of whatever it is you eat.