Predicted Weight Loss Milestones!

I currently have my goal set to lose 2lbs a week, and while I know that it is unlikely that I will be able to consistently loose 2lbs a week I set up an excel spreadsheet so I could see long term what my weight loss would look like. I currently weight 203lbs. I am down 2lbs this week. If I lose 2lbs every week I would be under 200 by June 13th, under 190 by July 18th, under 180 by August 22nd (that was my weight a year and a half ago!), under 170 by September 26 (This is a big one for me since I can't remember being under 170 since freshman year of high school...I just finished my junior year of college!), I will be under 160 by Halloween, and I will be at my goal weight of 145lbs by December 19th. I really liked seeing these milestones on paper. My husband and my one year anniversary will be October 15th and I love the idea that if I stick with this program, eat right and exercise that I could weigh 165 lbs by then!


  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    Whatever keeps you motivated!!!! Rock on!!!!! I have given up time-sensitive goals because for me it really, really puts on unneeded stress and pressure. But for some, like you, it can be a great motivater!!!!!!
  • wongleweed
    wongleweed Posts: 35 Member
    I did that too, but I have just ended up disappointed because I am way behind where I want to be! It sucks when the losses stall