Any military wives out there trying to lose weight while the

SlimmingdownSusan Posts: 28
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Hey! My name is Susan, and I've just started an effort to lose another 20 lbs. of post baby weight while my husband is deployed. I managed to lose 20 lbs. last year while he was gone, but I've gained 10 of it back since then.

For some reason, I'm always motivated to lose weight when my husband is gone. It just gives me a clear goal. So I'm into week 1, and I've lost 5 lbs. so far! He will be back the end of January 2010. Getting through the holidays will be tough, but I'm determined to get there!


  • hgirl1021
    hgirl1021 Posts: 115
    hi susan!

    i'm jessica, and i'm almost in the same boat. i'm not married, but my boyfriend left for training in august for his november deployment. as soon as he left, i jumped on the scale and off i went! prior to his leaving, we were eating out almost 3 times a day with friends and family soaking up all the time we could. once he left, i was happy to be able to do something for myself that i wanted to and have personal goals for me! the weight came off fast at first since i wasn't hitting a restaurant all day :laugh: he comes home for 10 days in a week prior to his deployment, and i'm worried i'm going to have to restart once he's gone again, but def looking forward to seeing him! i figure i'll enjoy the week he's here and it'll give my body a week to rest, recharge, give in to some tiny pleasures and then jump right back on where i left off.

    i agree with you on it being somewhat easier while they're gone. i seem more focused and can be a little but more selfish with my workout time/meals, etc. i have a total of 8 lbs to go to my ultimate goal. i know i'll get there...just takes time! good luck on reaching your goal. sounds like you have some time to work on getting to your best of luck to you. know you're not alone!

    p.s. a BIG thank you to your hubby for his service!!

    :heart: jessica
  • I started my MPF in Feb. 2009 when my hubby left for deployment and I lost 35 lbs while he was gone. I had so much motivation while he was gone but when he came back I slacked for a lil bit but I am back on track now and only have 11 lbs more to go. This site keeps you motivated plus it will help the time pass while your husband is away, it sure helped me. Good luck with your weight loss, you can do it!!!
  • I started trying to lose weight about a year ago, I lost 60 pounds but went to FL the first part of his deployment and gained 20 pounds in like 3 months, now I am trying to lose about another 30-40 pounds. This is my hubbys 3rd time deploying and everytime I lose the weight an slack when he comes home, but this time I WILL keep it off. Good luck to you on losing your weight.
  • I know how you all feel. I lost my baby weight while my hubby was gone in 05-06 but when he came back all we eat was out and drank beer with returning friends and i gained my weight back and then some and found out I was preggo with my second daughter. I gained even more weight with her b/c I wasn't as sick with her as I was with my first one. So needless to say I need to lose about 60-70 lbs. My hubby is the kind of guy that ca eat whatever he wants and not gain weight. He eats all the time! Sigh I wish I had his metabolism. I just look at food and I gain Well good luck to you all!
  • thanks girls! I did so good all week, but I was out with the kids this afternoon and we stopped by a pizza buffet for lunch. I don't feel too bad about how I ate, but needless to say I need to take it easy the rest of the day! My husband does not have any kind of weight/eating issues. He's a doc and a health nut too, so that makes things a little harder for me...just trying to live up to those healthy eating standards. I'm 34 though, and I have to realize my metabolism is just not what it once was when I was 20-something. This is the heaviest I've ever been. I either got to stop the madness now or just get bigger!
  • My hubby is not a health nut but he can drink beer everyday eat what he wants and barely workout and he stays skinny, but has a little beer belly. I can walk by food and just gain the weight. We as women have it hard and it starts when we are little about our self image, but as we grow it get worse or we dont care. These day the more woman I met are more concerned about their weight but dont want to do the work it takes to lose the weight. I feel you on the pizza cause I had that with my son as well put i had like 2 pieces and a diet coke. doesnt make sense does it. But I believe if you dont eat like that everyday and at every meal then it isnt as bad as we think. keep up the good work.
  • meana717
    meana717 Posts: 261 Member
    Hey ladies. Well my daughter is 3 and I have yet to lose the baby weight! I joined last week and haven't been too successful in getting on track. Going to buckle down and really stick to it starting this week. My husband deployed on the 11th of September and I really want to WOW him when he gets home! I'm starting to do Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred tomorrow. Hopefully this will help! Want to know more...check on my profile. Good luck to you all!


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  • kyleefreeman
    kyleefreeman Posts: 70 Member
    Hello! My husband is currently deployed as well, he is expected home towards the end of March, I too decided to kick it into high gear as soon as he left. Since July 27th I have lost 17 lbs...not much but it's a start, I would like to lose another 45lbs by the time he gets home and probably would have been a lot more successful with my progress if I wouldn't have slipped up so much. I'm actually starting tomorrow to kick it back into high gear and lose this weight!!! GOOD LUCK TO ALL OF YOU

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  • Bumping~
    Because I'm lucky enough to have my soldier home now and scheduled to be on the rear detachment while his unit is deployed next year. This means that he'll be IN COUNTRY! Yeah! But I know that there are women out there who would benefit from having the support of other military wives/ girlfriends trying to stay focused on staying positive and losing weight.

    God Bless the troops and the ones holding down the fort at home! :flowerforyou:
  • Hey Ladies! While I am not having hubby deploy anytime soon, I always love to be surrounded by military wives for support Being National guard, you don't get those neighbors and like minded people around you. I miss Active Duty posts sometimes (sometimes! LOL)

    If you need a buddy to stay motivated with - add me! happy to help!
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