Looking for Pregnant MFP buddies

glimmer01 Posts: 18 Member
I'm not a new member, I had lost 40 pounds with MFP right before I found out I was pregnant. I hadn't quite made it to my goal either.

I'm looking for other women who are also pregnant to be my pals through this adventure while I try not to gain to much weight and prepare physically for the new baby to be born.

I'm due in Dec 2012, If you would like to join me in this quest please add me as a friend!! :smile:


  • cakeladynl
    cakeladynl Posts: 6 Member
    Hi lost around 40 pds using MFP as well. Also found out I am now pregnant and due in January 2013. I still have a lot of weight to lose yet (100 pds). but for now I am trying to stay focused on maintaining and having a healthy pregancy. Feel free to add me if you would like.
  • Grinnix
    Grinnix Posts: 14 Member

    I am also pregnant and due in January. Since I have had repeated c-sections, I imagine we will have a baby in December. I lost almost 20 lbs and was really on a roll before we found out. We had been trying for over a year and this came as a surprise. I didn't gain a whole lot during my first two pregnancies, but I wasn't watching it either. I've set my calories here at maintenance level and am just going to wing it.

    I really would like to work my arms during this time and continue using my elliptical. I didn't have any complications with the other two so I think I can do it.

    Feel free to add me too.
  • amysmartin
    amysmartin Posts: 84 Member
    Me too! Just found out I'm pregnant, last time I gained 70lbs (!!) and I really need to prevent that from happening again! I never made it back to my pre-pregnancy weight, still had another 15 lbs to go, so I feel like I'm already starting with too much weight.

    What's the low down on exercising? I didn't do anything my last pregnancy (obviously!) and want to make sure I stay active with this one. Would you stick with low impact only?
  • poetangel
    poetangel Posts: 4 Member
    What is recommended now? About 100-300 above maintenance calories?
  • Xelisharose
    Xelisharose Posts: 22
    I just found out I'm pregnant too! Haven't been to the doctor but I believe im due end of January 2013. I only gained 15 with my first. Is it safe to lose weightwhile pregnant?
  • poetangel
    poetangel Posts: 4 Member
    Only if your doctor okays it and works with you! Depends how overweight you are. I gained 40 with my first, which I thought was too much, but my dr was ok with. I weight about the same as I did pre-baby #1 for baby #2 but I hope to gain less.
  • doctorjessie
    doctorjessie Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I am 35 and pregnant with my second child and am due January 31. I did not eat super healthy through the last pregnancy and I gained about 35 pounds which really wasn't bad. I did walk several miles 2-4 days a week during the entire pregnancy. I was down 3-5 lbs below my pre-pregnancy weight in about 4 months solely from breastfeeding but have crept up a bit above the pre-pregnancy weight which is about 5-10 lbs from where I'd like to be. I found it difficult to find the energy and time with a baby to exercise and eat right. I have just recently gotten back on track. I am still nursing my 20 month old and I'm doing yoga at least 2 days a week.
    I'd like this to be a healthy pregnancy and I'd like to continue on with the good habits after baby arrives. I'd love to have accountability and motivation with others in the same situation as myself.
  • faithchic
    faithchic Posts: 9
    Hi! I lost 70 pounds while on here and now I found out I'm pregnant. So, I would also like to be friends with anyone on here that is pregnant. I also am terrified about gaining weight. Best wishes to all.
  • faithchic
    faithchic Posts: 9
    Hi! I'm due on January 30th!!! Congratulations!!
  • tori7754
    tori7754 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, I just found out I'm pregnant too! Due Jan 20, 2013 but that date might change when I get to go to the doctor on the 28th. I was no where near my weight loss goal. Still about 30 pounds off, with my 1st pregnancy I gained near 80 pounds and my 2nd I gained 40 pounds and I don't want to do that again. Is there a way to change your settings on here geared more towards pregnancy or just a different number of calories. A nutritionist told me to go from 1200 to about 1500. Anyone have any advice?
  • yihua81
    yihua81 Posts: 3
    I am due December 2012 as well! I had just gotten to my pre-pregnancy weight which was overweight to begin with and was actually getting below that when I found out I was pregnant - only had 15 more pounds to go! I actually just ran a half marathon and have been trying my best to keep exercising despite the first trimester exhaustion and chasing a toddler around. I just updated my goals to maintain my weight, but would love to have some extra support for the next couple of months as well.
  • BeautifulMe322
    BeautifulMe322 Posts: 110 Member
    I am due January 22nd! I read if you are overweight/obese then you will lose weight during your pregnancy. I am finding this to be true. I gave up on weightloss and MFP and because I want what is best for my baby I came back here to record what I eat etc. I have lost 5lbs since my doctor appt on Thursday 5/31/12. I blame this on naseua and vomiting of course. I have a sort of weird question. If you eat it and log it on MFP and then morning sickness (all day sickness really) brings it back up to you still account for it? Or would you be shorting yourself of those calories?
  • alialee529
    alialee529 Posts: 1 Member
    It is not safe to loose weight while pregnant, although is can happen for women experiencing morning sickness in the first trimester. Typically you are not supposed to gain weight during your first trimester (I gained 9...ooops), and then from the second trimester on you should gain about one pound per week. With the weight of the baby, placenta, increased breast size, and extra nutrient stores (aka fat) that should be about 25-35 pounds for a woman already within her "healthy" weight range. If you are underweight pre pregnancy you should gain about 28-40 pounds, over weight women should gain anywhere from 15-25 pounds, and obese women should gain 11-20 pounds. Hope this helps! :)
  • sassyshook
    sassyshook Posts: 213 Member
    Wow! Neat to see all the other women pregnant on here and due around the same as me. I just found out last week that I am pregnant and should be due around the end of Jan. My first child I gaine waaaaayyy too much weight and I am hoping that I can continue on my healthy journey and not gain very much weight. My first pregnancy was 10 years ago and I was in way better shape then so I am a little worried this pregnancy may not be as easy as the first.
  • kimstric
    kimstric Posts: 3
    Congratulations everyone! Just found out that I'm pregnant and due somewhere around early to mid February 2013. I still have a lot of weight to lose, but I plan on staying active, eating sensibly, and upping my water intake. I have read a few places that you need to up your calories to 250 to 300 a day during the second and third trimester. MFP has me on 1500 calories for my current weight and weight loss goals. Should I go back to eating 2000 calories a day or should I stick to the 1500?
  • saraichka
    saraichka Posts: 24 Member
    I also just found out I'm pregnant with my first (due late Jan/early Feb). I'm terrified of gaining weight, and although I've read I should eat maintenance calories, but having counted calories for so long I'm having trouble mentally letting go of eating no more than 1500 calories a day. I'm going to continue logging so I know where I am, but I'm just going to try and eat when I'm hungry ... easier said than done. :smile:
  • It's so great to hear your news! I am almost 8 weeks pregnant and like you have focused so long on losing weight that it is also hard for my head to get around eating more. It's causing a problem with me mentally and I am struggling. I recently lost 55 lbs in 2 years and was just starting to enjoy a smaller me. And now... baby!!! Don't get me wrong... I am super stoked to go through this wonderful time but am not looking forward to watching the number on the scale go up and not down. I am continuing to log on MFP also and exercising almost daily. However, with the nausea I am already eating way more than I had in the past 3 months since joining MFP. The number has already gone up! Looking for the same support as the rest of you... I don't want to go through this alone so it's nice to know there are others out there.
  • oeys
    oeys Posts: 25 Member
    I'm pregnant too and due in December. I have too much weight on me as it is so need to watch what I eat for the next 6 months!
  • nosey_rosey
    nosey_rosey Posts: 380 Member
    Hi ladies!! I just found out that I am pregnant yayyy!! I am due 2/8/13 so I have a longgggggggggg way to go =) I had been slipping up bad before I found out. I need to get back to watching what I am eating and exercising regularly again!!
  • ashle1244
    ashle1244 Posts: 5
    I'm pregnant too! : ) I hit my goal of 116 and then actually put on 5lbs to helping with having a baby and was then at 121. with baby number two. I am currently at 128 and almost 20 weeks. im a horrible eater who is trying to eat cleaner healthier foods and give up soda! :/