I will never not like "bad foods"...

Hrl1993 Posts: 106 Member
I have been counting calories for a year and a half (and am back now actively using MFP because I fell off the wagon a bit)...and am jealous of all of you who say things like "I don't crave those fatty foods anymore!"

I will forever love pizza. I will forever love giant slices of chocolate cake. There will never come a day where I will say "oh a cheeseburger...ew". Chicken wings dipped in an obscene amount of bleu cheese dressing will always actually make me drool on myself. Pigs will fly before I will say "I don't like fried chicken". And damnit, a huge bowl of Pad Thai accompanied by somethin' smothered in peanut sauce will tempt me to my death.

I do lead a new lifestyle and can turn down these foods on most occasions...but I still crave them ALL the time. So - cheers to those of us who are fighting the eternal struggle between fettuccine alfredo and our pant size. I feel for you all. And to those of you who truly don't like these foods anymore...well...jealousy is a sin, and I'm not sorry.:wink:


  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member
    I will never not want to smoke a cigarette, but I recently quit because I didn't like the negative effects they had on my health and wallet. So I can say I will never want to smoke again because of those things, but I will always want to smoke again because I love it.

    Same with a donut. Of course I love the sticky little devils, but I do not love the calories, sugar or general health effects that eating them would have, so I can say with confidence that I do not want to eat a donut. But also, I want to eat a donut. Know what I mean?
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    It's called being human. I eat things that are "bad" for me, in moderation.
  • ChelseaM18
    ChelseaM18 Posts: 303
    Aaaaaannnnddd...now I'm thinking about cake again.
  • wrecktechno
    wrecktechno Posts: 145 Member
    I think it goes when you really start seeing results. If you don't have it, and don't see it, you don't want it. I used to be a chip addict, my exbf told me I wasn't allowed them any more and to have a side salad instead of chips and before long, I stopped craving them and didn't want them and best of all, they started tasting gross if I did have one. Sadly I'm back to being a junk food addict, one of these days my brain will kick in and I'll be back on the healthwagon
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Oh I feel ya. I crave it still and treat myself once and awhile. However I have worked too damn hard to eat that stuff everyday. I don't need it and get satisfaction from other things.
  • Jezebel_Barbie
    Jezebel_Barbie Posts: 198 Member
    I am obsessed with chocolate. I will never not like it. I worked on the confectionary department in a shop once and was told by everyone in the shop "Oooh you'll go right off chocolate after working there, you'll be sick of the sight of it! I worked that department and still don't eat chocolate now". I have no idea what those people were on about; it's not like you were force fed the damn stuff, just serve it! I worked on there for 12 months and did not once get sick of chocolate, not even a little bit.

    I do limit what I eat now for the sake of my health. But I still crave it all the time!
  • GdeVries
    GdeVries Posts: 232 Member
    Just love what you've written. I love food as well. However I've noticed that my choices have gotten better - for the most part. Oh, I still eat Pad Thai, but I make it myself and know what's in it. And you know what? It's reallly not too bad as far as calories and carbs etc go.

    Also, if I know I'm going out to eat I'll exercise more.

    I stopped smoking some time ago. You know, I don't even know how long it's been. 6 months maybe? It took me years of chewing nicotine gum - to which I also got addicted. One day I said "this is enough'. I think about cigarettes every now and I again. I can't even call it a craving... I think about fast food, too. But as another poster mentioned, I've worked to hard. I don't want to backslide that bad. So now when I go to McDonald's I get a Happy Meal, and share the toy with some kid, or give it to my dogs.

    It's all about finding some middle ground, something I can stick with. I'm not going to tell myself I CAN'T have something. But slowly I want it less. And if I do want it anyway, well, so be it. Might just toss back a six pack this weekend. Oh, well, that's 3 hours of bike riding...

    Find what works for you and do it!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I like all those things too. Al fredo is about the only one I don't eat. I can't say I'll never eat it again, but I also can't remember the last time I did. But the other things I still eat occasionally. Certainly not every week and not even every month. Most of the time I'm pretty good. But I'm sure that a month never goes by that I don't have something that would be unhealthy if eaten too often. And I've been maintaining my weight loss for over a year now.

    Treats are a good thing, as long as you don't live on treats.
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    It all depends on if you can handle it in moderation. If you can, have them once in a while!!! If not, do not have them. It's like me with my drinking. It took me finally understanding that I am not a person who can have a beer....I just am not, when I used to drink it was everyday....and to the point I would blackout most times. I haven't drank in a long time. Simply because I cannot do it once, or only have 1. So I don't do it at all. Some days are rough, stresses of daily life get to me and I crave just buying a bottle of whiskey and drinking away all my worrys and problems.....but I've learned that the longer you go without it, the easier it gets. Its kinda like that with bad snacks too, if I have a whole bag of chips at my disposal....I will eat the whole bag. Some people are different and they can have 1 serving and stop. Not me.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    I have been counting calories for a year and a half (and am back now actively using MFP because I fell off the wagon a bit)...and am jealous of all of you who say things like "I don't crave those fatty foods anymore!"

    I will forever love pizza. I will forever love giant slices of chocolate cake. There will never come a day where I will say "oh a cheeseburger...ew". Chicken wings dipped in an obscene amount of bleu cheese dressing will always actually make me drool on myself. Pigs will fly before I will say "I don't like fried chicken". And damnit, a huge bowl of Pad Thai accompanied by somethin' smothered in peanut sauce will tempt me to my death.

    I do lead a new lifestyle and can turn down these foods on most occasions...but I still crave them ALL the time. So - cheers to those of us who are fighting the eternal struggle between fettuccine alfredo and our pant size. I feel for you all. And to those of you who truly don't like these foods anymore...well...jealousy is a sin, and I'm not sorry.:wink:

    First... Get. Out. Of. My. Head.

    Second, I resolved early on that I will give up no foods that I enjoy. I do, however, take smaller bites and savor them more, and as a result I can manage with a smaller portion. I also freely "save up" for a special meal and/or reward myself for awesome workouts with a food I really enjoy.

    It's not about not loving and wanting the foods you love and want. It's about making them a healthy part of your eating habits.

    In some cases, that means adapting them (my wife makes an Alfredo sauce from a Weight Watchers recipe that is absolutely to DIE FOR, tastes just like the "real thing" but has a lot better calorie balance).

    In some cases, that means eating less of them (my wife and I frequently split a meal when we go out, so we can each have a real favorite we both love but not feel bad about eating half of it - if we're still hungry we can order a salad).

    And in some cases, it means setting aside 4 hours so I can burn 3,200 calories on my bicycle, then I can eat whatever the hell I want that day guilt-free, as long as I'm getting plenty of proteins and healthy fats as part of it.
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 633 Member
    Me too, I type this with a chocolate easter egg melting in my mouth. I try not to think about foods as bad though, I still eat fast food ocassionally, chocolate daily (watching calories of course), desserts on special occassions and sometimes processed or boxed food made healthier and with extra vegies added. Nothing is really banned from my diet although i try not to drink any soda and really watch my sodium.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    I have been counting calories for a year and a half (and am back now actively using MFP because I fell off the wagon a bit)...and am jealous of all of you who say things like "I don't crave those fatty foods anymore!"

    I will forever love pizza. I will forever love giant slices of chocolate cake. There will never come a day where I will say "oh a cheeseburger...ew". Chicken wings dipped in an obscene amount of bleu cheese dressing will always actually make me drool on myself. Pigs will fly before I will say "I don't like fried chicken". And damnit, a huge bowl of Pad Thai accompanied by somethin' smothered in peanut sauce will tempt me to my death.

    I do lead a new lifestyle and can turn down these foods on most occasions...but I still crave them ALL the time. So - cheers to those of us who are fighting the eternal struggle between fettuccine alfredo and our pant size. I feel for you all. And to those of you who truly don't like these foods anymore...well...jealousy is a sin, and I'm not sorry.:wink:
    If you completely ELIMINATE these foods for a few months, and introduce new foods into your diet, it may help. I worked in a pizza restaurant for 7 years, and a large portion of my belly probably came from pizza, (it was FREE everyday) and i thought i'd NEVER not crave pizza.

    My pizza and cheeseburger cravings have almost completely gone away after a few months of eating natural, mostly raw, mostly vegan, whole foods.

    It still looks good to me, if i'm hungry, but if i make sure i have plenty of fruit and veggies to eat, and eat them, than i don't want that food. It's just not appealing to me. And it's not that i think it will taste bad, but because when i look at the food, i associate it with a low energy, lethargic state that i dont want to put myself into. I wouldn't feel that way if i hadn't completely eliminated these foods for a certain period of time.
  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    I feel ya. I quit drinking coke almost 5 months ago and there is not a day that goes by that I dont want to reach in the fridge and pop open a Coke! But I dont. I grab a water instead! I dont think the temptation will ever go away but the new water habit is stronger! lol
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member

    I stopped smoking some time ago. You know, I don't even know how long it's been. 6 months maybe? It took me years of chewing nicotine gum - to which I also got addicted. One day I said "this is enough'. I think about cigarettes every now and I again. I can't even call it a craving... I think about fast food, too. But as another poster mentioned, I've worked to hard. I don't want to backslide that bad. So now when I go to McDonald's I get a Happy Meal, and share the toy with some kid, or give it to my dogs.

    Find what works for you and do it!

    Like 17 years ago when I worked at McDonalds, they brought out the "all american meal" which was basically a happy meal without a toy. Once people knew it was available, it was actually pretty popular. Of course, the warm fuzzy feeling you get from giving a random child an extra toy can make the rest of your day ;)
  • LauraSmyth28
    LauraSmyth28 Posts: 399 Member
    Another ex-smoker here, I just gave up 10 days ago. I can't imagine that there'll ever be a day that goes by that I don't crave a smoke. I love them so so much. But I won't. It's damn hard. It's hard for me to even write this because I'm craving cigarettes so badly, even wearing a nicotine patch :cry: .

    I also will always crave junk food, but because I can have that in moderation it's not as bad. I've never said "oh I won't eat chinese food EVER", I just don't eat it once a week anymore.
  • AmyB69
    AmyB69 Posts: 117
    I still eat the things I enjoy. I definitely eat more vegetables and eat healthier. But, I still eat pizza every Friday night and I still have some chocolate. But, I log everything! I don't go over my calories, I plan for those things. I'll also exercise more on those days. Everything in moderation!
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I have Pad Thai from time to time (or drunken noodles). If I have a choice I get it with shirmp instead of beef or chicken, mostly because I love shrimp. I'll have it with either a soup or split an order of fresh rolls with my wife. I take either half of the order or 1/3 depending on how big it is and have it the next day (or 2 if it splits into thirds). It actually astounds me that I thought NOTHING of having an entire order and an appitizer and soup and maybe a dessert and the Thai Iced Tea or a beer (sometimes AND).

    If I know I'm going out for Thai I make sure to put extra time in at the gym if it's going to push me over my calorie goals.

    But really most restaurants in the US give you WAY TOO MUCH FOOD no matter what the cuisine is, take left-overs if you can.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Me too, I type this with a chocolate easter egg melting in my mouth. I try not to think about foods as bad though, I still eat fast food ocassionally, chocolate daily (watching calories of course), desserts on special occassions and sometimes processed or boxed food made healthier and with extra vegies added. Nothing is really banned from my diet although i try not to drink any soda and really watch my sodium.

    Geez, you still have Easter chocolates around ??? More power to you ..... mine didn't last the day LOL

    I gave up smoking years ago & don't even think about it anymore ...... other than that, everything in moderation ...... oh, except salt & vinegar potato chips ..... I'd eat mine & yours & lick the insides of the bags !