Any dedicated horsewomen out here?

Ok, I'm sure with a site like this I am not the only overweight horse rider!

Want to talk about depressing - how about wearing white dressage breeches AND being overweight! Not a great look.

In the world of horse shows, as a short AND overweight woman I am definitely in the minority. If you are in the same boat - er, saddle - friend me! I could use the support of others who have the desire and drive, but not the traditional "look" - yet!

I do a bit of everything - dressage, jumping, cross-country, and LOTS of trail riding in the national forest adjacent to my home in Colorado!


  • caitlyncarpenter
    One of the main reasons why I want to get back in shape is so that I can ride again and not feel out of place! I ride hunt-seat but haven't taken lessons in over 2+ years because I felt like a blob on top of the horse. :(

    Can't wait to get healthy again and get back in the saddle!
  • sandywerks
    sandywerks Posts: 94 Member
    You can add me. :) I ride dressage and have competed through third level but have had some health issues in the last couple of years so haven't shown lately. I hear ya about those white breeches! No place to hide! Am working on getting back down to looking fit but adrenal fatigue and autoimmune thyroid issues are making it a slow battle but I am determined. We have a farm with 9 horses - a few retirees, a couple of ponies for my kids, 3 youngsters coming up and my 2 riding horses. They make life interesting!
  • lbergdvm
    lbergdvm Posts: 25 Member
    Caitlyn, don't stop riding! I'm from the midwest too - great place to be a hunter rider! Start your training again, then plan on looking great in your riding attire when you get to your goal weight. Riding can be good exercise, and it may help motivate you - I will help! I want to look good (or at least not obscene!) in my skin-tight riding clothes! Plus, there are so many very cute riding clothes these days!
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
  • _Schatzi_
    _Schatzi_ Posts: 112 Member
    Yes! I took up riding when I was 225lbs! It was the reason I started trying to loose weight and get fit. It is still a major motivator for me!
  • lbergdvm
    lbergdvm Posts: 25 Member
    One of my many reasons for wanting to lose weight is to be able to mount my horse more easily. It is hard to be graceful when I am struggling to get myself in the saddle, even when using a mounting block. Really hard from the ground! I know that when I was a normal weight I could mount/dismount so easily. I'm sure my horses will appreciate when I am more in control of my body.