Jillian Michaels Burn fat, boost metabolism??

How has anyone found it? Results? Just bought it and wondered what you logged it as in your exercise log??

Any pictures?

:) thanks to anyone that has anything to tell me about it!


  • hollieam92
    hollieam92 Posts: 197 Member
    Anyone used this DVD??
  • EmilyWillBeSlim
    EmilyWillBeSlim Posts: 26 Member
    Ive just started using it. Done it two days in a row and planning to do it again tonight! I logged it under circut training for 60 mins and adjusted the calories MFP gave from 615 to 515. I wear a HR band so my numbers are more accurate than MFP.
    I think its really hard work and will kick your *kitten*, she says 7 circuits, but theres no rest apart from the occasional 5 second break!!
  • tasmin21
    tasmin21 Posts: 42 Member
    I use this one, it's one of my favorites. Did a little dance the day I was finally able to get through all of the circuits. And like the poster above said, I use a HRM, so I have created my own exercise for when I do this DVD and log the minutes/calories that way.
  • hollieam92
    hollieam92 Posts: 197 Member
    Thanks ladies, I am going to start using this tomorrow I think, and alternate with my Dance DVD :)
  • malziejean
    malziejean Posts: 4
    I love it!
  • Nikkei24
    Nikkei24 Posts: 282 Member
    used it. It's def a good workout. I didn't use it as a program or anything just as an at home workout.
  • hollieam92
    hollieam92 Posts: 197 Member
    Ive heard its really hard so looking foward to that burn :)
  • aqua_zumba_fan
    I love this one - definitely one of my favourites :) I use my HRM to work out calories burned so can't help there. At first I found it really tough but quite quickly got into it and now can do it all the way through no problem :) Good luck and enjoy!
  • Chameleone
    Chameleone Posts: 281 Member
    I've had it for a while now, and use do it pretty often. I love it.
    I used to log it as circuit training, but when I bought an hrm I found out I was burning more calories than I thought!
    Either way, I really enjoy it!
  • jennt_22
    jennt_22 Posts: 155 Member
    I personally love this DVD of hers. It is such a great cardio workout! I've seen great results from doing Jillian video's in general (not just this one). She amazing!
  • saltyraisins
    saltyraisins Posts: 38 Member
    I LOVE this workout! It's the first one of hers I ever did-- I used to do it on the regular about 2 years ago. It's very challenging but you get amazing results-- my thighs got VERY strong/toned. Do it!
  • Seminolegirl97
    Seminolegirl97 Posts: 307 Member
    This is on of my favorite JM videos. I find that it moves along quickly. I rotate several videos at a time, so I can't say one has produced X-results. I do wear a heart rate monitor and as others have said I burned more calories than MFP told me to do. A HRM is a good investment for sure. JM videos are not really expensive so they are worth it! Good luck!
  • tdmcmains
    tdmcmains Posts: 227 Member
    Done it a few times. It totally kicks my *kitten*. I log it as circuit training, general.
  • hollieam92
    hollieam92 Posts: 197 Member
    So excited to do this, think im going to do it tonight rather than my dance dvd :happy:
  • mali240
    mali240 Posts: 126
    I did it with alternating No More Trouble Zones everyday. And one day rest....
    I lost 8lbs in a month. It's such a good workout. But being a mom to an 8 month, I couldn't commit to about an hour a half (including warm up, cool down and shower) everyday.
  • hollieam92
    hollieam92 Posts: 197 Member
    I know what you mean my little one is 3 in august and during the day I have no time to blink let alone work out so I plan during the day what to do in the evening once she is in bed.
  • hollieam92
    hollieam92 Posts: 197 Member
    About to start this work out, worried I will die ha! Water to hand.. and playlist sorted on the laptop! Wish me luck...:tongue:
  • hollieam92
    hollieam92 Posts: 197 Member
    couldnt get past circuit 3, was dying! 25 minutes and im sweating like a pig!
  • jess_1993
    jess_1993 Posts: 151 Member
    This was my first Jillian Michaels dvd and I loved it! I've done it so much now it almost seems easy though but it's still an awesome workout. Very good cardio and not as challenging as her other videos which is awesome since I'm currently transitioning between this video and Extreme Shed and Shred (which by the way is extremely challenging and leaves my body extremely sore)
  • mjlyons99
    mjlyons99 Posts: 6
    I LOVE that dvd.. I was doing multiple things for about 10 weeks and having some changes on the scale and measure tape,, but when I found the banish fat boost Matab... I KNEW it was the one for me... I do it at least 4 -5 times a week and I noticed the most changes after doing her workouts for a few weeks. I am not ready to post pics yet but have lost 20 pounds and about 25 inches overall.
    I have bought more of her dvd's now and am starting to rotate which them so I wont get bored. Her extreme shed and shred is kicking my butt too ! I love it !
    going to start incorporating more weights with her dvd's to increase the intensity...
    good luck and like Jillian always says "if you want to see results , you gotta work for it"