i had gastric by passon the 2nd .. help

so i had my bypass on the 2nd and i wish i hadnt done it.. anytime i eat anything besides babyfood i feel like it gets stuck right between by boobs and the pain is bad.. has anyone experienced this and can you please help me on what im doing wrong.. also i am having a Real had time not drinking while or right after i eat.. and this is a big no no.. please please help me i wish i hadnt dont this surgery am am suffering now ?


  • season1980
    season1980 Posts: 129 Member
    I have had many friends who I work with who have had this done and can tell you the first couple of months they felt the exact same way. You took drastic measures to lose weight and that does come with consequences and side effects. I am sure all of this was explained pre surgery. Keep your doctor informed of your difficulties and perhaps get a referral to a dietician. I really hope things start to look up for you!
  • owenslady1
    owenslady1 Posts: 1
    I remember the difficulty in drinking at the same time as eating and its just something you will have to get use to.. and following my surgery in September of 09 came the months of October (Halloween candy) and November (Thanksgiving meals) and December( More family food days) all of those holidays were pretty tuff to get thru not able to eat ANYTHING... BUT YES Its worth it... I weighed 322 the day of surgery and got down to 170 so far ive been able to eat almost anything except fried... and that took 2 years to get back to... and now I have the same old troubles i had in the past (before surgery) knowing what i cant afford to put in my mouth because its going to end up on my hip..... I wanted to offer you encouragement here not sure about how this forum works.. but keep at it and dont get down about it... do what the books tell you and stick to them by the letter ... it will bring you the results you were after and you can have the rest of your life to readjust your eating habits... thats what im trying to do now is relearn the right way to eat ... Truth is you dont NEED a LOT of food to live ...we super size everything these days and its a shame..
    GOOD LUCK with you being in the first month stick to your protein and broth.. get the protein in however you have to ... mashed potatoes worked good for me in the beginning... instant..and SUPERSMALL portions...you dont want to put a bite in your mouth that doesnt have protein packed into it somehow.... the unflavored protein can be put in anything...your broths your instant potatoes and yea even baby food if you like it... just remember its more about your mind than your belly right now.. your not hungry...
  • shawnb77
    shawnb77 Posts: 8
    Thanks i soo needed to hear that right now..
  • michelle4619
    Hi. I had RNY in 2007. It does get better. I remember those first days wanting to die. I felt horrible. Would I do it again? YES! I have had some regain---hence why I am on here trying to get back on track, but it was the best decision I ever made. I think you are trying to go too quickly. Right now, you should be on nothing except sf jello, sf pudding, sf popscicles. I live on those for 3 months. owenslady is right, you aren't hungry. It's in your head. Have a jello and be satisfied. It takes a lot of getting used to, but you can do it.
  • saritabonita22
    Hi there....I had gastric bypass in 2009 and my surgeon put us on a very strict diet so we couldn't eat real solid food for 6 8 weeks post-op....it gets better, like the others have said...but I am 3 years out and the struggle is hapening again....if I had it to do again I would try to get in the habit of more exercise....I want to be 40lbs lighter but I lost 130 from the surgery and I lost it all in a year!
    Good luck and add me!!!