

    OVERWEIGHTLUVA Posts: 74 Member
    I've been eating lemon peel/rind for mine. It's known to disperse cellulite and I can tell you IT WORKS!!

    How much and how often?
  • hazelovesfood
    hazelovesfood Posts: 454 Member
    I have it on my thighs and hate it, even when i lost weight in still had it, bumpy lumpey looking skin on my legs, not good. I still wear shorts of holiday but I can always see the cellulite and its very annoying. I use a crosstrainer, or elliptical if your from the u.s.I really wish It would go away. If like to use it more but have knee issues and have to be carefull not to strain them or the hurt for days.
  • zgdsmith
    zgdsmith Posts: 114 Member
    I have heard dry brushing your skin before a shower helps. i've also hear coconut oil is supossed to help. I just started doing these so I have no idea if they work with cellulite but I will say in the 2 weeks that i've been doing it my skin is super soft!!

    Eating the Coconut Oil or rubbing it on you?

    i know people that eat a tablespoon of it a day. I just rub it on my skin and don't currently eat it...I notice that my skin is soft and has a healthy glow now.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    Bump. I have responded to cellulite posts before. Yes, you CAN get rid of it. I am going to find my previous post and post it here.
  • r3ban1x
    r3ban1x Posts: 51 Member
    A lot of us seem to be forgetting that cellulite is prevalent among women and SIGNIFICANTLY influenced by genetics. I've known 20 year olds in amazing shape with cellulite and 40 year olds with none. I'm only 15 lbs overweight and have cellulite literally EVERYWHERE on my body due to genetics. It does get better when I tone up and slim down but it is still there.
    OVERWEIGHTLUVA Posts: 74 Member
    I have heard dry brushing your skin before a shower helps. i've also hear coconut oil is supossed to help. I just started doing these so I have no idea if they work with cellulite but I will say in the 2 weeks that i've been doing it my skin is super soft!!

    Eating the Coconut Oil or rubbing it on you?

    i know people that eat a tablespoon of it a day. I just rub it on my skin and don't currently eat it...I notice that my skin is soft and has a healthy glow now.

    Welp, I guess it wont hurt to do both. And I DO love the coconutty smell of 'Hawaiian Tropic', so Im sure this will be just as pleasurable !! THANKSSSSS!!
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    Hi, this is a long response, but I have responded to cellulite posts before, so here they are.
    This was my first response to “Ugh…cellulite”:

    You can get rid of it, I should know, I have done it! I used to have it. Then I trained hard in college (crew--rowing team) and it was GONE. Couldn't believe it, cause I thought it was forever.
    Then after children it was back. I fasted (water only) for 9 days, it was GONE. I noticed during the fast, after about a week, all the areas of fat got kinda tender and body was going after it to metabolize it, I guess.

    Now after 2 more children ( I have 5). It is back, but I am not worried.

    Currently, I am going for massage to circulate that hardened, dry fat that gets stuck in there. My massage therapist knows what she is doing. For my case, my lymph system had gotten clogged, also my digestive track had tended toward constipation...Also I would tend to be constantly dehydrated....naughty eating habits...not exercising and wah lah...cellulite.
    Also, of course, I am currently diet/exercise intensive. But that cellulite gets sort of encapsulated in there, and it takes your body metabolizing it to get it off...It does come off!!! I don't really care what anyone else says...It will go! So right now, I am building up to being able to get a good hard workout (just cause I love fitness and the burn of a good exercise session and being able to play hard!), plus changing to awesome diet habits, plus drinking adequate water, plus massage (ahhhh!). Later I may choose to do a water fast.
    I hope this gives you some encouragement and some useful information!

    And my second response:

    In working with my massage therapist, what we have been doing, on me, is to open my lymph drainage areas (for example,at the knees, groin, under the breasts, at the armpits---basically where you sweat) and then to massage the clogged cellulite areas to bring circulation, to help break up those deposits, and to encourage it to move on out. I love how it feels for days afterwards--I feel the circulation to those cellulite areas. We have done it using two methods. We pick one or the other per is "gentle" in that it encorporates light rapid stroking in the direction of the circulation, light pressing on the lymph drain points to begin to open them. The other method she and I "affectionately" call "Tough Love" and that one also involves pressing gently on the sweat areas (lymph drain points) to encourage those points to begin to open up, but also when she massages the congested cellulite areas she is more aggressive and it...well...hurts. It hurts for a minute or two while initially it begins to break up. Subsequent massages there is often a more "itchy" feeling in areas where the clogging is being cleared up. Now those clogged areas are circulated better and can be metabolized out by the body. Currently my cellulite areas feel much more soft instead of bumpy. I know from experience that the next step is that the weight loss thru proper nutritioni/fitness will trim my body very nicely. And I will be happy with what I see! My massage therapist says lymph massage therapists are maybe not as common?

    As far as fasting goes, I know that this brings many pictures to peoples minds, and much mis-information as well. One way to begin to understand the concept is to read the research and practical application of fasting by someone who applies scientific technique to see if /how something works. May I suggest the writings of Herbert Shelton. You can google him. A personal note on fasting from me is that I have done it many times, and love using fasting periodically for its many, many benefits. As far as gaining back the weight, you definitely would, if you failed to use self-control for the first week-2weeks after coming off an extended fast (longer than 3 days).
    OVERWEIGHTLUVA Posts: 74 Member
    Bump. I have responded to cellulite posts before. Yes, you CAN get rid of it. I am going to find my previous post and post it here.

    OOOO GOOD!!! I'd love to see them! I rarely get on the message boards, so I obviously missed the previous 'cellulite posts'....

    And what is 'Bump/Bumping'?? I keep seeing it on the boards but like I said I rarely get on the boards so I guess Im not "hip" is it like a "bump or dump" type of thing?.....
    OVERWEIGHTLUVA Posts: 74 Member
    A lot of us seem to be forgetting that cellulite is prevalent among women and SIGNIFICANTLY influenced by genetics. I've known 20 year olds in amazing shape with cellulite and 40 year olds with none. I'm only 15 lbs overweight and have cellulite literally EVERYWHERE on my body due to genetics. It does get better when I tone up and slim down but it is still there.

    VERY TRUE!! But they are pretty naturally toned no matter how terrible they are to their bodies on both of my Grandfathers' side (moms dad and my dads, dad). So, Im hoping some of those genes will pop up outta no where... :)
    OVERWEIGHTLUVA Posts: 74 Member
    Hi, this is a long response, but I have responded to cellulite posts before, so here they are.
    This was my first response to “Ugh…cellulite”:

    You can get rid of it, I should know, I have done it! I used to have it. Then I trained hard in college (crew--rowing team) and it was GONE. Couldn't believe it, cause I thought it was forever.
    Then after children it was back. I fasted (water only) for 9 days, it was GONE. I noticed during the fast, after about a week, all the areas of fat got kinda tender and body was going after it to metabolize it, I guess.

    Now after 2 more children ( I have 5). It is back, but I am not worried.

    Currently, I am going for massage to circulate that hardened, dry fat that gets stuck in there. My massage therapist knows what she is doing. For my case, my lymph system had gotten clogged, also my digestive track had tended toward constipation...Also I would tend to be constantly dehydrated....naughty eating habits...not exercising and wah lah...cellulite.
    Also, of course, I am currently diet/exercise intensive. But that cellulite gets sort of encapsulated in there, and it takes your body metabolizing it to get it off...It does come off!!! I don't really care what anyone else says...It will go! So right now, I am building up to being able to get a good hard workout (just cause I love fitness and the burn of a good exercise session and being able to play hard!), plus changing to awesome diet habits, plus drinking adequate water, plus massage (ahhhh!). Later I may choose to do a water fast.
    I hope this gives you some encouragement and some useful information!

    And my second response:

    In working with my massage therapist, what we have been doing, on me, is to open my lymph drainage areas (for example,at the knees, groin, under the breasts, at the armpits---basically where you sweat) and then to massage the clogged cellulite areas to bring circulation, to help break up those deposits, and to encourage it to move on out. I love how it feels for days afterwards--I feel the circulation to those cellulite areas. We have done it using two methods. We pick one or the other per is "gentle" in that it encorporates light rapid stroking in the direction of the circulation, light pressing on the lymph drain points to begin to open them. The other method she and I "affectionately" call "Tough Love" and that one also involves pressing gently on the sweat areas (lymph drain points) to encourage those points to begin to open up, but also when she massages the congested cellulite areas she is more aggressive and it...well...hurts. It hurts for a minute or two while initially it begins to break up. Subsequent massages there is often a more "itchy" feeling in areas where the clogging is being cleared up. Now those clogged areas are circulated better and can be metabolized out by the body. Currently my cellulite areas feel much more soft instead of bumpy. I know from experience that the next step is that the weight loss thru proper nutritioni/fitness will trim my body very nicely. And I will be happy with what I see! My massage therapist says lymph massage therapists are maybe not as common?

    As far as fasting goes, I know that this brings many pictures to peoples minds, and much mis-information as well. One way to begin to understand the concept is to read the research and practical application of fasting by someone who applies scientific technique to see if /how something works. May I suggest the writings of Herbert Shelton. You can google him. A personal note on fasting from me is that I have done it many times, and love using fasting periodically for its many, many benefits. As far as gaining back the weight, you definitely would, if you failed to use self-control for the first week-2weeks after coming off an extended fast (longer than 3 days).
    THIS IS AWESOME!!! Very Informative!!!
    Im Greedy though, so I'm not so sure I would make it through the 9 day water only fast. But I might be able to do 2 days at a time. But I will most DEF have to look into the other things you've mentioned.
    THANKSSSS!! :bigsmile:
  • tomusiakl
    tomusiakl Posts: 225 Member
    My cellulite have decreased significantly since I lost near 12 lbs and toned up. The lines are not that visible. Sorry I have no pictures.
  • mcpherson4
    mcpherson4 Posts: 287 Member
    bump for hope!
  • Insanity2bSane
    Insanity2bSane Posts: 204 Member
    So, I've been told time and time again by doctors, health nuts and trainers that there is NO possible way to get rid of cellulite no matter what you do. But I just HAVE to believe that there are some folks out there that have come close or at least seen a dramatic change/disappearance in cellulite after weight loss...

    I never had cellulite until I gained weight and I have hope that I can someday wear shorts again without feeling like I look like a bag of feta cheese!!! I've only heard from ONE very unconventional doctor that you cant ELIMINATE your celullite but you can ALMOST make it disappear by using the elliptical. So, are there any of you out there that have lost weight and the cellulite to match?!?! And if you have, could you post PICTURES PLEASE!!!! :) Seeing is believing for me in this case lol :)

    I gotta KEEP HOPE ALIVE!!! And believe that I'll be able to wear cute dresses (my FAV) again, instead of living the rest of my life in 'Grandma-like' Moo-Moos', cause at this point that's about as "sexy" as its gonna get :/
  • Ritzieh
    Ritzieh Posts: 2 Member
    that is AMAZING! i am going to try it.
  • Insanity2bSane
    Insanity2bSane Posts: 204 Member
    I dont think you can completely get rid of it but you can significantly reduce it by drinking lots of water, doing lots of cardio and like someone else said getting massages. Also you should get some Neoprene shorts or pants when you do exersise and lather up some cream that will help you sweat alot. This will definetely help and of couse, good eating habits.
  • meggawatt
    meggawatt Posts: 145 Member
    Every time I lose weight mine appears (yes I have a yo-yo relationship with my scale) With toning it all but goes away. We're probably our own worst critics and I know its rough, but hang in there and keep working at it. You will see results with toning exercises sadly it will never go away completely.
  • mcpherson4
    mcpherson4 Posts: 287 Member
    Color does wonders. lol Fat looks better with some color. No. I do not tan. :)
  • _Ivian
    _Ivian Posts: 198
    Thanking my lucky stars I'm not plagued by that monster! Ever since I was younger, my skins behaved itself when it comes to cellulite. What I've done is mostly preventative and it's worked for me. I do heavy leg workouts, use Jergen's Skin Firming Daily Toning lotion every day, Dove's toning body wash every day, foam roller and lots of water. I also take vitamins :smile: No cellulite here! I think it depends a lot on the person. My mom is tiny and she's got loads of cellulite :frown: but no stretch marks (seriously!). I'm the opposite unfortunately. Now, where's that stretch mark thread!! :laugh:
  • Lay821
    Lay821 Posts: 73 Member
    So, I've been told time and time again by doctors, health nuts and trainers that there is NO possible way to get rid of cellulite no matter what you do. But I just HAVE to believe that there are some folks out there that have come close or at least seen a dramatic change/disappearance in cellulite after weight loss...

    I never had cellulite until I gained weight and I have hope that I can someday wear shorts again without feeling like I look like a bag of feta cheese!!! I've only heard from ONE very unconventional doctor that you cant ELIMINATE your celullite but you can ALMOST make it disappear by using the elliptical. So, are there any of you out there that have lost weight and the cellulite to match?!?! And if you have, could you post PICTURES PLEASE!!!! :) Seeing is believing for me in this case lol :)

    I gotta KEEP HOPE ALIVE!!! And believe that I'll be able to wear cute dresses (my FAV) again, instead of living the rest of my life in 'Grandma-like' Moo-Moos', cause at this point that's about as "sexy" as its gonna get :/

    in the past the only way I was able to rid off it was with a personal trainer 5 days a week. Then I stopped working out and it came right back I didnt think Id EVER get rid of it again....Til JM 30 Day Shred (3 days/week for 3 months ) I ended up with amazing legs
  • TNTwedell
    TNTwedell Posts: 277 Member
    question on the Foam Roller....
    does it look like a long (maybe 3 or 4 ft long) and about 8-10in in diameter??
    If so - then i have one and i've been doing it for the last few weeks & im excited to check my cellulite ;)
    plus - its PAINFUL
    if not - i dont know what it is and must google
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