Diet pills? Alli?

k92monica Posts: 15
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Has anyone ever tried the Alli pill?Did it work for ya?


  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    Not to sound harsh or anything, so please don't take offense to this statement, but..

    Have you ever seen a diet pill or anything that didn't say "While following a balanced diet and exercise plan"? You don't need those things in your body to lose weight, just do it naturally and it WILL work!
  • Hey Arienna! are right about that.All diet pills do have that follow a balanced diet and workout on the label. I just find myself becoming impatient at times. If I don't see results fast I start to fall back into the same bad habits/patterns. I need to stay focused.
  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    I know exactly what you mean! But don't worry, you will get there and remember, the quicker the weight comes off the more likely it is that it won't stay off! Also, don't you feel better knowing you sweat every calorie right off?!
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    so one of my coworkers went on ali - seriously, google the side effects if you DONT eat right while on it. lol they're pretty gross :sick:

    i don't have an opinion either way - good luck with whatever tyou choose!
  • my husband uses Alli it works but u have to be real careful to follow fat intake cause if not u will be in the bathroom if u know what I mean.. but they work.. you just have to follow a healthy diet and excercise with it..
  • MollySue30
    MollySue30 Posts: 288 Member
    It is a hard thing not to try because you want to see results very fast.. I am the same way. I have been so hard on myself because if I don't see the weight coming off then i give up and just go back to my normal ways. I would say just think that you didn't put it on over night and it isn't going to come off over night. I have to keep telling myself that. I was just told today that my husband thinks that I am doing great and I am looking good. To hear those words it is the best thing ever....Just stay strong and you don't need pills to help you at all..Just take a multi-vitamin that will help speed up your body and the weight will come off...Make sure that you log all of your food and it will help..if you need support...add me as a friend and I will be there to help you out. :heart:

    Have a great night!!!
  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    If you want to take something, take a multi - vitamin and maybe some supplements like Acai? That's a natural anti-oxidant, or an anti-oxidant formula. I just don't like those "diet" pills.
  • I took the prescription version of ALLI and let me tell you that if you eat too fat it will come out and mostly not when you want it too. You'll be running to the bathroom. For me it didn't help me lose weight more or less maintain it. I got sick of running to the bathroom or throwing clothes out cause (gross I know) but if you fart your not going to like it and trust me you will do those things more frequently. If you eat alot of fat and that is what contributes to your weight gain then try them. It couldn't hurt. I don' have a problem with fat but portion control. Good luck!
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    My cousin works for a large chain of pharmacies, and they sell Ali. All I keep thinking about with that (because she and I discussed my starting Ali) is that in the instructions (right there on the bottle!) it tells you to wear dark pants and to carry a spare set of clothes! Ummm, YIKES! Basically what it does is to keep your body from absorbing fat, so if you eat too much fat your body "expells" it.

    That is bad enough, but when you read the diet book that accompanies it (purchased separately of course) it details pretty much the EXACT same diet MFP recommends. Save your money, save your clothes, and go with MFP.

    I know I get frustrated when the scale doesn't move from one week to the next.:grumble: But sticking with this plan is a LOT easier than sticking with a diet pill. (When my husband got his work hours, and salary, reduced 20%, the pill would've had to go. Where would I be now if that had happened?)

    Stick with it. It happens. Slow but sure. After a couple weeks of being stuck, it dropped 7 lbs in one week!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: Ok, so it was probably a LOT of water weight because I have been watching my sodium more closely. But 7 lbs is 7 lbs! It'll happen for yout, too. Just stick with it!
  • calabrdm
    calabrdm Posts: 303 Member
    I tried it for one week. I ate well and still had leakage issues. i went on a bike ride and enough said.... sooooooooooooooooo not worth that kind of crap.... excuse the pun.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Let me get this straight?

    In order for this pill to be effective you have to eat right and excersise? And this same pill has, uh hum, side effects?

    I have a better idea, how about eating right and excersising?
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    Let me get this straight?

    In order for this pill to be effective you have to eat right and excersise? And this same pill has, uh hum, side effects?

    I have a better idea, how about eating right and excersising?
    :laugh: :laugh:
  • Has anyone ever tried the Alli pill?Did it work for ya?

    Here's the problem with Alli...the only reason it works is because it prevents your body from absorbing fat...the more it can't absorb, the more goop that has to evacuate your body thus causing the leakage the package warns of. Not to mention the fact that your body needs vitamins & minerals to function properly and some of these are fat soluble, which means that if there isn't fat available to use to process the vitamins, your body doesn't get any of the benefit of the vitamins

    Here's the problem with diet pills in general.....the moment you stop taking them you gain the weight, possibly more, back because you haven't deal with the cause of the weight gain.

    I'm a case in point. I have been obese my entire life. I lost weight in high school because I stopped eating bad foods one by one and had the time to exercise. I maintained the weight loss for awhile because of lifestyle--full time college student, 30 hrs per week at a law firm, 20 hrs per week working at a melodrama theatre where most of my time was spent on my feet. So once I got to my "career" I still didn't have time to exercise, but also had sedentary jobs. Fast forward to 2005 (about 200lbs) and I joined a gym, tried my best to work out 5 + days per week, but didn't deal with diet. Then graduate school got in the way of exercise because I was also working full time + and doing a 2 year program in 15 months. Fast forward to June 2009 (235lbs) and I was ready to start again. As of June 5, 2009 I began working out 5-7 times a week, following the diet here on MFP and today I weighed in today at 181.6 lbs.... slightly past my halfway point of 182.5. If I can do this anyone CAN! I still work full time and oftentimes have to work weekends, but I've still found the time to workout. So I'm pretty sure, based on clothing still in my closet, that I am within 10lbs of my smallest weight ever and have no intention of stopping until I get to my goal weight of 130lbs when I'll switch to maintenance.

    SO my advice would be to focus on proper nutrition and exercise because that is all it takes to achieve long-term weight loss : )
  • I bought it last summer when a friend of mine did. I really regret spending the money. I was on it for maybe 3 weeks, I didn't have any outrageous side effects and I didn't lose anything. I rarely ever go over my fat or calories even without any pills, so all I got out of it was really expensive poop.:grumble:

    I think its mostly a behaviour modifier. If you eat badly, you have bad side-effects, if you eat well, you lose weight and have no side-effects (that are publicly known of at the moment). I can see how it may work for someone who does not pay attention to what they eat, but simply paying attention can bypass the little blue pill.

    I know someone who takes the perscription version. She eats terribly and doesn't exercize, but is dependent on it to go to the bathroom! It is the wackiest thing I have ever seen! I don't know who her doctor is, but I would have to say that he is not very good!:laugh: :noway: :laugh:
  • shells22
    shells22 Posts: 56 Member
    Reading all these posts, oh my! Alli seems like a wonderful way to expel fat from our bodies but what. a. cost!!! No thank you loves! Honestly, if you work at home and doesn't often go out, maybe you should try it. Other than that diet pills basically "boost" your metabolism by upping your heart rate, and it ups it soo much, you can eventually get a hole in that precious heart. My suggestion: please don't try this.

    Work out- it boosts your endorphines, the natural happiness, and makes you look hot! *woot woot*
    Eat right- you feel good knowing that you are taking care of yourself.
    Focus on you- that doesn't make you selfish, I promise.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I am actually on ALli now, but the more I look into I think I am going to finish the bottle I am on and do it on my own. Back in may i was soo desperate for something, i had gotten so big and it just seemed all overwhelming. I bought my 1st bottle, and did good and lost 14lbs the 1st month, then went off. I think why i liked it or thought i liked it was that it did force me to eat right as if i didn't i would get the runs...then i got back on about 2 weeks ago. I am loosing weight, but thinking I would loose this weight (as I had lost weight before just doing low cal stuff in the past. I think i just needed some structure of something, as it had meal planning and calorie tracker along with exercise tracker.. I have found that here on MFP.

    This stuff is expensive so I am going to finish it , but figure the cost of it I could pay for a gym membership. The one thing that I have a problem with is it says you have to eat all your fat grams, mine was 19g a meal, i was struggling with that., it says if you don't get the fat grams the pills don't work that well., in the back of my had i am thinking well why don't i just eat less fat and don't take the pills.
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